It just does basic stuff and shows what the full program offers.
Some are in deb packages.
They will install, but they may not make a menu entry in Puppy.
They do make a /usr/share/applications .desktop file, you can drag and drop to desktop, to click on, to run.
Hardest thing is figuring out which one to use for the Puppy version you are using.
May need some of the other dependency QT packages.
I got it working in Fossapup64 9.5 using the 64bit deb package for Ubuntu 16x - 20x.
Made a menu entry in menu->Utility
Free version is suppose to do this:
Create new PDF document from scanner or existing file(s)
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Comment and annotate PDF documents
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I do not really know how to use it.
So I can give little help.
I know! We do not need to read no stinking manual!