@wizard :-
I dunno so much, mate. I find current Firefox to be even heavier on RAM usage than Chrome.....which IS saying something..!!
@chilibowl :-
You could, indeed, install a 64-bit Puppy.....but don't expect sparkling performance. The 64-bit P4s and Celerons are OLD; these were implementations of the 64-bit architecture from the very early days, nearly 20 years ago. They don't have the instruction sets that modern CPUs do, and a lot of modern functionality we now take for granted simply didn't exist when these came off the production line.
Yes, they WILL run a 64-bit Puppy.....but with limitations, and some reservations.
(BTW:- That build of Tahrpup was one of the very early beta development releases PhilB put out. That, too, is rather limited in scope, and would never run a modern browser without being more or less re-built into the final 6.0.5/6.0.6 releases.)
Just my two-penn'orth.....FWIW.