As I say, I don't know if last version of kazam would work on Tahr (though I suspect it might if carefully assembled for the purpose), but attached is screenshot of it's main window, with configuration opened. As you should see, it covers making a screencast of fullscreen, or of a selected window, or of a cursor-selected area (with cursor draw round area of interest), and can include webcam video in the screen capture. Wex can do all of that too, but pause works fine with kazam (but not with wex, except for audio recording only). Also kazam can live stream direct to Youtube channel... It can use several sources for audio, just by selecting them via check box (admittedly, I have it working on system with pulseaudio installed).
Like wex, the most important detail, for me, is that kazam uses H264 or VP8 for its video capture codec, which is considerably better quality and size of recording_file than older programs like xvidcap, which as far as I remember use DIVX codec, so can't match H264 for small recording size or quality. Having said that, I quite like the interface of xvidcap too. Latest Vokoscreen gives you even more control of quality and audio streams and so on, but current download for that is large, whereas kazam is probably no bigger download than xvidcap, perhaps even smaller (depending on dependencies already on your system I suppose...). On my system, everything is GTK+3 so xvidcap is a pain to install unless using mikewalsh's portable app version (since that includes GTK+2 libs required for xvidcap); that portable app does work well though.
Kazam gets out of the way altogether once capturing starts - you control it (pause/stop) via tiny panel icon.
Despite some cons of using my program 'wex' as an alternative, it does provide good quality screencast (and optional auto-animated-gif making via a fredx181 utility it calls up) and has the advantage of just being a simple gtkdialog bash script, so tiny to include, but with the caveat that it needs a reasonably modern ffmpeg, so on Tahr it may well not perform well. However, mikewalsh did indeed create a portable version long time back that included all the bits and pieces needed for wex including a better ffmpeg than older systems came with by default. Wex is included by default in KLV-Airedale at the moment at least, and maybe some DebianDogs, because they already contain modern ffmpeg so wex (and Precord) inclusion costs next to nothing in terms of space needed to include (under 100 KB for the whole lot). Overall though - I'm sold on kazam for my own current needs.