rtl8192cu update

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rtl8192cu update

Post by ozsouth »

I've made update .pets for Bionicpup64 & Fossapup64 of the rtl8192cu wireless adaptor. If your driver works now, ignore this post.
Removes the old driver (plus 3 others), blacklists the old driver & installs new one - change will persist if you save upon exiting Puppy.
Drivers load, but had several warnings during compile & uninstalling doesn't undo all changes made, so USE AT OWN RISK.
Install after download by clicking on .pet in ROX-Filer. After a few seconds try to connect.
@ally - please don't archive - explanation above is needed.

for Fossapup64-9.5 k5.4.53 only
(221.09 KiB) Downloaded 60 times
for Bionicpup64-8.0 k4.19.23 only
(226.31 KiB) Downloaded 56 times
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