Afternoon, gang.
I thought it was probably about time I started a new thread for this, rather than "tagging-onto" the end of @ndujoe1 's thread.....especially given that I'm now using this fairly regularly myself. So; this will be the place to find the Brave-portable browser from now on.
I don't know how they've done it, but despite being based around Chromium - like every other 'clone' - the Brave team have somehow managed to make their browser open considerably faster than 'vanilla' Chromium. And that's very welcome.
Chromium-based browsers are on the whole becoming a very smooth experience all round. I liked them right from the word "go", nearly 15 years ago, but never thought they'd become quite this good.
Absolutely everything here works as expected.....and, as I discovered a little while back, the built-in video-chat client is in fact simply a re-badged "JitsiMeet". Which, in my humble opinion, is by far & away the very best of the open-source offerings..!
So; overall, an extremely competent browser.
We're currently at v1.50.121 - based around Chromium v112.
The 'portable' package will always be found here:-
I shan't be keeping the repo package up-to-date any longer; instead, I will leave this to the user to run the updater when they first download it.
As always:-
Move the extracted 'portable' directory anywhere you like, though preferably outside the 'save'
Click to enter
Click on 'LAUNCH' to run it entirely as a portable application - the profile is, as usual, created inside the portable directory. For greater system integration, a Menu entry may be added using the supplied scripts, if one is required
Brave-portable now has a built-in updater, courtesy of @fredx181 . You'll find the 'UpdateBrave' script in the top level of the portable, alongside the 'LAUNCH' & Menu-entry scripts. Please read the 'UpdateReadMe' file, as this explains how to use it.
Remember; these things run quite happily from a flash drive, or other external long as it's suitably formatted with a Linux file-system.
Enjoy. Any feedback, y'all know where to find me; I'm never very far away.