Containerized apps fail to launch when using VESA graphics?

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Containerized apps fail to launch when using VESA graphics?

Post by ArrayBolt3 »

OK, so earlier I made a post on how to run EasyOS in QEMU. It works, but oddly enough all of the containerized apps aren't working. Attempting to launch "www" or "term" fails silently - I see that my click is registered, but no window pops up, not even after a long time of waiting. Clicking on "dunfell" makes the screen go black for a bit, but I am then dropped to a normal desktop rather than a containerized one.

After some experimentation, I believe this is the result of using the VESA graphics driver with X. EasyOS doesn't appear to come with a working accelerated graphics driver for any of QEMU's emulated graphics hardware - there is an Xorg driver for Cirrus VGA that is silently ignored for some reason when using Cirrus graphics, and there is a KMS driver for virtio-vga that I cannot get to work with the X modesetting driver (I keep getting an error "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for GPU driver 0 -1" when testing X with xorgwizard). The only way I've found to get to a desktop is to use the VESA driver with a compatible emulated graphics card - this gets me to a working desktop in QEMU.

The reason I think that the VESA driver is what's making the containers fail is because containerized apps work just fine on a Chromebook with Intel graphics if I use the default i915 driver, but they fail to launch if I force the use of the VESA driver.

So, two questions.

1. Is there a way to get containerized apps to work with the VESA graphics driver?
2. Would it be possible for a QEMU-compatible graphics driver (preferably the qxl driver) to be added to a future release of EasyOS?

BTW, this thing is working great on my Chromebook and I am really enjoying using it. Thank you guys!

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Re: Containerized apps fail to launch when using VESA graphics?

Post by BarryK »

That question is a hard one, will need a lot of investigation.

Great that Easy is running on a Chromebook!

I often think that I will buy a Chromebook one day, so as to explore running Easy on it, maybe in that Crostini infrastructure.

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Dell Chromebook 11 with Braswell board

Post by don570 »

BarryK wrote:

I often think that I will buy a Chromebook one day,

There already is version of Linux called Gallium OS that runs well on old Chromebooks.

I should warn you that old Dell Chromebooks that use the Braswell board, example --> ... 860.0.html
(Hardware codename KEFKA) have difficulty getting audio chip to function.
I have that model and I was able to get fatdog64 to work on it except the sound. :roll:
Gallium OS works well on Dell including the sound chip. It is a fork of Ubuntu Mint.

Another common old model is Acer Chromebook 11 (C740)[Hardware codename PAINE]
It has 2014 Intel Broadwell board. There is no problem with sound chip.


EDIT: I came across this interesting page on the sound chip of the Braswell board

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Re: Containerized apps fail to launch when using VESA graphics?

Post by ArrayBolt3 »

BarryK wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:41 am

Great that Easy is running on a Chromebook!

I often think that I will buy a Chromebook one day, so as to explore running Easy on it, maybe in that Crostini infrastructure.

Old, expired Chromebooks should work pretty well - there's a guy who makes custom firmware for them that lets you use them as EFI-based PCs. He has a whole list of supported systems. I'm currently using a Dell Chromebook 3120 (which sadly doesn't have sound, but that's due to a notoriously difficult-to-support sound chip, and even then I might be able to get it to work if I found the right firmware files). Runs Easy like a charm, both from USB and from the internal eMMC. Got it for ~$60 off eBay.

Not sure how Crostini would work with it (I only have Google's default Debian VM running in Crostini on an ARM-based Chromebook), but it would definitely be cool if it could run like that.

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Re: Containerized apps fail to launch when using VESA graphics?

Post by don570 »

Looking at list of computers...

Dell 3120 is listed as well supported in Gallium.
You should be able to get audio to work in puppy linux too.
Some people have reported success by copying sound files from Gallium to Puppy linux???
asound.rc seems to be the key.

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Dell Chromebook 11 (3120)	CANDY	2015	Intel Bay Trail
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