One thing that drives me nuts when using ROX-Filer is the absurdly narrow Rename box. Same with the "Copy" (Duplicate) box.
Most of the time there is not enough space to show the complete path. Not even the complete basename is displayed as only the basename without extension is highlighted, which lets the extension slip past the right edge. But the extension is what I often want to change, which means that I have to scroll right or resize the whole box. Sure, it's only a small inconvenience, but why not make the box wider from the start?
Can be done - with a fairly new JWM version.
Step1: Check your JWM version (type jwm -v
into a console). Version should be 2.3.7 or newer
Step2: Open the file /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal and add following lines:
Code: Select all
Where to put it? If the file contains already <Group> section, add it to the existing ones. If in doubt, add it just before the final </JWM> tag. Save the file.
Step3: In a console type jwm -restart
and press Enter.
That's all. In a ROX-Filer window rightclick on a file and try the Rename menu. Should now be wider. Affects also the Copy (may be called Duplicate in newer versions) and Link boxes. Tested in Xenialpup.