Ideas for a more versatile network configuration file

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Ideas for a more versatile network configuration file

Post by stemsee »

A standard wpa_supplicant -c "configuration file" has a header and one network block, the contents of which contain code words for protocols and user data and connection choice either bssid or ssid or both! wpa_cli list_networks configuration file has a header and none, one or many network blocks. It seems to me that associating a number list with all possible options and having a configuration file consisting of a list of numbers (variables) which map to the commandline options would unify all network tools and simplify and expand in a versatile manner network connections without resorting to commandline usage and reference lookups which are usually written in confusing and illogical ways! Then there would have logic rules for creating the header so that conflicting or non compatible options could not be present, and also for creating the network block/s. In addition reading and translating network blocks from wpa_cli and wpa_supplicant config files to mapped number lists for connection would provide an ideal system to manage connections, second only to expert commandline usage.

Any thoughts?

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