Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Connection alarm:-New Version 22nd July 2022
This .pet (startup_welcome_alert_covid-mk8) provides a verbal multilingual welcome plus an alarm should a working internet connection not have been established.
The spoken welcome varies according to the time of day & the script also verifies that a working Internet connection exists.
If it does not, an alarm will sound instead of the welcome.
Both the greeting and the alarm are supplemented by on-screen messages in English.
Only a single mp3 audio file is included in the .pet for the alarm, everything else including translation is handled by TTS.
This pet is suitable for use with recent WoofCE Pups and has been tested with 666philb's Bionicpup64 8.0 & Fossapup64 9.0.5
Changes In This Version
Minor code improvements. The mk7 version was downloaded 41 times.
1. Use ppm to install xdotool & mpv if not currently present.
2. Use ppm to install translate-shell_0.9.6.6-1 plus it's dependencies if not already present.
3.Install the attached pet, then reboot ensuring that you save the session.The pet will activate following a further reboot & save.
A. The language code used for speech is extracted automatically from your settings variable($LANG).
B. No browsers are involved in this process.
C. The text to be spoken can easily be changed.
D: The previous pet ( improved on earlier pets with an extra option
that appended Covid 19 advice to the text to be spoken in your native language.
If you do not wish to hear the Covid advice, just comment out the complete covid line at the top of the main script.
E. In conclusion loads of fun plus multiple potential uses. (trans -h for help)