Hello, e-group!
I am trying to install whatsapp-for-linux by Enes Hecan on my XenialPup64 LiveCD. This is a snap app package, and supposedly it works better on Ubuntu Xenial or newer distros (and conceivably on Puppy Xenial or newer distros as well), even though I am mainly a TahrPup64 LiveCD user. So, following instructions, I installed the snapd package via PPM, everything went well, and the installation showed no dependencies. Following that, I saved back to LiveCD, and booted into desktop again as some people said that rebooting was helpful. Then, I tried to install whatsapp-for-linux given the advice given by the author here:
However, I get an error to the effect that there is no communication with the server. Please see the JPEG file I am including here.
What can I do, then? Do you have experience with the installation of snap app packages? What am I doing wrong? Please let me know.
Carlos Albert
Disco Makberto