[2022-10-17 moderator] moved to its own new topic
I'm upgrading from 811 to 813 on my primary computer, A Dell E6440. After installing without difficulty and modifying my syslinux.cfg with some difficulty, I'm booted onto 813 with no savefile. I used the small-initrd option in the installer.
Question: Under append in my syslinux.config settings, does the file the basefs parameter looks for have to be named fd64.sfs? The file boot-options-base.md implies that it can have a modified name,
This parameter tells Fatdog64 where to find the basesfs file (e.g. fd64-800.sfs).
but renaming it to anything else didn't work, so I put each version's fd64.sfs in its own directory and seem to be having no problem with it.
So far everything seems to be working, and sound card configuration with the aloopd options seems to allow more customization.
I have two caveats: libinput doesn't seem to like my touchpad, and tap-to-click isn't working, even with the box checked in the TouchPad Settings Control Panel applet. The touchpad help file mentions a man page for xf86-input-libinput, but the link (http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... put.4.html) gets a 403 Forbidden result. The online version does the same. I'll switch to the synaptics option. More on that in another post.
Also, this laptop has a 1080p screen and should qualify as hi-dpi, but it doesn't actually happen (windows open at the standard-resolution dimensions). I looked it up online a while back and found that the built-in hi-dpi recognition in Linux doesn't perform perfectly. I suggest substituting a small script and an accompanying environment variable to determine the screen dpi.
I'm copying profiles, certain directories, and specific settings to the newly created savefile to save customization time. I'll report on any additional observations.
Another good release! For whatever reason, performance seems a little better, and battery life a little longer.