This is a rebuild of peebee's 64bit-compat-s15pup32-22.12.sfs, ... 284#p78284. As with peebee's build in order to use it you will have to swap a 32-bit kernel (vmlinuz and companion zdrv.sfs and fdrv.sfs if the zdrv.sfs does not include firmware required by your computer) with a 64-bit kernel.
After such swap, sfs-load 64bit-Compat.sfs. Neither a SaveFile nor a reboot are required but Menu>Exit>Restart-x might be.
You can obtain it here, ... bility-SFS
Applications using the 64bit-Compat.sfs have not been extensively tested. But it has been extensively tested under different Puppys, I believe with a sufficient sampling to suggest that it may be universally used with any 32-bit Puppys. Under each of the following Puppys I was able to open 64bit lazpaint and 64-bit Brave-portable and engage in simple operations:
tahrpup32, xenialpup32, S15Pup32, Jammy32, VanillaDpup32 and Voidpup32.
In testing I used the 64bit kernel, version 6.0.12-FP, from F-96. But I have no reason to doubt that any recent 64bit kernel can be used. That may not be true of older 64-bit kernels.
The possible difference is explained in the following post which explains how and why this SFS was rebuilt. If you are consider building or creating pets or SFSes that post may prove useful.
Don't hesitate to post your experience, good or bad.