gtkdialog-splash for GTK3:
Update 2022-10-07, modified version by adding some more options (edit: such as -close click
), see viewtopic.php?p=69032#p69032
EDIT 2022-09-22 re-attached gtk3splash.tar.gz, some fixes, see: viewtopic.php?p=67452#p67452
EDIT 2023-02-05 re-attached gtk3splash.tar.gz, example script warn_msg had the wrong permissions, fixed.
(continued my investigation to make a colored splash screen by using CSS styling, see here: viewtopic.php?t=5343 )
Based on '/usr/lib/gtkdialog/box_splash' included in latest Puppy versions.
(formerly named 'gtkdialog-splash' and before that 'yaf-splash')
Modified to work with GTK3 gtkdialog.
Includes the improvements made by forum members MochiMoppel, Argolance and myself. (e.g. support for .gif images)
See also here:
Some Puppies may have GTK3 gtkdialog included, not sure which ones (newest Slacko ?) anyway I know that KLV-Airedale has it. (EDIT: and Vanilla Dpup too).
GTK2 may be supported for some time, but there will probably come a day that will be completely replaced by GTK3 (or GTK4 ).
Required is gtkdialog built with GTK3, for "mksplash" (see also below) required is YAD version 0.37 or higher.
How to make this work: (ReadMe included in attached tar.gz)
Extract attached gtk3splash.tar.gz
Place the "gtkdialog-splash" script somewhere in PATH, e.g. in /usr/local/bin/ (should "override" the existing gtkdialog-splash, see issue here: viewtopic.php?p=67949#p67949)
EDIT: Could be that another path is the first in PATH (check withecho $PATH
), if it's e.g. /bin/ , then place it there.
(same for "gtkdialog" included, built with GTK3, 64-bit, if not already in PATH)
Typegtkdialog-splash --help
for the options to show.Run "mksplash" script (YAD GUI) for to create a splash screen script (has "Preview" option).
Some (silly ) examples included,
(for the "klv_welcome" script, to show the .gif image, place "klv.gif" in /usr/share/pixmaps (or edit the script to another path (-icon '/path/to/klv.gif') ).
Don't expect this to be perfectly accurate (e.g. margin size cannot be IMO because it depends very much on font type and more).
Content of help (gtk3-splash --help
edit: updated, extra options for the "mod" viewtopic.php?p=69032#p69032):
Code: Select all
usage: /usr/local/bin/gtk3-splash [OPTIONS] [-timeout SEC] -text TEXT | -kill PID
-timeout COUNT (in seconds)
-icon GTK-XXX (for example: gtk-info all gtk-stock-symbols, default: none)
OR path/to/pixmap.png|gif|jpeg|svg
-icon_width WIDTH in pixels (0 = original width, default)
(gif can be resized, but then the animation is lost, for animated gif use 0 )
-bg COLOR (background color red, blue, yellow... or hex value, default: grey)
-bgimg , e.g. /path/to/image.jpg, select background image
(bg color only for border color then)
-bg_gradient true|false (default: true)
-bg_gradient_sens Gradient sensitivity (soft|medium|strong)
-ontop true|false (default: false)
-fg COLOR (font color red, blue, yellow... or hex value, default: black)
-placement center|mouse|top|bottom|top-right|top-left|bottom-right|bottom-left (default: center)
-close never|mouseover|box|click (default is mouseover)
-deco TITLE (shows windows decorations, with title)
-font "NAME"
-fontsize SIZE
-fonttype (normal|italic)
-fontweight (bold|normal|bolder|lighter)
-align ALIGNMENT left, right or center
-margin_width SIZE (negative value supported, e.g. -20, default: 10)
(not perfectly accurate as depends on the font type/style)
-margin_height SIZE (negative value supported, e.g. -20, default: 10)
(not perfectly accurate as depends on the font type/style)
-margin SIZE (width and height, will disable margin_width and margin_height setting)
-border true|false (default: true)
-wrap true|false (default: true)
-kill PID (process ID called before:
PID=0 auto-search for the last one,
PID=xxxxx kill the last one read by PID=$!
-cssfile , e.g. /path/to/custom.css (advanced) use custom css,
(this will disable some of the other options such as font and style options)