Vanilla Dpup Links and Changelog

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Vanilla Dpup Links and Changelog

Post by dimkr »

Vanilla Dpup is built by an automated pipeline that produces periodic builds (9.3.1, 9.3.2, ...) with the latest security and stability updates from Debian and a kernel built from the latest Debian kernel source, using a stable woof-CE tree with cherry-picked fixes from the latest woof-CE and extra fixes. The delta between the woof-CE tree used to build Vanilla Dpup and upstream woof-CE can be found here.

Currently, you can choose between Vanilla Dpup 9.3.x or 10.0.x.

9.3.x older, smaller and lighter, because it's based on Debian 11 packages. Since 9.3.30, a new release is available once a month, and it includes nothing but extra bug fixes and security fixes from Debian, plus Puppy-specific bug fixes cherry-picked from 10.0.x. If you have very old hardware, 9.3.x might work better than 10.0.x.

10.0.x looks and behaves mostly the same, but it includes new features under the hood and it's based on much newer packages from Debian 12. A new release with the latest fixes is available once a week twice a month. If your hardware can handle 10.0.x, this is the one to go for.

(11.0.x is very early stages of its development: it's still dangerous to use, changes frequently and breaks frequently. 9.3.x and 10.0.x are protected against unwanted breaking changes that go into 11.0.x.)

To update your Vanilla Dpup, simply download a newer build and unpack the files:
1) Replace vmlinuz, initrd.gz and ucode.cpio with those from the new build
2) Put *.sfs from the new build in the directory with the files from the older build
3) Once you reboot and everything works, you can delete *.sfs files that came from the old build

Updating from a 9.3.x build to a newer 9.3.x build or from a 10.0.x build to a newer 10.0.x build should be safe and painless, unless stated otherwise in the changelog below. It's OK to skip updates (i.e. you don't need to update to 10.0.20 first, if you're updating from 10.0.19 to 10.0.21: you can skip 10.0.20), which means you don't have to update every time a new release is available: you can update once a month or every two months.

And, if you don't want to update at all, you don't have to. If unsure, see the changelog below: if you're affected by a bug fixed in a later build, you might want to update. If it's been a very long time since the last update, maybe you'll want fixes for known security vulnerabilities.

To download the latest 10.0.x build: ... 86_64-10.0 (64-bit) ... p-x86-10.0 (32-bit)

To download the latest 9.3.x build: ... x86_64-9.3 (64-bit) ... up-x86-9.3 (32-bit)

If you want to know more about Vanilla Dpup, see Getting Started with Vanilla Dpup 9.2.x and Vanilla Dpup vs Puppy Tradition. Most information is relevant for 9.3.x and 10.0.x too.


10.0.64 (17/10/24)

10.0.63 (2/10/24)

10.0.61 (13/9/24)

10.0.56 (2/7/24)

10.0.54 (2/6/24)

10.0.53 (16/5/24)

10.0.52 (2/5/24)

10.0.51 (16/4/24)

10.0.50 (2/4/24)

10.0.48 (2/3/24)

10.0.47 (16/2/24)

10.0.46 (2/2/24)

10.0.45 (16/1/24)

10.0.44 (6/1/24)

10.0.39 (2/12/23)

10.0.38 (25/11/23)

10.0.37 (18/11/23)

10.0.36 (11/11/23)

10.0.34 (28/10/23)

10.0.32 (14/10/23)

10.0.31 (7/10/23)

10.0.28 (16/9/23)

10.0.27 (9/9/23)

10.0.26 (2/9/23)

10.0.24 (19/8/23)

9.3.31, 10.0.21 (29/7/23)

10.0.20 (22/7/23)

10.0.19 (15/7/23)

9.3.30, 10.0.18 (8/7/23)

9.3.29, 10.0.17 (1/7/23)

9.3.28, 10.0.16 (24/6/23)

(9.3.27 is skipped)

9.3.26, 10.0.15 (17/6/23)

9.3.25, 10.0.14 (10/6/23)

Users updating from 9.3.24: create a backup of your save or start with a fresh save.

9.3.24 (3/6/23)

9.3.23 (27/5/23)

9.3.21 (13/5/23)

9.3.20 (6/5/23)

9.3.19 (29/4/23)

9.3.18 (22/4/23)

9.3.17 (15/4/23)

Emergency release

9.3.16 (15/4/23)

9.3.14 (25/3/23)

9.3.13 (18/3/23)

9.3.12 (11/3/23)

9.3.11 (4/3/23)

9.3.10 (25/2/23)

9.3.9 (18/2/23)

9.3.8 (11/2/23)

9.3.7 (4/2/23)

9.3.6 (28/1/23)

9.3.5 (21/1/23)

9.3.4 (14/1/23)

9.3.3 (7/1/23)

9.3.2 (31/12/22)

9.3.1 (24/12/22)

Delta against woof-CE 9f0ad80:

Posts: 2512
Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:14 pm
Has thanked: 53 times
Been thanked: 1267 times

Post by dimkr »

9.2.26 (26/11/22)

9.2.25 (19/11/22)

9.2.24 (12/11/22)

9.2.23 (5/11/22)

9.2.22 (29/10/22)

9.2.21 (22/10/22)

9.2.20 (15/10/22)

9.2.19 (8/10/22)

9.2.18 (1/10/22)

9.2.17 (24/9/22)

9.2.16 (17/9/22)

9.2.15 (12/9/22)

9.2.13 (3/9/22)

(delayed due to breakage of aufs,

9.2.12 (20/8/22)

9.2.10 (13/8/22)

9.2.9 (30/7/22):

9.2.8 (23/7/22):

9.2.7 (16/7/22):

9.2.6 (9/7/22):

9.2.5 (9/7/22):

9.2.4 (2/7/22):

9.2.3 (25/6/22):

9.2.2 (18/6/22):

9.2.0 (6/6/22):

(Changes not yet merged into woof-CE:)

Last bumped by dimkr on Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:39 am.

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