Hey fellow LINUX heads !! anyone here Ever try PYSCHos -a Weird Variant of Slacko 5.7
just Google Pyschos - it goes toa GITHUB page . And you will seeesome GARISH COLORS and one of the most Mind-nUMbing Assortments of Software ever listed for Older Computers!!
I tried the PyschOS 486 version itsa just Razzed -out!! toooo much to handle!!
And their isa Regular Pysch os 3.4.6 I had problems installing it -could not configure with my Radeon Video card.
And there is Also a Pysch DOS!!! The developer behind this pack of Distros is Devoted /unreal for sure !! only if They could make the oS-s useable for modern web pages .
my 2CENTS.~ chilibowl