Kurso de Esperanto

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Kurso de Esperanto

Post by Grey »

Eh, we don't have enough educational programs in this section :)

Kurso de Esperanto.
You can download it here. Unpacking tar.gz we see App, that is ROX application. In my Fossapup, it worked without any problems.
It would seem that the Linux version is the latest, which is nice. But inside the program it says not 5.2, but 5.1.1. Nevertheless, the month of release is the most recent.
So, the course of the artificially created international language Esperanto. In fact, this program is as old as mammoth shit. And I remember when the program appeared :)

I especially remember from the old days the song Jen by the band La Porkoj. I checked, it is still part of the course and lies in /kurso_x86_64/video/lec02/jen_video.ogv

Jen.jpg (56.62 KiB) Viewed 1829 times

Different devices. Different approach.

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