mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 11:48 pm@geo_c :-
Abilities like that enable what I call a 'lateral' approach to design, and foster some rather unique, OOTB 'solutions'..!
It's a process that I undertake with just about everything in life. It's starts with a single idea, like, "I wonder if I can make Puppy Linux look like an old monochrome monitor." And though it's probably not a particularly important idea, just the possibility becomes something of a thought experiment, which begins to flesh itself out. Then the real learning starts for me, because in trying to make it happen, I end up learning all the things I didn't previously have mastered. In this case, I finally figured out just what files and elements make a puppy desktop go (and Gtk for that matter.) And that was important, because I only use Puppy Linux as an operating system, nothing else!
One idea leads to another, and by that time, you're halfway there, fully committed to a big idea, like being able to single click the entire Puppy Desktop into a whole new unified look.
And of course, that's I how I am with music and instruments. I get involved in all kinds of side projects related to the craft. A decade ago I spent about 5 years learning how to re-hammer and lathe bronze cymbals. I'm a jazz drummer, and every cymbal I use has been modified by me! I can make a crappy cymbal sound OK, a good cymbal sound really good, and an almost perfect cymbal sound more than perfect. I can make it MY OWN sound.
I also play a lot of bass and guitar, so at one point I wanted to be able to play both at the same time, which led me to modify a 5 string bass by adding two more strings and splitting the pickup system so it could output to two separate amplifiers, accommodating 4 bass strings and 3 guitar strings. It works, and I used it a lot for awhile, until I got some other hair-brained idea. Actually I just got wise and purchased a Roland guitar synthesizer, so now I can play any instrument tone from the guitar.
A good friend of mine from middle school days, a fellow artist who is a painter, we used to always joke about the fact that whatever piece of work we were currently composing was the absolute greatest thing we ever did. And each new thing has to kind of feel that way. THIS is the best thing I've ever done!