Another Jammy64pup

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Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

Since there doesn't seem to be an official Jammy64pup yet, I thought I'd offer the one I've been playing with.

It's a local WoofCE build, with one slight modifcation to 3builddistro which pauses before the final build allowing me to check and modify. Essentlally the same as a

Based on dimkrs's template in WoofCE . Uses overlayfs, debian style symlinks, and kernel 5.15.56-jammy64. MPV for mediaplayer. DeaDBeef for audioplayer, pmusic_CD for CDplayer, pmusic and ffmpeg included as well. Most of the puppy standard apps, osmo-0.2.10-dunfell64 by BarryK which is small with Contacts. Put Palemoon in the adrv as defaultbrowser, easy to change if your using the highly recommended frugal install. I also included peebees "Get Web Browser" in the Internet menu. He does a great job of keeping them up to date. I use portables myself but sometimes they're based on his sfs's.

Anyway, try it. See what you think. gychang likes it so it couldn't be too bad.

OK, New ISO, still beta, but everything seems to work, including PPM.
Fixed Savefile encryption, Xarchiver extracts .debs, Odd lxterminal and rxvt terminal behavior fixed by @Marv.
Added: FrugalPup with a number of Puppy install options, Grub4Dos bootloader config for BIOS computers - has duel boot capabilities, grub2_efi, Take a Shot! - screen capture app, Zarfy Monitor Control - multiple monitors.
New Adds: PupMTP android mounter on Filesystem menu (Thanks @Marv), Encfs Folder Encrypt on Utility menu, Lame mp3 encoder. Updated ubuntu files.

2sec pause in /etc/init.d /connman to make sure previous config files are read and restart built into /usr/bin/connman-gtk to make sure it recognizes available wifi on slow computers (my laptop).

zdrv_cp2deb and zdrv_rst included in ISO to be in frugal install folder. The first will convert any zdrv to debian symlink compatiblity (only use it on 64bit zdrv's please). I've had excellent results with series and kernels and mixed results with series, Bionic64 4.19 worked well. If you get a boot message saying pause for 60 seconds, don't panic, just wait, you might get lucky. zdrv_rst should reverse the process and restore your original kernel but make sure .old file extensions are both gone.

New stable huge-5.15.85-kernel-kit.tar.bz2 by @dimkr which has booted nicely on everything I've tried it on.

md5 5d3fbb0feec59fabd8bde23b1625386c

Devx files:
devx_upup_22.04-jrb-E1.sfs md5sum 77ae7cf9ca302d4d026eeca7a372913c

Samba.sfs: Still in trial stage. But if you use samba please try it and let us know how it does.
jammy64-samba_4.15.13.sfs md5 4e2dc99bda293f74538c11ae39881a2c

Just want to point out that @dimkr did 90%+ of the work on this before I even started. I'm just the finishing carpenter who comes in after the building is up and makes sure everything works and smooths the rough edges.
Everybody likes a picture, right. A few extra cost options, Conky, Pclock-retro. upup-22.04-jrb+.jpg

upup-22.04-jrb+.jpg (35.47 KiB) Viewed 41462 times
Last edited by jrb on Fri Apr 07, 2023 5:56 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

Problems encountered and some fixes

Xournalpp: as pointed out by wlak the petbuild crashes when inserting an image. I got around this by installing the stable build from

needs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/ in or linked in to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
needs to be compiled with DVD support
needs css libs to play DVD's, I used the ones in but they had to be moved to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

needs /usr/lib/deadbeef/ to quit blocking /usr/lib/deadbeef/
doesn't load or autoplay CD's with recommended deadbeef all.cda. Opens "DeaDBeef log" window with CD's as well.

gtk+3 theme problem - fixed already in WoofCE

gcolor3 radically different from any previous puppy

/root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray2 is set to autohide which means its hidden unless mouseover. This is annoying when you want to click on a particular button, confusing for newbies I'm sure.
peebee has a virtually identical /root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray1

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Tray autohide="top" insert="right" layer="above" halign="center" valign="top" height="48" layout="horizontal" >
    <TrayButton popup="File manager" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/home.svg">exec:defaultfilemanager</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Terminal emulator" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/terminal.svg">exec:defaultterminal</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Process Viewer" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/execute.svg">exec:defaultprocessmanager</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultbrowser" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/internet.svg">exec:defaultbrowser</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaulttexteditor" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/edit.svg">exec:defaulttexteditor</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultpaint" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/paint.svg">exec:defaultpaint</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultspreadsheet" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/spreadsheet.svg">exec:defaultspreadsheet</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultwordprocessor" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/write.svg">exec:defaultwordprocessor</TrayButton>
    <Spacer width="25" height="25"/>
    <TrayButton popup="Puppy Setup" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/puppy_config.svg">exec:wizardwizard</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Edit tray" icon="desktop_tray_config.svg">exec:/usr/local/jwm_config/tray</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Puppy Help" icon="dialog-info.svg">exec:/usr/sbin/puppyhelp</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Leave Puppy" icon="quit.svg">exec:/usr/sbin/logout_gui</TrayButton>
    <Spacer width="8" height="8"/>

with "<Include>/root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray1_hybrid</Include>" and a /root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray1_hybrid

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Tray autohide="off"insert="right" layer="below" halign="center" valign="top" height="48" layout="horizontal" >
    <Spacer width="8" height="8"/>
    <TrayButton popup="File manager" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/home.svg">exec:defaultfilemanager</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Terminal emulator" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/terminal.svg">exec:defaultterminal</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Process Viewer" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/execute.svg">exec:defaultprocessmanager</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultbrowser" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/internet.svg">exec:defaultbrowser</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaulttexteditor" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/edit.svg">exec:defaulttexteditor</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultpaint" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/paint.svg">exec:defaultpaint</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultspreadsheet" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/spreadsheet.svg">exec:defaultspreadsheet</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="defaultwordprocessor" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/write.svg">exec:defaultwordprocessor</TrayButton>
    <Spacer width="25" height="25"/>
    <TrayButton popup="Puppy Setup" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/puppy_config.svg">exec:wizardwizard</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Edit tray" icon="desktop_tray_config.svg">exec:/usr/local/jwm_config/tray</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Puppy Help" icon="dialog-info.svg">exec:/usr/sbin/puppyhelp</TrayButton>
    <TrayButton popup="Leave Puppy" icon="quit.svg">exec:/usr/sbin/logout_gui</TrayButton>
    <Spacer width="8" height="8"/>

which is the same except for 'autohide="off"' and no "<Include>/root/.jwm/jwmrc-tray1_hybrid</Include>". This hides the tray under app windows but still accessible by mouseover and leaves it visible on a clear desktop.

I haven't figured out how to get a desktop without icons. PuppyPin:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<backdrop style="Stretched">/usr/share/backgrounds/default.svg</backdrop>

without "cheating"

Last edited by jrb on Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:28 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by gychang »

@jrb on my PC, this pup iso remembers soundcard setting on reboot, unlike some other recent pups. However, volume/speaker icon on the taskbar is not correct... Very good otherwise. :thumbup2:


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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by Marv »

Frugal install to an i5 based all intel laptop. Nice balance of apps -main sfs vs ydrv- relatively small main SFS, and so far trouble free. I run without the fdrv and ydrv and have only added pcmanfm and parcellite (a bit lighter than clipit IMO) from the jammy repo and set up my panels, symlinks and shortcuts to my data partition/portables. The current Brave, Slimjet, and un-googled portables are all fine as is. Sylpheed needed and, grabbed them from F96-CE and that portable is good to go too. Connman superfast and trouble free for me as usual, I have a small savefile that I'll probably roll into a ydrv in a bit but I'm still fiddling. If I were to use it long-run, I'd probably move Abiword to the unused ydrv, just a personal pref. Video driver is running as modesetting, not Intel driver on this hardware so glxgears is coming in around 6500 FPS, not the 10k I'd been seeing in FP96-CE where the intel driver is used. Haven't chased that at all yet, nor tried any multimedia stuff.

Posting from Brave in it now.

This is the jammy that has come closest to FP96 in being ready to use for me.

Congratulations and thanks :!:

My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv & synaptics touchpad drivers, both using savefiles. Ydrv based NoblePup64 (JWM & LXDE), Bookworm64 & Fossapup64-mid/mini (LXDE/PCManFM). No savefiles, no fdrvs there. :thumbup:

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by dimkr »

Some things have changed in jammy64 since the time this ISO was built with woof-CE. Transmission is updated, CUPS is preinstalled and the much lighter epdfview replaces Evince, among other changes.

By the way, for some reason GTK+ themes seem to be messed up in this ISO and I wonder why.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »


However, volume/speaker icon on the taskbar is not correct


for some reason GTK+ themes seem to be messed up in this ISO and I wonder why.

Same problem, fix found: /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini is set to an uninstalled font. Fixed in next release.

dimkr, glad to hear you're doing more work on your vanillaupup, personally I'm not a ubuntu fan and have been using a modified version of your dpup-9.0 for a while. But ubuntu seems to be the majority preference and I just didn't see much happening with it. I'll have a look at your latest mods and try to incorporate them. :thumbup:


Video driver is running as modesetting, not Intel driver on this hardware so glxgears is coming in around 6500 FPS, not the 10k

I hadn't even checked on my i7 desktop but yes it too is using modesetting. I "Exited to Prompt" and typed in "xorgwizard" and was able to set video driver to "intel". No problems, although I haven't compared glxgears performance yet (just got up).

I'm not an abiword fan either but I haven't found a lightweight replacement I like and I feel a Puppy for public consumption needs some kind of word processor. Freeoffice, SMoffice are my choices but are not freeware.

Anyway, updates coming soon. @gychang, if you're still using that iso I posted over on the vanillaupup thread you might want to grab the one on the first post here, its a little different and I'm planning on releasing updates as .delta files. With explanation of course.

Cheers, J

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by gychang »

speaker icon problem with the latest iso. I installed pasystray but no change in the speaker/volume icon.

volume.png (14.22 KiB) Viewed 41991 times


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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

gychang wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:16 pm

speaker icon problem with the latest iso.

I'm attaching a quick fix, don't be surprised. It will restart the windowmanager (black screen) which will close all programs. Should have icons when display comes back.

I'm doing a bit of wrestling with dimkr's updated WoofCE jammy. Its set back my update schedule a bit, but it has some nice improvements.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by Clarity »

jrb wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:32 pm

... planning on releasing updates as .delta files. ...

A NEW ISO would be a better solution.

Thanks for your sharing your work.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by gychang »

jrb wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:55 pm
gychang wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2023 8:16 pm

speaker icon problem with the latest iso.

I'm attaching a quick fix, don't be surprised. It will restart the windowmanager (black screen) which will close all programs. Should have icons when display comes back.

I'm doing a bit of wrestling with dimkr's updated WoofCE jammy. Its set back my update schedule a bit, but it has some nice improvements.

pet file works perfectly, appreciate all your efforts. :thumbup:


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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by Marv »

Continuing to fiddle and use this pup. The pet fixes the icons, I had used the following gtk-3.0 settings to do that earlier, I like both the flat-gray-rounded and the polished-blue themes @dimkr made available:

gtk-theme-name = Flat-grey-rounded
gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = 0
gtk-cursor-theme-size = 0
gtk-button-images = 1
gtk-menu-images = 1
gtk-toolbar-style = GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH
gtk-toolbar-icon-size = GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR
gtk-overlay-scrolling = 0
gtk-enable-animations = 0
gtk-enable-event-sounds = 1
gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds = 1
gtk-xft-antialias = 1
gtk-xft-hinting = 1
gtk-xft-hintstyle = hintslight
gtk-xft-rgba = rgb
gtk-font-name = Sans 10
gtk-icon-theme-name = Puppy Standard

CDs play OK with aplayer as the default. As far as DVDs go, this version of mpv is pretty unreliable but there is a newer version that is in FP96-CE_1 and works well. It should show up in the next woof CE build I'd think.

I'll stick with pretty darn good. Posting from Brave portable in it now.

Forgot. I added a Desktop directory to /root. It holds my shortcuts to open various locations in pcmanfm, a suspend shortcut, and a little utility to handle the trash in the mounted non-removable drives. Drag them to the main window and the JWM pinboard is updated and we're all on the same page.

My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv & synaptics touchpad drivers, both using savefiles. Ydrv based NoblePup64 (JWM & LXDE), Bookworm64 & Fossapup64-mid/mini (LXDE/PCManFM). No savefiles, no fdrvs there. :thumbup:

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Update in post 2

Post by jrb »

I just uploaded the first Update. The link is in post2 on page1.

I'm going slow on these changes. If I do too many things (I) tend to mess up. So be patient.

@Marv - latest MPV in the update. BTW: thanks for the reports. Did you get the intel driver working?
@gychang - Thanks for your reports too.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by Marv »

I was able to switch to the intel driver using xorgwizard and confirm the switch. Some bump in glxgears FPS. I can't compare directly to other pups/kernels as yet as I haven't yet set the intel_pstate governor to my standard schedutil but multimedia is fine on this 2nd gen I-5 hardware with either so it's a bit of a mute point. I have also run this pup with @peebees 6.1.10 kernel just to check and haven't noted any issues with that combination.

I'll have a go with the updated iso, check mpv, themes, icons... Could be a little bit...


My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv & synaptics touchpad drivers, both using savefiles. Ydrv based NoblePup64 (JWM & LXDE), Bookworm64 & Fossapup64-mid/mini (LXDE/PCManFM). No savefiles, no fdrvs there. :thumbup:

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by peebee »

I think the web browser application should be in an adrv and the ydrv kept in reserve for system patches......

I have run with the ydrv renamed to adrv and all seems fine.....

Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by Marv »

^ I also like to see the starter browser in an adrv. Don't use it so it doesn't interfere with my ydrvs however.

A brief run with the delta generated updated iso:

Icon fix seems fine. aplayer plays CDs OK, no change there. Program additions noted, good.

I'm running the Polished-Gray theme both gtk2 and gtk3.

mpv will not play DVDs. Will start from the menu, no missing libraries that I can see, but either dragging a DVD into it or clicking play on the disk dialog box halts it immediately. The conf files seem ok, copying them into /root/.config/mpv -should be redundant- gives no change. My DVD is at /dev/sr0. Haven't looked further yet.

Update: Haven't looked at mpv any further. I found another bug. Tried to use gcolor2. Completely different window than the identical script in all my other pups. No color wheel or ability to snatch a color from anywhere on the screen. Try it. It is a function of the version of YAD onboard:
The YAD in upup is dated 2/17/23 for last modifications and fails.
Substituting YAD from FP96-CE_1, last modifications 11/10/22, gcolor2 works correctly.
reverted to the YAD in upup A1, dated 2/15/2023 and that fails also.

Identical version numbers for all in /var/packages/woof installed

Error messages when running with the on-board YAD are the same as with the FP96 one that works:

/usr/bin/gcolor2: line 52: /tmp/yadcol_lastused.txt: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/gcolor2: line 52: /tmp/yadcol_geometry.txt: No such file or directory:

My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv & synaptics touchpad drivers, both using savefiles. Ydrv based NoblePup64 (JWM & LXDE), Bookworm64 & Fossapup64-mid/mini (LXDE/PCManFM). No savefiles, no fdrvs there. :thumbup:

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

peebee wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:58 pm

I think the web browser application should be in an adrv and the ydrv kept in reserve for system patches......

I have run with the ydrv renamed to adrv and all seems fine.....

I can do that. Confession time, I put the browser in the ydrv because I have a generic adrv with config files and some of my favourite small apps, some of which don't autostart in the ydrv. However, its easy enough to rename these in my frugal installs, I even have scripts to do it.

I hope you don't mind that I'm using your kernel and Get_Web_Browser, great work that. Have also been using S15Pup64 as a template of what to include, plus the fact I'm running WoofCE in it. Seems to handle the petbuilds better than anything else I've tried.

Cheers, and thanks, J

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

Marv wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:26 pm

mpv will not play DVDs.

Have determined that the mpv-0.35.1 petbuild was compiled without DVD capabilty and with my compiling skills I hesitate to start on that (occasionally I get lucky but not often). I have however managed to get the Jammy stock mpv_0.34.1 playing DVD's so I will revert to that in the next update, stay tuned. Quite the adventure, had to find a 64bit computer with working DVD player and then find a DVD and clean the dust off.

Marv wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:26 pm

Update: Haven't looked at mpv any further. I found another bug. Tried to use gcolor2. Completely different window than the identical script in all my other pups. No color wheel or ability to snatch a color from anywhere on the screen. Try it. It is a function of the version of YAD onboard:
The YAD in upup is dated 2/17/23 for last modifications and fails.
Substituting YAD from FP96-CE_1, last modifications 11/10/22, gcolor2 works correctly.
reverted to the YAD in upup A1, dated 2/15/2023 and that fails also.

Identical version numbers for all in /var/packages/woof installed

Error messages when running with the on-board YAD are the same as with the FP96 one that works:

/usr/bin/gcolor2: line 52: /tmp/yadcol_lastused.txt: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/gcolor2: line 52: /tmp/yadcol_geometry.txt: No such file or directory:

Will have a look at this after I get the mpv situation sorted.

Cheers and thanks for the thorough report, J

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

Marv wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:26 pm

Tried to use gcolor2. Completely different window than the identical script in all my other pups.

Try installing and see if functions normally.

Good Night, J

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by wiak »

Hadn't read the thread so didn't notice the icons fix pet at first, but that worked fine.

I just tried this pup quickly to see if you had fixed the Xournalpp bug in Vanilla Upup that reduces the usefulness of the program. On my computer at least, with both this pup and its close cousin Vanilla Upup, Xournalpp notebook simply crashes completely as soon as I try to load an image. It is fine it doesn't have tex support, since not required by most people, and doesn't cause any serious issues, but not being able to embed images into notes is a serious limitation. I have the same program running in KLA, also without tex support to keep install size down, but on KLA the image loading works fine without any crash. I expect some needed dependency is not being included for Upup by woof-CE - maybe lib-related, but I don't know. On googling the issue I came across some similar bug reports but that seemed to be for older xournal app versions and fixed for later compiles.

One other, but this time a very minor issue is that the drive icons are too squashed together, on my system at least, so the partition names overlap each other per my attached screenshot of that effect.

I see you are not using DeadBeef in this variant (diidn't seem to work when I tried it in Vanilla Upup) so overall your release seems much better than Vanilla Upup, though you might have an ongoing problem keeping it up with the changes put into woof-CE on a regular basis (including hopefully a fix for that bad xournalpp bug). Best try to make a usable Upup I've seen thus far though, which is great progress since still at alpha or early beta stage I realise.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

wiak wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:02 am

I just tried this pup quickly to see if you had fixed the Xournalpp bug in Vanilla Upup that reduces the usefulness of the program. On my computer at least, with both this pup and its close cousin Vanilla Upup, Xournalpp notebook simply crashes completely as soon as I try to load an image.

One other, but this time a very minor issue is that the drive icons are too squashed together, on my system at least, so the partition names overlap each other per my attached screenshot of that effect.

I see you are not using DeadBeef in this variant (diidn't seem to work when I tried it in Vanilla Upup)

Xournalpp - not something I would have noticed, thanks. Both stable and nightly builds from do not have this problem, not sure about anything else. Will use the stable in my next update, unless another problem reported.

The drive icon spacing is the stock WoofCE configuration. I usually switch mine to "Placement: left" in Puppy Event Manager. I think that will fix your overlap problem, although you might have to change the "Edge gap" as well.

DeadBeef is currently incompatible with pipewire. There is an early stages PipeWire output plugin for DeaDBeeF but neither I nor @Jasper have been able to compile it. Got me to look at Alsaplayer which I hadn't used before and quite like.

As for keeping up with WoofCE changes, depends on how long I want to keep doing updates I guess. :roll:

Thanks for your help, J

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by dimkr » should fix audio CD and DVD support in mpv. should replace the gtkdialog-based gcolor2 clone with a native GTK+ 3 replacement with extra features.

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:37 pm

DeadBeef is currently incompatible with pipewire.

AFAIK it's compatible with PulseAudio (via the built-in plugin) and jammy64 has pipewire-pulse, making all PulseAudio compatible applications "just work". Are you sure deabeef doesn't work?

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

dimkr wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:20 pm should fix audio CD and DVD support in mpv. should replace the gtkdialog-based gcolor2 clone with a native GTK+ 3 replacement with extra features.

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 1:37 pm

DeadBeef is currently incompatible with pipewire.

AFAIK it's compatible with PulseAudio (via the built-in plugin) and jammy64 has pipewire-pulse, making all PulseAudio compatible applications "just work". Are you sure deabeef doesn't work?

Thanks for the updates. Are they in local WoofCE yet?

Deadbeef compiles nicely, looks good. I just haven't got it to play anything and googling has found other people with the pipewire problem. Sorry I didn't bookmark those references.

Cheers, j

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by dimkr »

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:44 pm

I just haven't got it to play anything

I think your woof-CE build is partially broken - GTK+ 3 themes are missing, among other things.

If deadbeef works fine in the latest bi-weekly jammy64 build ( ... 4189614407), it's probably some build failure in your build. I've double-checked the logs and yes: deadbeef is built with the pulse plugin, and pipewire-pulse works fine.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

dimkr wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:09 pm
jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:44 pm

I just haven't got it to play anything

I think your woof-CE build is partially broken - GTK+ 3 themes are missing, among other things.

If deadbeef works fine in the latest bi-weekly jammy64 build ( ... 4189614407), it's probably some build failure in your build. I've double-checked the logs and yes: deadbeef is built with the pulse plugin, and pipewire-pulse works fine.

Did you update with in post 2? GTK+3 themes are fixed in that.

I should mention that I tried some other deadbeef builds including a static by Oscartalks that has worked in all the other puppies I have tried it with. Have you got it to work in vanillaupup-22.04.61?
Edit: Have to confess I didn't try it in woof-CE-testing-23-02-15 which I am using now. Will give it another shot.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by dimkr »

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:19 pm

Did you update with in post 2? GTK+3 themes are fixed in that.

I probably missed the second post and downloaded the same ISO twice :)

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:19 pm

Have you got it to work in vanillaupup-22.04.61?

That was before I added the deadbeef petbuild to woof-CE, so no. I haven't tried.

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:19 pm
dimkr wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:09 pm
jrb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:44 pm

I just haven't got it to play anything

I think your woof-CE build is partially broken - GTK+ 3 themes are missing, among other things.

If deadbeef works fine in the latest bi-weekly jammy64 build ( ... 4189614407), it's probably some build failure in your build. I've double-checked the logs and yes: deadbeef is built with the pulse plugin, and pipewire-pulse works fine.

Did you update with in post 2? GTK+3 themes are fixed in that.

I should mention that I tried some other deadbeef builds including a static by Oscartalks that has worked in all the other puppies I have tried it with. Have you got it to work in vanillaupup-22.04.61?
Edit: Have to confess I didn't try it in woof-CE-testing-23-02-15 which I am using now. Will give it another shot.

Just did another build, left out any of my zz_fixup mods so its just strait WoofCE. Deadbeef still doesn't play or even start playing. Heres the output:

Code: Select all

root@puppypc15830:/initrd/mnt/dev_save/0_Config/examples/audio$ deadbeef ./z.mp3
starting deadbeef 1.8.8
searching for GUI plugins in /root/.local/lib64/deadbeef
searching for GUI plugins in /root/.local/lib/deadbeef
searching for GUI plugins in /usr/lib/deadbeef
load_plugin_dir /usr/lib/deadbeef: scandir found 22 files
found gui plugin
added GTK3 gui plugin
load gui plugin
checking GUI plugin: GTK3
selected GUI plugin not found or failed to load, trying to find another GUI plugin
the plugin not found or failed to load
the plugin not found or failed to load
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugins from /root/.local/lib64/deadbeef
loading plugins from /root/.local/lib/deadbeef
loading plugins from /usr/lib/deadbeef
load_plugin_dir /usr/lib/deadbeef: scandir found 22 files
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
starting plugin GTK3 user interface
starting plugin ALAC player
starting plugin ALSA output plugin
starting plugin Audio CD player
starting plugin dts decoder
starting plugin Mono to stereo
starting plugin Shorten player
starting plugin FLAC decoder
starting plugin Hotkey manager
starting plugin M3U and PLS support
starting plugin MP3 player
starting plugin MusePack decoder
starting plugin Playlist browser GTK3
starting plugin PulseAudio output plugin
starting plugin ReplayGain Scanner
starting plugin SID player
starting plugin WAV/PCM player
starting plugin SuperEQ
starting plugin Ogg Vorbis decoder
starting plugin WMA player
starting plugin stdio vfs
selected output plugin: ALSA output plugin
INFO: from file /root/.config/deadbeef/playlists/0.dbpl
gtkui plugin compiled for gtk version: 3.24.33
connecting button tray signals
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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by dimkr »

Maybe try to disable the alsa plugin and force it to use pulse?

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

dimkr wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:28 pm

Maybe try to disable the alsa plugin and force it to use pulse?

Good Call!! That did it. Renamed /usr/lib/deadbeef/ to /usr/lib/deadbeef/ and it plays. :thumbup:

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by mastofa276 »

Hello, I am just puppylinux user, and I tried this puppy version on my intel baytrail tablet, and it works well but where I can download devx and kernel source sfs files?,
and thanks you for creating this puppy version, its great :thumbup: :thumbup2:

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Re: Another Jammy64pup

Post by jrb »

mastofa276 wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:57 pm

Hello, I am just puppylinux user, and I tried this puppy version on my intel baytrail tablet, and it works well but where I can download devx and kernel source sfs files?,
and thanks you for creating this puppy version, its great :thumbup: :thumbup2:

Glad you like it. Haven't posted devx yet, its still early days in development. Day 3 to be exact. Lots more updates to come. Can post devx if you want but I have to leave in 15 minutes so it will have to wait until this afternoon. The Kernel is from @peebee and I'll track down a link when I get back.

Did you update the ISO as mentioned in post2?

Cheers, J

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