I'm looking at your portable launch script for Libre Office included below, because I'm collecting about 100 gtk3/4 themes into a theme pack, and I'd like the user to be able to unzip a directory from basically anywhere (although it should probably be in /mnt/home) and then the script would copy, or create symlinks into /usr/share/themes, or /root/.themes as the case would be in Void.
I'd rather not create 100 symlinks with individual lines in a script. Could I link the themepack directory full of theme directories recursively with a wildcard? something like:
Code: Select all
HERE=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)
cd $HERE
cp -sr $HERE/themepack/gtk3/* /usr/share/themes
If that would actually work it would probably recursively symlink all the directories and files under the gtk3 directory, All I want is a symlink to each theme folder. And so maybe it should just be:
Code: Select all
cp -s /$HERE/themepack/gtk3/* /usr/share/themes
It seems like it would be a lot easier to create the links using one drag and drop in Rox, include them in the theme pack, and then have the script copy those links to the filesystem. But that would require the portable theme directory to be located in a predetermined location like /mnt/home, making it somewhat less than portable.
Or I could do what you appear to be doing in this script below, which is deleting any /root/.config/libreoffice directory already present, and then symlinking. But that confuses me, unless it it is not possible or advisable to be running the portable along side a built in or installed version of LibreOffice, which I don't do. I removed my previous LibreOffice .sfs before running the portable.
Of course a theme pack would be different. I wouldn't want to remove the /usr/share/themes directory, even temporarily. And the theme pack wouldn't exactly be running once the script the runs. It would only be linking a bunch of files until uninstalled, which would require a script to remove the symlinks.
LibeOffice Portable script:
Code: Select all
# Launcher for 'portable' LibreOffice...
HERE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
mkdir "$HERE/config" 2> /dev/null
mkdir "$HERE/config/libreoffice" 2> /dev/null
if [ -d "/root/.config/libreoffice" ]
rm -rf /root/.config/libreoffice
ln -s $HERE/config/libreoffice /root/.config/libreoffice
ln -s $HERE/config/libreoffice /root/.config/libreoffice
"$HERE/LibreOffice64" "$@"
rm -rf /root/.config/libreoffice