KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Kennel Linux Void-based

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KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by rockedge »

Kennel Linux Void Airedale Release Candidate 6 755 MiB download size

Routine system update/upgrade. And wallpapers from @Sofiya are included, replacing some of the stock xfce4 backgrounds.

@wiak has done work improving the boot system menus and further improvement to the initrd.gz boot mechanisms :

The iso config file boot/grub/menu.lst is used to boot from cdrom using that internal to iso provided menu.lst (i.e. he currently uses grub4dos for that purpose).
The iso config file boot/grub/loopback.cfg is used (per usual) to provide the boot menu for SG2D
The iso config file boot/grub/grub.cfg is used by Ventoy (but included no Ventoy-compatible entries until my alterations below)

I have made some modifications to all of the above (though have left previous entries in place for later experimentation and possible modification or deletion).
In particular I have provided the ability when booting via SG2D or Ventoy of using the FR modes:

a. RAM0 for session changes in RAM only (i.e. no save persistence)
b. RAM2 save on demand mode back to upper_changes folder (or ucimg savefile) in same directory iso is stored (or in subdirectory if symlink manually made to iso).
c. RAM2 save on demand mode back to upper_changes folder in, Clarity suggested, partition with LABEL 'Persistence' and directory 'Sessions'
d. Direct save (not in RAM) back to upper_changes folder (or ucimg savefile) in same directory iso is stored (or in subdirectory if symlink manually made to iso).
e. Direct save (not in RAM) back to upper_changes folder in, Clarity suggested, partition with LABEL 'Persistence' and directory 'Sessions'

No editing of the presented SG2D or Ventoy boot menus will be required to achieve these most useful FR initrd modes. User just needs to put the KLV iso in BOOTISOS (or wherever it is put usually) and boot...

starting of the pulseaudio system for any user that is logged in has been fixed and improved. Thanks wiak, Sofiya and fredx181 for the exact steps.

Upgraded to a new version of @fredx181 's save2flash, and set LANG=en_US.UTF-8 in /etc/environment as default localization.

Thanks to @Sofiya for the poorercputemp and Display Control packages that also have been added to desktop.

  • Grub4Dos is now included in the System menu. Making KLV-Airedale capable of setting up a boot-able device using GParted and Grub4Dos.

  • CUPS starting as a service has been added and is working thanks to @rcrsn51 spotting missing components!

This is constructed from KLV-Airedale-beta27->rc1->rc2->rc3->rc4->rc4.1 and is equipped with a Void Linux kernel version 6.0.12_1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC constructed with @wiak 's scripts that will extract the Void Linux kernel for KLV. Also has had a system wide upgrade. Uses an initrd.gz based on the FirstRib skeleton initrd.gz constructed by the kernel/module creation script. Firmware SFS is from a woof-CE kernel-kit built huge 6.0.0-1 kernel.

KLV-Airedale-rc5 is just as at home on FAT32, NTFS prtitions as it is running from ext2/3/4 formatted partitions.

Also included is wiak's generate a set of boot stanzas script. fredx181's mksplash has a menu entry and the remaster script is installed.

With the addition of a xfce4 desktop tiling configuration. A tip from wiak for configuring Tiling windows done with the Super (Windows) key and an up, down, left, right, home, pgup, pgdown or end key.

gxmessage in the default rootfs.

save2flash has been expanded to handle persistence on FAT32 and NTFS partitions.
The mksplash GUI utility to create splash notification banners.

The latest initrd.gz brings vFat and NTFS formatted partition support to KLV, allowing persistence on NTFS/vFat systems as well as the usual /ext2/ext3/ext4/swap support.

  • included htop, Grub4Dos, CUPS

  • created a symlink /root/spot with the target /home/spot

  • Auto login cleaned up.

  • includes also the logout logic provided by fredx181 gives true mulit-user support.

  • replaced loop.cfg to the most recent modifications.

  • Debian kernel 6.0.0-3-KLV SMP PREEMPT DYNAMIC is used.

  • added gtkhash

Plus the other important improvements contributed by the KLV team.

Added @fredx181's save2flash utility that can be used when KLV is started in RAM2 mode to perform session saves on demand for persistence.
This is similar to PUPMODE13 in Puppy Linux.

fredx181's swap partition enable script includes the latest revisions and also added are the packages

  • mime-add-1.0_0.noarch.xbps

  • edit-sfs-1.0_0.noarch.xbps

KLV-Airedale-beta25 is able to load squash SFS packages on the fly or during the boot sequence.
Squash files and ISO images can be opened from the file manager and the read the contents.

  • can run with rootfs, 01fimware and 00module SFS files as uncompressed directories.

  • Also able to load compressed and/or decompressed directories,
    once a 2 digit prefix is added to the file name.

  • It is possible to mix using compressed squash files and uncompressed directories.

Also can be downloaded from https://rockedge.org/kernels in ISO->Kennel_Linux->Airedale

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

@Clarity it would be good if you could test this is pure Ventoy (not needing SG2D though that should work too, but need Ventoy booting confirmed as working. Should now now only boot into RAM0 mode, but should be able to put the iso either in Ventoy / directory or /BOOTISOS and can choose from menu options to have full save on demand to savefolder that will be automatically made if you have a partition with LABEL "Persistence" (which can be on usb stick partition if you wish or hard drive partition) and in a folder called "Sessions".

Alternatively you can choose the boot menu option to allow RAM2 save on demand into Ventoy / directory.

You should also be able to instead use direct saves to either of these savefolder locations. Probably even to .ucimg savefile on the likes of ntfs or fat32 though that is not priority and I haven't tested that at all.

i.e. test required is simply to download the iso and put onto your Ventoy boot partition in folder BOOTISOS and then boot the result and choose the save persistence mode you want to use. User doesn't need to edit anything - should just work all going well (does in my own tests).

Note that with save on demand (RAM2) modes you can do save on demand at any time just by opening a terminal and entering command:

Code: Select all


I don't know if KLV includes any gui button or Applications start button driver of save2flash program. Easily arranged though (I have one in KLA Arch based distro, which reminds me that I'll have to rebuild that to get the new initrd Ventoy-compatible functionality).

Alternatively, when shutting down you will be asked if you want to save your session work.

EDIT: Hold off Clarity; teething troubles... I just downloaded the new iso and it didn't work trying to boot it with Ventoy on my pristine attempt. I will look into that and report back to rockedge once I know the issue.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Sorry rockedge, you will need to rebuild it for Ventoy to work. This time it was my fault. The initrd.gz is fine now, but the latest grub.conf, menu.lst and loopback.cfg files I sent you refer to KLV-Airedale-rc5.iso, when of course that needs changed now to KLV-Airedale-rc6.iso

Sorry about that! The reason Ventoy not working is that it absolutely needs the correct iso name provided in that boot/grub/grub.cfg file.

I think the earlier ones I uploaded to the KLV-todo thread were correctly set to KLV-Airedale-rc6, it was when I resent them all in a tar that I forgot to change the iso name again.


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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Sofiya »

This is what I'm missing - my favorite image gluer
it turned out to run - though using " gtk2dialog "
I don't know how to rewrite the script on gtk3
Do you have any ideas for this ?

Code: Select all


export TEXTDOMAIN=peasyglue


if [ -f $HOME/.peasyglue ]; then
  TMP=$(cat $HOME/.peasyglue)
  if [ ! -d "$TMP" ]; then
    Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Temporary folder not found!')" 0 0
    Xdialog --title " " --infobox "$(gettext 'Using temporary folder') $TMP" 0 0 2000

export GLUEDIR=$TMP"/gluetmp"

  [ ! -f $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm ] && exit
  OUT=$(pamfile $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm | tr "\t" " ")
  WIDTH=$(echo $OUT | cut -d " " -f 4)
  HEIGHT=$(echo $OUT | cut -d " " -f 6)
  CALC=$(echo "110*$WIDTH-85*$HEIGHT" | bc)
  if [ "$CALC" -lt 0 ]; then
    Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'To fit on Letter paper, scale the height.')" 0 0
    Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'To fit on Letter paper, scale the width.')" 0 0

  [ -z "$GRIDSIZE" ] && GRIDSIZE="1x1"

  [ "$SPACING" = "true" ] && LIST=$SPACERFILE
  for ((I=1; I<=$HSIZE; I++)); do
    LIST=$LIST" "$GLUEDIR/1.pnm
    [ "$SPACING" = "true" ] && LIST=$LIST" "$SPACERFILE
  pnmcat -lr -jtop -white $LIST > $GLUEDIR/gluerow.pnm

  [ "$SPACING" = "true" ] && LIST=$SPACERFILE
  for ((I=1; I<=$VSIZE; I++)); do
    LIST=$LIST" "$GLUEDIR/gluerow.pnm
    [ "$SPACING" = "true" ] && LIST=$LIST" "$SPACERFILE
  pnmcat -tb -jleft -white $LIST > $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm


 if [ "$HORIZ" = "true" ]; then
  [ "$TOP" = "true" ] && ALIGN="-jtop"
  [ "$BOTTOM" = "true" ] && ALIGN="-jbottom"
 elif [ "$VERT" = "true" ]; then
  [ "$LEFT" = "true" ] && ALIGN="-jleft"
  [ "$RIGHT" = "true" ] && ALIGN="-jright"

 if [ "$SPACING" = "true" ]; then
  [ -n "$PIC3" ] && cp $SPACERFILE $GLUEDIR/2s.pnm

 LIST=$(find $GLUEDIR -not -type d | sort)
 pnmcat $ORIENT $ALIGN -white $LIST > $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm
export -f DOGLUE

GLUE () {

if [ -z "$PIC1" -a -z "$PIC2" -a -z "$PIC3" ]; then
  Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'No files selected!')" 0 0

if [ -z "$SAVEFILENAME" ]; then
  Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'No Save file selected!')" 0 0

if [ -e "$SAVEFILENAME" ]; then
  Xdialog --title " " --yesno "$(gettext 'Save file exists! Overwrite it?')" 0 0
  [ $? -eq 1 ] && exit

touch "$SAVEFILENAME" 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
  Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Invalid Save filename!')" 0 0

Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Gluing ...')" 0 0 &

export SPACING=true
case "$SPACINGSIZE" in 
  $(gettext 'Narrow') ) export SPACERFILE="/usr/local/peasyglue/spacer8.pnm" ;;
  $(gettext 'Medium') ) export SPACERFILE="/usr/local/peasyglue/spacer16.pnm" ;;
  $(gettext 'Wide') )   export SPACERFILE="/usr/local/peasyglue/spacer32.pnm" ;;
  *) export SPACING=false ;;

rm -rf $GLUEDIR
mkdir $GLUEDIR

for FC in 1 2 3; do
	eval F=\$PIC$FC
	[ -z "$F" ] && continue
  TYPE=$(file "$F" | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}')
  case $TYPE in
    jpegtopnm "$F" > $GLUEDIR/$FN 
    pngtopnm "$F" > $GLUEDIR/$FN  
    tifftopnm "$F" > $GLUEDIR/$FN 
    pdftoppm -singlefile "$F" $GLUEDIR/out 2> /dev/null
    mv $GLUEDIR/out.ppm $GLUEDIR/$FN
		cp "$F" $GLUEDIR/$FN
     Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Not a valid file!')" 0 0

case "$1" in
  glue) DOGLUE;;
  pattern) MAKEPATTERN

if [ "$JPG" = "true" ]; then
   pnmtojpeg $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm > $SAVEFILENAME
elif [ "$PNG" = "true" ]; then
   pnmtopng $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm > $SAVEFILENAME


kill $MSGPID
if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
  Xdialog --title " " --infobox "$(gettext 'Done!')" 0 0 2000
  Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Gluing failed! Read the Help about\nmaking more temporary space.')" 0 0  

export -f GLUE

HELP () {
  $WEBBROWSER http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=690619#690619
export -f HELP

 [ -f $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm ] && peasyprint $GLUEDIR/glue.pnm
export -f PRINT

# -------- End of Functions -----------

mkdir -p /etc/pwf #just in case
if [ ! -f $APPFILE ]; then
	echo "export TEXTEDITOR=leafpad" > $APPFILE
	echo "export FILEMANAGER=pcmanfm" >> $APPFILE
	echo "export WEBBROWSER=/usr/lib/firefox/firefox" >> $APPFILE
	echo "export IMAGEVIEWER=viewnior" >> $APPFILE
	Xdialog --title " " --msgbox "$(gettext 'Open the file /etc/pwf/appfile.\nSet your helper applications.')" 0 0

export PROG="
<window title=\"PeasyGlue v2.1\">
  <frame $(gettext 'Select 2 or 3 graphic files (JPG, PNG, TIFF, PDF, PNM)')>
      <entry accept=\"filename\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">PIC1</action>
      <entry accept=\"filename\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">PIC2</action>
      <entry accept=\"filename\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">PIC3</action>
  <frame $(gettext 'Glue the images together')>
       <label>$(gettext 'Horizontally')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Vertically')</label>
     <text><label>\"   \"</label></text>
       <item>$(gettext 'No Spacing')</item><item>$(gettext 'Narrow')</item>
       <item>$(gettext 'Medium')</item><item>$(gettext 'Wide')</item>
  <frame $(gettext 'Align the images along this edge')>
       <label>$(gettext 'Top')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Bottom')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Center')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Left')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Right')</label>
  <frame $(gettext 'Or make a pattern using file #1')>
      <text><label>$(gettext 'Rows x Columns')</label></text>
  <frame $(gettext 'Save the glued image in this file')>
      <entry accept=\"savefilename\">
        <input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
        <action type=\"fileselect\">SAVEFILENAME</action>
      <text><label>$(gettext 'With this format')   </label></text>
     <label>$(gettext 'Help')</label>
     <action>HELP &</action>
    <text><label>\"   \"</label></text>
     <label>$(gettext 'Print')</label>
     <action>PRINT &</action>
       <label>$(gettext 'Clear')</label>
       <label>$(gettext 'Pattern')</label>
       <action>GLUE pattern</action>
       <label>$(gettext 'Glue')</label>
       <action>GLUE glue</action>
    <button><label>$(gettext 'Quit')</label></button>

gtk2dialog -c -p PROG
rm -rf $GLUEDIR
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out.jpg (133.43 KiB) Viewed 2499 times

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by rockedge »

@wiak Now I know what happened. I had the correct ones in /boot/grub then I replaced them with last set you sent without checking either.
Somewhere I did notice and in a QEMU test version it was corrected.....

Latest KLV-Airedale-rc6 is repackaged, uploaded and ready for download and installation.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by fredx181 »

Sofiya wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:54 am

This is what I'm missing - my favorite image gluer
it turned out to run - though using " gtk2dialog "
I don't know how to rewrite the script on gtk3
Do you have any ideas for this ?

Yes, "combobox" needs to be replaced with "comboboxtext" for to work with GTK3 .
Here's a xbps package with that small change in the peasyglue script (will install dependencies: netpbm poppler-utils bc (if not already installed)

peasyglue GTK3
(6.65 KiB) Downloaded 57 times
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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Sofiya »

something I'm slowing :)
Thank you very much @fredx181

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:37 pm

@wiak Now I know what happened. I had the correct ones in /boot/grub then I replaced them with last set you sent without checking either.
Somewhere I did notice and in a QEMU test version it was corrected.....

Latest KLV-Airedale-rc6 is repackaged, uploaded and ready for download and installation.

Thanks, Erik.

Now looking for a big Ventory save persistence check/test, @Clarity, if you have time. Anyone else using Ventoy able to confirm?

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

So there are two choices as to where to put the iso for Ventoy use.

1. Either in the root Ventoy partition, or
2. In a folder in the root Ventoy partition named "BOOTISOS"

I downloaded the iso into BOOTISOS

and immediately, rebooted and chose to test RAM2 save on demand mode into a partition that had LABEL "Persistence" into a directory there named Sessions (which I earlier had made on a separate usb stick I also had plugged in, though could have been on hard drive of course or anywhere as long as unique).

System booted fine via Ventoy. Clarity is correct - very quick and simple way to boot (nothing extra to do if you already have prepared Ventoy installation). Going to show my two young sons how to make a Ventoy usb stick now as alternative KLV and other distros that will certainly now provide save on demand persistence for any FR initrd based distro., which is the bit of the jigsaw that was needed to make that approach really useful.

Once booted (which was quick) I made a few test folders and files at terminal in /root and then entered command:

Code: Select all


Of course I didn't even need to use that command since KLV asks if you want to save session at shutdown, but the command forced immediate save.

Then I played around on the system for a bit before rebooting.

On reboot the new folders and files were all there.

I also manually checked they had arrived on the other usb stick (Persistence) by manually mounting it with:

wd_mount sda2

followed by using thunar file manager to look inside /mnt/sda2/Sessions/root, and sure enough all the new stuff was saved in that alternative Persistence device as hoped.
KLV-Airedale is thus now Ventoy 'compatible' (done our own way via FirstRib initrd/init special code) including out-of-the box save on demand save persistence support, and the save persistence can be to anywhere on your system.

NOTE WELL that no SG2D is required at all for this Ventoy usage if using KLV-Airedale distro. Of course if you don't have Ventoy but SG2D instead that works with same save on demand options too.

So, like I posted above, Ventoy testing by others such as our resident expert @Clarity would be very useful confirmation and much appreciated.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Clarity »

wiak wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:55 pm

... LABEL "Persistence" into a directory there named Sessions (which I earlier had made on a separate usb stick I also had plugged in, though could have been on hard drive ...

Yes. I have a system drive partition on EVERY PC I use (for past 3 years) that is labeled "Persistence". As such, this make sessions kept in a common place for ALL distro used since. If a new PC come my way, I immediately carve a 'Persistence' partition so that each can find their 'persistence' via the drive's label; "Persistence". This, I have found, is the simplest, easiest, and clearest manner of persistence maintenance across all distro used here in Puppyland; namely good-housekeeping.

Further, as noted ALL sessions are saved within the Sessions folder. PUPs are pre-built to find all of current session there on ALL of my systems: Reason: the SAVESPEC file in the BOOTISOS folder that is created by PUPs and looked for by them at boot-time.

This means NO efforts are necessary for any WoofCE PUP to find and boot gaining necessary linux savefiles as well as no efforts are necessary for any user to KNOW where the save session are contained.

And it also makes simple for me to find the prior sessions of KLV, Fred's DOGs, FATDOG, and other LInux distros.

Simple setup done ONLY once for the total use of the USB and its PC...no matter if Ventoy USB boots the distro directly or if Ventoy launches the SG2D ISO file to boot problem WoofCE PUPs encountered from time to time.

Best advantage to this community: No Boot Helper maintenance! Merely make a USB once and add any forum ISO file chosen from the forum.

In summary, I have my boot-helper USB as follows:

  • Boot Device

    • Ventoy USB

    • Create a folder named BOOTISOS

  • ISO files kept in BOOTISOS folder on Ventoy USB's partition #1

    • SG2D ISO (current version is V2.06B+)

    • any WoofCE PUPs ISO

    • KLV ISOs

    • DebianDog ISO

    • Fatdog ISO

    • RescueZilla ISO

If a WoofCE ISO has a problem booting via Ventoy, I click the SG2D ISO file and boot the problem WoofCE PUP.

Lastly, I have NOT had any need for any effort for UUID or have never had a problem for booting systems to find their sessions because of forum distros ability to indicate the 'Label', when necessary. Using labels means users CANNOT get it wrong.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Clarity »

Instructions for all Boot-helpers for use with forum ISO files are present on our forum; namely Ventoy, SG2D, and ISObooter.

Users make one of these ONCE and use forever after by a mere "download and boot" all forum distros.

If any user makes a Persistence partition, use of

  1. the ISO boot file and

  2. the save-session on Persistence

is a fully FRUGAL DISTRO OPERATION! Nothing else is required or needed.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by geo_c »

I'm actually still running RC-3 at the moment. I downloaded RC-6, but before I cut over I usually do a system wide update so that any updates in the new iso don't conflict with my upper_changes.

I ran the update in RC-3 but noticed that when synchronizing the database, the mirror repo times out.

So I'm thinking that server is down or changed addresses. I tried it on 2 serparate days and got the same result. Otherwise the update went fine. Everything seemed to install no problem.

I haven't dropped RC-6 in yet though, so I'm still running RC-3.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by rockedge »

I also only had one successful repo update with the nonfree repo in the last week. We need to try to change the mirror URL and test it.

@geo_c does rc3 update both repos?

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Sofiya »

I sync database
PS. I have both repositories updated

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Last edited by Sofiya on Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Sofiya wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:37 pm

I sync database

Sorry I don't understand what your post means Sofiya.
Actually I'm not quite understanding what the above rockedge and geo_c posts mean exactly either except, I assume, that they are having problems with Void's xbps-install -S (update/meaning Synchronize)?

Important to keep an eye on what are valid mirrors of course, here: https://docs.voidlinux.org/xbps/reposit ... index.html
since occasionally Void Linux changes official first and second tier mirrors. Happened at least once anyway.
If anyone ever notices these mirror listings have changed in any way, please let me know because it effects what I list in the main build script (build_firstrib_rootfsXXX.sh) rockedge uses to make the KLV rootfilesystem

I've certainly sometimes noticed an xbps repo update failing for a day or two, which suggests to me something happening upstream. In such a case, I either wait, or I might temporarily change the repo my system is configured to use (to see if I can find a working repo). Maybe that is what you are referring to Sofiya(?), but I didn't understand what you meant by "I sync"

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:03 pm

I also only had one successful repo update with the nonfree repo in the last week. We need to try to change the mirror URL and test it.

@geo_c does rc3 update both repos?

No, I was updating from RC-3 when it timed out. Gave it more than a couple tries on different days.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by geo_c »

wiak wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:53 pm
Sofiya wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:37 pm

I sync database

Sorry I don't understand what your post means Sofiya.
Actually I'm not quite understanding what the above rockedge and geo_c posts mean exactly either except, I assume, that they are having problems with Void's xbps-install -S (update/meaning Synchronize)?

I'm doing updates from OctoXBS, and the mirrored non-free repo Sofiya is showing was timing out.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by rockedge »

To fix the repo update timeout I switched the repo URL for the nonfree repo and that works!

place these 2 files in /etc/xbps.d which will over ride those configurations in /usr/share/xbps.d then run OctoXBPS or command line xbps-install -Suy

remove fake ".gz"
(54 Bytes) Downloaded 34 times
remove fake ".gz"
(61 Bytes) Downloaded 52 times
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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Ventoy boot seems fine to me. I wonder if anybody else actually uses it? Whilst I can think of how to make Ventoy capability more complete, it will/would be a fair amount of work dealing with multiple upper_changes need so I will leave that for some day in the future maybe since it would just be an extra and not worth further effort for now since might end breaking nicely working initrd!

Nevertheless I do find Ventoy install, with w_changes=RAM2 persistence working fine, and very useful for quick test of new releases when they occur.

I'm taking a break now - I'm brain dead and tired and it is summer here so I better get on with other matters for the next month or two.

Thanks for taking it so far from your early builds starting way back with WDL_Void releases @rockedge and to @fredx181 of the DebianDogs for work on all these extra components, utility and system apps, from other Kennel distro resources that have taken KLV-Airedale to a whole new level of usability! Well done!!!

Actually, to be honest..., I've been playing a lot of online chess the past couple of weeks (whilst working on intird Ventoy code) and I want to play more chess right now. I am playing anonymously at the moment on the likes of chess.com and lichess.org because I don't want to log in, lose games, and end up with a lower rating than I established last time I played back in late 2018. I once kind of felt I knew what I was doing when I was playing chess, but now I don't! Of course chess is a complete waste of time, but then again... maybe coding is too???! Chess and coding can both be more than a bit addictive though - and probably not very healthy pursuits either (too much sitting around, late nights lack of sleep, and eyestrain involved...).

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Phil_54 »

First thanks to all for continuing this development. Amazing work.

I have a booting problem, possibly due to the void linux kernel.

I run most of my distros from an sdcard very successfully. Most are frugally installed, and am using menu.lst .
I have several recent puppies and KLV_Airedale beta 25 successfully booting. Earlier betas also ok.
I have tried both rc6 and now rc3 copying and pasting the boot stanza from my beta25, and replacing the folder name only.
I have also run wd_grubconfig and copied the boot stanza from the text file (looks no different). I have checked sha256sum as good.
On reboot for both rc3 and rc6, the normally fast (40 secs max) boot hangs after initrd line is processed. Have waited 10 minutes and given up. All other distros boot within a minute on my setup.
Comparing the beta25 to the rc3 and rc6 the file difference appears to be the 00modules_6.0.12-void. in beta25 it is 00modules-6.0.0-3-amd64. Obviously other files are different but I'm only guessing.

Any advice on what I can do please.

PS: If I stay with beta25, using updated portable browser, and not update system, how much security risk is there? (browser is only internet app used).

2013 Toshiba chromebook, 2Gb ram, and SDcard :geek:

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I still experiment with the WDL-Void type builds that utilize the JWM + Rox desktops because of how well they run the very good efficiency and the initial very low RAM usage. I have the basics in a KLV-Boxer-alpha2 buid PLUG recipe file. And a few going that are manually built up from the base version made by the PLUG. If something like JWMDesk was adapted and some other of the JWM mechanisms in Puppy Linux brought over to make customizing the desktop easier, I think a KLV-Boxer model would prove to be a very solid distro. It would be one to consider for it's good efficiency and low energy consumption at idle on laptops and micro-computers with no fans. KLV-Boxer is easy on laptop batteries as is KLV-Airedale but even more so.

32 bit versions are possible of both KLV's I think.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Phil_54 wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:08 pm

First thanks to all for continuing this development. Amazing work.

I have a booting problem, possibly due to the void linux kernel.

I run most of my distros from an sdcard very successfully. Most are frugally installed, and am using menu.lst .
I have several recent puppies and KLV_Airedale beta 25 successfully booting. Earlier betas also ok.
I have tried both rc6 and now rc3 copying and pasting the boot stanza from my beta25, and replacing the folder name only.
I have also run wd_grubconfig and copied the boot stanza from the text file (looks no different). I have checked sha256sum as good.
On reboot for both rc3 and rc6, the normally fast (40 secs max) boot hangs after initrd line is processed. Have waited 10 minutes and given up. All other distros boot within a minute on my setup.
Comparing the beta25 to the rc3 and rc6 the file difference appears to be the 00modules_6.0.12-void. in beta25 it is 00modules-6.0.0-3-amd64. Obviously other files are different but I'm only guessing.

Any advice on what I can do please.

PS: If I stay with beta25, using updated portable browser, and not update system, how much security risk is there? (browser is only internet app used).

If the problem is indeed the Void kernel not working on your system, I think you have two options that 'should' be fine. I'd go with the second option below preferably since then you will still be running KLV rc6, but just using a different kernel. Before doint the following make sure you haven't simply been using an upper_changes savefolder from beta25 with rc6. It is possible old upper_changes would have worked, but I would never guarantee that, but overall it does sound like your computer is not happy with Void Linux kernel, though I am a bit surprised about that:

Option 1. Stay with beta25 (though I don't recommend this - do option 2. below instead if you can). You should still be able to update main Void packages so not any security risk I see. However, there may well be some underlying KLV-related bugs in beta25 depending what w_changes mode you are running with (if any). For example, I believe save2flash utility was upgraded after beta25 for some reason. Also you wouldn't get benefit of KL-related system updates to home-grown utilities and so on that have been made over time.

Option 2. There is no reason I can see that you cannot stay with underlying latest release, but simply swap over the kernel, modules and firmware to those of rc25 (actually might be same firmware being used, in which case just need kernel and modules swap). In that scenario you should also fetch a pristine copy of the initrd-latest.gz and rename it simply to initrd.gz. The Void Linux kernel build involved a modified initrd.gz, which is why you would be best to go back to latest pristine.

So, way to do Option 2. (kernel swap) without initially deleting anything (in case you want to get back to original) is:

a. Disable rc6 00modulesXXX.sfs, 01firmwareXXX.sfs2, vmlinux, and initrd.gz from operating by renaming each of them with, say, a capital 'D' as first letter of their filename. That way they won't be used on the next boot at all.

b. Copy over the 00modulesXXX.sfs, 01firmwareXXX.sfs, and the vmlinuz from beta25 (but don't copy over the old initrd.gz since best to use the latest which you can fetch using step c. below).

c. Fetch latest version of skeleton initrd.gz, which will be downloaded as initrd-latest.gz using the get_WDLskelinitrd_latest.sh.tar attached to first post here: https://firstrib.rockedge.org/viewtopic.php?p=355#p355
You don't need to read the thread post there, you just need a copy of that one script (found at very foot of the thread post) to run it, as per below description, to fetch the very latest initrd
Make sure you don't accidentally use the get script version with kmod in its name - the kmod one is for older Arch-based systems only.

To use get_WDLskelinitrd_latest.sh.tar you simply put it in your KLV rc6 frugal install directory, remove the dummy .tar extension, and make the script executable with chmod +x. Finally, you simply run it with command:

Code: Select all


EDIT: Sorry, I just realized beta25 used a modified copy of initrd.gz needed to drive special Debian kernel that was provided. It wasn't a Puppy huge-kernel type so needs a specially modified initrd.gz that also contains necessary Debian modules needed to boot. We will therefore have to provide you with a new special version of latest initrd.gz that will work with that Debian kernel or boot won't work. I'll make one and let you know where to download it from. Above get_WDLskelinitrd_latest.sh.tar would not get you that special Debian-kernel initrd needed, sorry.
EDIT2: Okay, use the beta25-debian-kernel-compatible initrd.gz available for download temporarily at following link: @rockedge owncloud giving "500 htaccess error" right now... Try this Mega download link instead (I haven't used Mega before so don't know if will work...): https://mega.nz/file/73BUwZSZ#zgL88gLI1 ... GGn1_t8Vl8

You need to rename that to simply initrd.gz in your rc6 frugal install folder. That linked initrd is specially made to boot with the beta25 kernel.

d. Final step is simply to rename the automatically then fetched initrd-latest.gz to initrd.gz

e. You should now be able to reboot into KLV-Airedale. Only difference in the end is that you are using a different kernel, which is perfectly okay to do, but with still up-to-date rc6 root filesystem and latest initrd.gz.

Inside your KLV rc6 frugal install directory, you should now have the 00modulesXXX.sfs, 01firmwareXXX.sfs, vmlinuz from beta25.
You should have disabled the normal rc6 versions of these and the rc6 initrd.gz by putting a letter D in front of their filenames.
In other words you have simply swapped kernels (and firmware) but continued to use the latest, get-script-fetched initrd.gz (which is the pristine unmodified latest version), which means you still are using original rc6 root filesystem (i.e,.do not disable rc6 version of 07KLV-airedale_rootfs.sfs; keep using it...) and getting all the rc6 version benefits of the latest initrd.gz.

Please let us know if that kernel swap fixed your boot problem. If all now boots successfully, you can of course delete the 'D'isabled original rc6 kernel-related files.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

@Phil_54 specially constructed initrd.gz to allow KLV rc6 to boot using beta25 Debian kernel and modules is now available for download. See my immediately above post

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Clarity »

Testing KLV and F96 now that I am back. I will report the following:

  1. QEMU boot of the individual ISO files in a BIOS VM.

  2. QEMU boot of the Ventoy USB stick with the ISO files in BOOTISOS in a BIOS VM

  3. QEMU boot of the SG2D USB stick with the ISO files in BOOTISOS in a BIOS VM

  4. Bare-Metal boot of the Ventoy USB stick with the ISO files in BOOTISOS on a non-secure boot test PC.

  5. Bare-Metal boot of the SG2D USB stick with the ISO files in BOOTISOS on a non-secure boot test PC.

Thus, there are 12 test-cases to test booting to desktop.

This covers all of the Frugal boot tests that I think most developers will use when developing and testing their ISO builds. This is due to the speed from build/download of the ISO to desktop results.

This will take a good portion of my night.


  • Does anyone have a QEMU UEFI setup they want tested? If so, share the QEMU command you use.

  • Are either of the 2 ISOs I mention UEFI ready? (namely the MOK needed)
    Can QEMU v7 be added to the Repo of these 2 distro so that there PPMs can find and install? (as some of you know, I am in the process of creating an updated QEMU-KVM Users Guide for these 2 distros. I expect to follow with the same for the DOGs in the forum starting with DebDOG64 before month's end.)

Last edited by Clarity on Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by geo_c »

RC-6 is now installed and running smoothly. Checked all my applications, everything runs snappy at right about 800mb of RAM. Fast booting also.

I've got a pretty efficient system for incorporating all my collected upper_changes and updating KLV, then copying to various machines and drives.

Basically my KLV system can have a new RC version dropped into it by first doing a void update, rebooting to a different OS like fossapup, then renaming upper_changes to XXupper_changes-DESCRIPTION and deleting the /work directory, mounting the new RC iso and copying the system files into the KLV directory, rebooting back into KLV.

Once everything tests successfully, then copying the new RC iso files into my other install locations along with the XXupper_changes-DESCRIPTION and current upper_changes directory.

It may be possible to do all this without booting into another OS. But so far it seems safest to me.

At any rate after practicing this procedure a lot with the beta releases, I rebuilt the system based on the RC releases, and logged the process in a file to be able to recreate the system if I ever find the need to start over again.

So far it's looking like that won't be necessary.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Clarity »

@wiak-@rockedge , now that the hustle-bustle of the holidays have passed, I will be also testing your suggestion(s) for how to test a KLV ISO-file frugal boot and reboot operations with the upper_changes you recommended for managing saved-sessions

  1. Main system drive; namely sda

  2. a partition labeled Persistence

  3. with a folder named Sessions

  4. with the KLV save-session within

This will be done as separate bare-metal test cases from those mentioned above which are mainly pristine boots and shutdown tests observations.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Clarity »

All F96 & KLV Testcase reports are reported on a different thread, here. They will show up there as I progress. I will follow the order as given in my above post on testcases.

Feel free to follow, contribute or comment as it offers my findings that the developers may find useful.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:29 am

All F96 & KLV Testcase reports are reported on a different thread, here. They will show up there as I progress. I will follow the order as given in my above post on testcases.

Feel free to follow, contribute or comment as it offers my findings that the developers may find useful.

Thanks for taking the time to do these tests, Clarity.

Yes, KLV-Airedale has no chance of being fast on a machine (virtual or otherwise) that has only 512MB RAM. Personally I'd start with 2GB minimum (but that should be fine for most tests). XFCE desktop does require a fair amount of RAM but still ends up light on CPU so snappiness level on desktop almost certainly going to be dependent on sufficient RAM. I suspect KLV-Airedale would work 'okay' with 1GB RAM, whereas most xfce-based distros would choke a bit with such low memory, but even KLV-Airedale requires a bit breathing space - hence my suggesting 2GB minimum RAM for the virtual machine (and browser would soon eat that up of course). The likes of JWM doesn't need anything like so much startup RAM - Rockedge has made an alpha KLV that uses JWM (KLV-Boxer) that uses much less RAM than Airedale so would be much snappier on low RAM/slow machines. But KLV-AIredale pretty good from 2M RAM machines and up, and xfce is nice efficient work environment (I'm really spoiled using it now). Of course an older system like BionicPup would probably knock the newer distro releases out of the water on any hardware (even newer gtk versions adds bloat and slows things down I fear though I haven't really compared effect).

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by Phil_54 »

wiak wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:56 pm
Phil_54 wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:08 pm

First thanks to all for continuing this development. Amazing work.

I have a booting problem, possibly due to the void linux kernel.

I run most of my distros from an sdcard very successfully. Most are frugally installed, and am using menu.lst .
I have several recent puppies and KLV_Airedale beta 25 successfully booting. Earlier betas also ok.
I have tried both rc6 and now rc3 copying and pasting the boot stanza from my beta25, and replacing the folder name only.
I have also run wd_grubconfig and copied the boot stanza from the text file (looks no different). I have checked sha256sum as good.
On reboot for both rc3 and rc6, the normally fast (40 secs max) boot hangs after initrd line is processed. Have waited 10 minutes and given up. All other distros boot within a minute on my setup.
Comparing the beta25 to the rc3 and rc6 the file difference appears to be the 00modules_6.0.12-void. in beta25 it is 00modules-6.0.0-3-amd64. Obviously other files are different but I'm only guessing.

Any advice on what I can do please.
Inside your KLV rc6 frugal install directory, you should now have the 00modulesXXX.sfs, 01firmwareXXX.sfs, vmlinuz from beta25.
You should have disabled the normal rc6 versions of these and the rc6 initrd.gz by putting a letter D in front of their filenames.
In other words you have simply swapped kernels (and firmware) but continued to use the latest, get-script-fetched initrd.gz [*NO - USED YOUR CREATED VERSION OF initrd.gz FOR DEBIAN*]......, which means you still are using original rc6 root filesystem (i.e,.do not disable rc6 version of 07KLV-airedale_rootfs.sfs; keep using it...) and getting all the rc6 version benefits of the latest initrd.gz.
[I guess I may miss some benefits??]

Please let us know if that kernel swap fixed your boot problem. If all now boots successfully, you can of course delete the 'D'isabled original rc6 kernel-related files.

That went like a dream (option 2). Now posting from within rc6. Thank you so much for doing the extra work for the initrd.gz.
For info, I also tried this on the rc3 install I still had, and that worked too. Also tried from using the .iso files for both rc3 and rc6 within my Ventoy USB stick. Neither launched from the iso, suggesting my old chromebook or my sdcard doesn't like the void kernel.
I assume as further void rc candidates are released I can continue as I have done here.
I wish I had skills to contribute to the development, but I'm a simple user. Always happy to try things out and report back.

2013 Toshiba chromebook, 2Gb ram, and SDcard :geek:

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Re: KLV-Airedale-rc6 with Void Linux Kernel is Available!

Post by wiak »

Phil_54 wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:22 am

[I guess I may miss some benefits??]

For info, I also tried this on the rc3 install I still had, and that worked too. Also tried from using the .iso files for both rc3 and rc6 within my Ventoy USB stick. Neither launched from the iso, suggesting my old chromebook or my sdcard doesn't like the void kernel.
I assume as further void rc candidates are released I can continue as I have done here.

Yes, new KLV rc releases should continue to work with beta25 kernel/modules as long as you use that special initrd.gz I made to go along with that. You probably don't 'miss some benefits' using that alternative Debian kernel on your machine. Most of the benefits come from the rc6 07KLVxxx.sfs (which you are still using) along with the new initrd.gz/init script (which is the one I included in that Debian-kernel-compatible one I made for you.

When, as happens sometimes, I release a new initrd, that usually brings new features (or bug-fixes) with it. When that occurs, you could always remind me and I can quickly update that Debian-kernel-based initrd with the new init script, though current one probably will do most all you want anyway. So main thing will be the KLV rc updates which you can certainly keep up with via same process with what you have. It isn't a lesser KLV-Airedale rc6 you are using, just a different kernel. Of course if an iso was now made out of the frugal install you now have, that one would work with Ventoy since as you say it is the kernel change that you needed (and that new Debian-kernel-based initrd also contains the work-with-Ventoy code). It is possible of course that later Void Linux kernel releases would work with your computer - perhaps it is just the current official one that doesn't. Also, it is probably that Void also has some earlier official kernels that may also work, but I wouldn't know without testing, so it is easier just to use that Debian one since it is working for you.

Come to think of it, I'd better check the main void kernel release initrd contains support for SD cards in the unlikely case that is the issue. I think it should, but I haven't booted from that medium for a long time.

EDIT: Actually, you may be on to somethere there regarding sd card. Having now had a quick look at the kernel modules provided in the initrd (Void-based one) I note a number of probable sdcard modules have not been included in my Void so that may be the real problem. I'll take a look at that and get back to you about it later. For the meantime just use that special Debian on, but it may be that future releases will work on your chromebook without issue if these currently missing initrd kernel modules are the reason for the current rc6 release.

EDIT2: Yes almost certainly an issue with the Void Linux modified initrd.gz: doesn't currently include (at least) modules sdhci sdhci-pci sdhci-acpi, which it should for sdcard booting. I must have accidentally missed them out of the selection when modding Tomas M's (Slax) modules-trimming script. I originally discovered that back in 2015 (at a time I booted several old machines at home only via sdcard) that support was then missing also in DebianDog porteus initrd and I fixed that along with several related DD system utilities too to get that boot time working. Easier with KLV though, I just need to update FRmake_initrd_deps.sh (Tomas M.) script to include the missing modules for next KLV-Airedale release. I'll experiment first and then get onto that and I'll post a test initrd.gz for Void linux kernel later for you to try Phil. May take me a while to test more thoroughtly first. Bit strange actually - at a glance my build script should have included that sdcard support - I'd need to make a KLV build or fetch the exact same kernel/modules to rebuild the initrd to see what is going on... but that definitely seems to be the issue. i.e. Void Linux sdcard modules missing from the build.

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