Different themes and widgets

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Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »


Will try to post here some new and untested items from old forum, at least ones that are in the "under development" stage
and may need some testing, fixing, etc.


Arktis GTK2 theme engine.

Primary goal is to provide uniform look of Arktis Desktop for GTK2 apps.
Other than that, it is for most part just like any other GTK2 theme engine.

The engine is designed with minimalistic drawing operations and uses colors specified in gtkrc.
For detailed information - please see comments in included example gtkrc file.
It is at very early stage of development - there can be radical changes to source and configuration details,
also workarounds for broken apps or widgets.
Please let me know, if something doesn't look as expected.

Oh, I last worked on it.. in January? :roll:
may have forgotten a thing or two since then.
Default theme for engine has extended support for ROX-Filer, see screenshot.

Qt apps.
You should configure Qt apps with Qt Configuration, to set colors etc.
as those may - or not - conflict with gtkrc parameters.
There are few workarounds built-in, while some Qt apps may still have custom hardcoded color definitions.

Arktis GTK2 theme engine is forked from and loosely based on Clearlooks and Ubuntulooks.
It is released under GPLv3 license, with "any later version" option.



You will need at least automake-1.7 and aclocal-1.7 versions installed. And DEVX.sfs loaded.
Then run:

script in the engine source directory.
That should do the job for the most part, I hope.
Don't expect a lot of questions to be asked..
Feel free to edit that script, autogen.sh, Makefile.am or configure.ac as and if needed.
When in doupt, please see README file again in the source directory.

Theme lib build size is around 54 KB stripped ( on tahrpup606 32bit ) .


Arktis GTK2 engine will be included with ArktisWM window manager package and
follows ArktisWM lead version number. Makes current ( first ) version of engine 05.01

I hope this rounds it up for now. You can find the C source below.
If no serious issues, will try to add prebuilt packages over time.


Edit: Updated to version 502.
Minor changes to button draw, now constructed from inner and outer 1 pixel lines.
Added Arktis502neutral theme with neutral/default colors.
There is a variation in GTK2 libs install path, so the build script attempts
to figure out where the engines reside on the system..

Archive below includes the C-source, prebuilt pet-packages for tahrpup605 32bit,
and fossapup64-9.5 64bit, and the theme data pet-package.
When in doupt, read the README file in source directory.

source and prebuilt packages
(112.18 KiB) Downloaded 116 times
Arktis GTK2 engine screenshot with default bright theme
Arktis GTK2 engine screenshot with default bright theme
screenshot_arktis-gtk2-theme.png (156.73 KiB) Viewed 6378 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

Edit: new version

SDClock, version 0.14

Changed the name from PClock-retro to SDClock.

New options added:
--dl=LABEL clock text label
--sx=INT seconds hand X
--sy=INT seconds hand Y
--mm=CMD action for mouse middle-click on clock
--rr=CMD action for mouse right-click on clock
--dc draw digial clock

Other changes:
- Changed version numbering to X.XX without a mod comment.
- Full set of short options.
- Default theme will place the clock in the upper-right corner of display on the
first run. Change the location as needed with the mouse and the new location will
be stored for the next.
- Included custom pcf fonts for demo themes
- Clock date LABEL allows strftime labels for date, time, timezone, etc. and uses X11
pcf corefonts with system locale.
LABEL updates every second or every minute - depending on the --ns switch,
and has max lenght of 64 chars, both for input and output.
Please see theme reference in README file for more details on pixmap, color
and date options. Data folder is /root./SDClock.
- Default action for mouse middle-click on clock area is to show README file using Geany.
CMD can be configured to a command that fits within 64 chars including the arguments.
- Clock commandline argument lenght: max arguments 512, where filename/label/font/command can be 64
and color 16 characters max.
- Clock hands and date label should not redraw on window expose events.
- Using --sy=INT or --sx=INT option will draw seconds hand below the minute and hour hand,
if the areas overlap.
- Using --ns option will redraw the clock with one minute interval.
- Desktop location option from theme file is first-run/fallback use only.
- Pixmap size theme option is removed and is autodetected from file header.
- Pixmap location is restricted to /root./SDClock/data folder and only filename is used in themes.
- Minor fix for events and exit.

Theme note.
SDClock themes are regular shellscripts by nature and can be modified
or extended as needed, for different window managers, display setups, etc.
Included themes cover only basic features.

Font note.
Please restart X for fonts after build!
Source package pcf corefonts are somewhat experimental and likely not suitable
anything else than clock or calendar themes.
Any regular ISO8859-* pcf font should work for the clock, I think..

In src folder run the run_me.sh script in terminal to build.
In most situations it should do all the heavy lifting for you.
If not, read the script and makefile and adjust them for your puppy.

GNU GPLv3 or any later.

Testing and feedback is welcome, also any ideas for custom clock skins and design.

sd-clock-014 C-source
(82.91 KiB) Downloaded 150 times
sd-clock-014_preview.png (156.46 KiB) Viewed 5805 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

Updated new-gtk2 to version 02.

new-gtk2 is a tiny GTK2 theme reload program.

To use new-gtk2 from terminal or a script, type:
new-gtk2 /usr/share/themes/THEME-NAME/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

..where THEME-NAME is the folder-name of the theme.
Selected theme path is written to global /root/.gtkrc-2.0 file
and GTK2 programs reloaded with the selected theme.

If THEME-NAME is located in the regular /usr/share/themes folder
then only a THEME-NAME will work also.

It is possible to run new-gtk2 without theme argument
to reload/refresh currently selected GTK2 theme, for example if
the GTK2 themename is selected/written using a shell script,
or the theme is somehow modified runtime, etc.

Default install path for new-gtk2 is /root/my-applications/bin
while it can run from some other location.
Also the GTK2 theme may be selected from any sane location.
In ROX Filer it is possible to drag-and-drop the gtkrc file directly on the
new-gtk2 icon to select a new theme ;)

License: GNU GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version.

Probably a useful tool for frontends using gtkdialog, or
maybe designers working on a GTK2 theme - just a click to reload..
You can find the source and some prebuilt pet packages below.

Happy New 2021!

C-source for new-gtk2, version 02
(1.65 KiB) Downloaded 105 times
new-gtk2, pet package for tahrpup 32bit
(3.25 KiB) Downloaded 144 times
new-gtk2, pet package for fossapup 64bit
(3.41 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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AWall, version 03

Simple gtkdialog4-based ROX-App to select ROX-filer pinboard wallpaper.

Active wallpaper is set first in the list, and as window label.
Layout can be selected by clicking on the icons below preview.
Buttons to open backgrounds folder and to refresh wallpaper list runtime.
Wallpaper list has input focus for arrowkey navigation, Enter or Return will apply selection.
Click at preview area or doubleclick in the list will apply and click on layout icon update
selected wallpaper.

pet package places awall in /usr/local/apps folder, while it
can run from any sane location.
Should work as is for both 32 and 64 bit systems.
Desktop file included for menus.

Version 03 has gettexted tooltips for buttons and icons, textdomain is puppy.
Changed preview aspect ratio to 16:10.
a_wall changed to awall.


(3.82 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
preview_awall-03.jpg (74.24 KiB) Viewed 5636 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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AShot, version 01.

AShot is a ROX-App for taking screenshots.
It is based on screeny v07 by micko0

selectable file types: JPG or PNG
screenshot areas: SELECT_WINDOW or FULLSCREEN
fullscreen timer: 1 - 10 seconds
random or edited output filename
optional auto-open data folder

AShot uses: xwd, xwdtopnm, pnmtopng, pnmtojpeg inside commands,
ROX-filer to open data folder and gtkdialog4 as GUI frontend.
Those are mostly preinstalled in Puppy.
AShot itself is a shellscript inside a ROX AppFolder,
so it should be portable and noarch.

AShot will create output data folder in /root/my-documents/a-screenshots
on first run for screenshots, and can auto-open it after taking one.
Preselected action is fullscreen screenshot.
A desktop file and icon are included for menus.


Edit. Updated to ver. 02
- yaf-splash timeout window is optional
- "No XBell" option
- "Overlaps" option for selected window
- data folder button

ashot-02 pet package
(2.63 KiB) Downloaded 117 times
ashot version 02
ashot version 02
ashot-02.png (63.77 KiB) Viewed 5900 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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calendar version 04.

calendar is minimalistic version of a_cal.
It displays current weekday and date - using system locale and GTK2 calendar.
Buttons to start defaultcalendar and set-time-for-puppy, if available.
"Close" button has the input focus to close the calendar if Return key
is pressed. ..or the Esc key.
Grab the weekday/date label to move the window around with the mouse,
dnd dates to/from text editor should work also.
Other options.
calendar -w
display the week numbers in calendar.
calendar -t
make calendar button appear on taskbar.
calendar -s
make calendar sticky, visible on all workspaces.

make install
Default install path is /root/my-applications/bin folder.

Included calendarrun script should be suitable for most panels as the clock command.
It will toggle calendar on and off.
For JWM that would be a line in /root/.jwmrc-tray file (click on eye-icon in ROX-filer
to view it.. )
<Clock format="%H:%M">exec:calendarrun</Clock>
.. or something like that.

GNU GPLv3 or any later.

Edit: Updated to version 04 with gettext support.
Source package below.

(4.73 KiB) Downloaded 121 times
calendar-04_preview.png (33.16 KiB) Viewed 5683 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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.. reserved.

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Re: Different themes and widgets

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Simple Desktop mouse cursor package includes xmc pixmap cursor ( XCursor ) theme folder
and core X bitmap fontcursor files in pcf format, also bdf sources.

The idea is to have both cursors with the same look and size, independent of file type
or used library.
pcf fontcursor has full and compact version. Full comes with all useless shape definitions,
while compact should replace skipped gobbler, gumby, etc. shapes with reversed color pointer
if needed.
xmc pixmap cursor has pretty usual items and symlinks.
See README file for possible locations and details.

First experimental release, please let me know if anything needs a fix.
Well.. at least some fontcursor properties are a wild quess for now.
bdf files can be edited with gbdfed or text editor, bdftopcf will export to pcf.
Gimp can edit and export xmc files.

Creative Commons cc0 license.

When in doupt, use XCursor theme folder. ;)
xmc files are 24 pixel in gtk-cursor-theme-size.

cursor archive
(41.66 KiB) Downloaded 109 times
cursor look preview
cursor look preview
preview_sd_cursor-01.png (16.38 KiB) Viewed 5949 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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SD-Neutral-14 corefont, version 01.

Experimental release. Some of the font properties like average width
and point size are a bit fuzzy atm..

Package includes precompiled pcf corefont and bdf source.
See README for possible file locations.
SD-Neutral is proportional font with ISO8859-1 encoding.

Creative Commons cc0 license.

Updated to version 2.
Some small changes here and there .. :)
Added bold version of the font

Please note that proportional corefonts are _NOT SUITABLE_ for system wide use.
Any program that is only capable to use "character cell" spaced fonts will throw errors or fail.
For example rxvt, or a program running in it.. htop etc.
Programs that recalculate text size, like those built on Xtoolkit, may also have perfomance problems.

Updated to version 03.
Added medium-fixed version of the font ( it should work with rxvt.. )

(34.06 KiB) Downloaded 106 times
font_example_sd-neutral-14-03.png (13.01 KiB) Viewed 5841 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

GTK-chtheme version 0.4

Last known GTK-chtheme version is 0.3.1
You can safely stay with the regular version, if already installed.
Not all Puppy versions have it however, fossapup for example.
For fossapup there is a pet package below.

GTK-chtheme is a small program to change GTK2 themes.
Version 0.4 is my light modification.
For the most part just hacked out the textfiles and
changed some makefile details to get it to compile.
This version has no about-dialog button or tearoff-menudetail.
GNU GPLv2 license.

Source is below, run the regular
make install
to build and install the program. Desktop file and icon are included.

version 0.4 C-source
(14.42 KiB) Downloaded 117 times
prebuilt package for FossaPup64
(8.96 KiB) Downloaded 125 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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ROX-filer custom toolbar icons for use with any GTK2 or icon theme.

1. Copy folder "roxtb" to /usr/share/icons/roxtb
2. Add contents of dott.gtkrc.mine to /root/.gtkrc.mine file
3. Load any GTK2 theme

Not automated as a pet file, to avoid .gtkrc.mine file overwrite by accident.
Data folder location is the pixmap_path in .gtkrc.mine , edit that if needed.
Different pixmaps are for normal, hovered and pressed toolbar icons - and can be
symlinks to a single icon.
Icon pixmap size is 24x24 pixels.

These icons are placed into Public Domain under Creative Commons Zero ( cc0 ) license.

icon data and configuration example
(3.47 KiB) Downloaded 119 times
rox-filer toolbar icons
rox-filer toolbar icons
screenshot.jpg (19.41 KiB) Viewed 5910 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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SDCursor_medium_xmc-01 cursor theme.

SDCursor-01 XCursor mod for 32 pixel gtk-cursor-size.
On high-dpi display should look similar to regular SDCursor theme.

Creative Commons Zero ( cc0 ) .

XCursor 32x32 pixmap theme
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by justnow »

Arktis GTK2 engine will be included with ArktisWM window manager package

Has ArktisWM been released? I could not find any references to it, other than in this forum topic.

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Re: Different themes and widgets

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ArktisWM current release is somewhere on todo list..
Needs documentation updates, valgrind'ing, etc.

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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

.XH latest version is moved into separate topic here: viewtopic.php?t=13545

xh-04_preview_with_D1_theme.jpg (53.42 KiB) Viewed 910 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

SDCalendar, version 01

SDCalendar is a tiny wallcalendar for X desktop.
Not interactive, useful or interesting..

Building from the source.
Load devx.sfs for the system, then run the build script in the source directory
to build and install.

After build, reload windowmanager menu for SDCalendar menuitem to appear.
Select theme and location on the display with setup dialog.

Example themes are configured for 96 dpi global font size.
Use TTF or OTF theme fonts that are known to work for your locale.

Background xpm pixmaps.
Autoreloads at midnight.
Gtkdialog4 based setup can be removed, or replaced
with any GUI toolkit available on the system.

GNU GPL v2 or any later.

(106.43 KiB) Downloaded 108 times
(107.61 KiB) Downloaded 111 times
example themes with different locale
example themes with different locale
screenshot_sdcalendar01.jpg (51.22 KiB) Viewed 5774 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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C-source for sdcalendar-01

sdcalendar-01 source
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Re: Different themes and widgets

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Just the old pmonth_gtk2, with a facelift :)
Well, rewritten and renamed a bit.

ptxt, version 01

ptxt is a scriptable splash window. Undecorated, skips taskbar and pager.
Semitransparent areas should blend with the root window detail.
To toggle splash window on and off use ptxt_toggle script in /root/my-applications/bin
folder. ptxt_toggle script takes only one comment - appfolder name of the ptxt function.
AppRun script can display different text data and may use other media, depending
on the nature of the splash.

ptxt window size is determined from bg.png background picture in appfolder.
Window X and Y location, location of the text and the splash timeout
are configured in the AppRun script and then handed over to GTK2 program as arguments.

Splash window quits on any focus-out event, or when timeout-seconds
timer is reached. timeout value must be 1 second or more.

Open terminal in source folder and run regular:
make install
That should build and install ptxt and example data. ptxt is not expected to appear in
the menu, to give ptxt a testrun click on example appfolder in /root/.ptxt folder.
DroidSansMono.ttf font used in examples is included with the source.

Please see the README file and example AppRun scripts for more information.
For cal -v switch, shown on the screenshot, use the regular util-linux cal
from version 2.36 or later, here is a link below:

GNU GPLv2, or at your option, any later version of that license.


EDIT: updated to version 02

Small code cleanup, added click to close, etc.
"Hello" AppRun script extended with some appfolder menu and
locale support examples.

ptxt-02_exaple.jpg (41.83 KiB) Viewed 4997 times
pet package for tahrpup605
(140.81 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
pet package for fossapup64
(141.07 KiB) Downloaded 98 times
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

C-source for ptxt-02.

c source
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Re: Different themes and widgets

Post by torm »

cursors, a mouse cursor dialog,
version 02, standalone RoxApp.

Modified from: pupx, pcur and inputwizard.
Looks in the regular /usr/share/icons/ and also /root/.icons folder for
the mouse cursor themes, duplicates are ignored.
Actual size in preview, independent of the window resize, while multilayer
themes may show up with the largest possible item.
With more themes a horizontal scrollbar will appear below preview.
Current theme name is displayed on the window border, theme names are
in a tooltip and are sorted by aphabet.
Last preview element is reserved for system default cursor.
Selecting a theme will reload JWM.
There are buttons to revert to default cursor, open /usr/share/icons/ folder,
configure mouse properties with msetup and to quit the dialog.
Preview background is set in a custom gtkrc.
Use gtk20.mo to translate stock labels.

msetup manages mouse acceleration and auto-hide, points to flsynclient if
installed. msetup is under textdomain "puppy"

In /usr/share/icons/ and /root/.icons folders, please do not name folders or
symlinks as "default" - those are deleted and replaced by the program,
if found on program start. Well, "default" is a folder name where
xcursor looks for the current theme. As a last resort you may have to clean it
up yourself first, if "default" is populated with links or random data.
On first run "clear" theme is selected, it will take notes from there on.
xcur2png converts preview to black color for some themes, can't do a lot about that :(

Portable, noarch.. extract someplace, click on appfolder icon to run.
Or just install as regular, to /usr/share/apps like most RoxApps, desktop file is
included for menuitem.


Happy New Year!

cursors-02 noarch dialog
(4.14 KiB) Downloaded 105 times
sshot_cusors02.jpg (40.25 KiB) Viewed 4835 times
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