So if you're on a system without a working graphics driver, you fall back to software rendering. void linux's 32-bit mesa package doesn't have llvmpipe due to a packaging error (they forgot to turn a flag on for i686), so you're stuck with softpipe out of the box which is extremely slow. VoidPup64 is fine. I'm going to try and get the package fixed upstream since it's just a one-line change, but in the meantime here's a build of the mesa packages with the flag turned on.
I don't actually know if you have to replace all of void's mesa packages. Out of the box, the only packages that are installed are mesa and mesa-dri, so those are the only ones I installed on my machine.
To install all of the mesa packages as an sfs (untested):
- [download mesa-llvmpipe_vpup32_22.02+5.sfs]( ... 02%2B5.sfs) (md5sum = 9cf181f6b4abb4000b0dc99f72ba387c)
- load it however you want
- Restart graphical server
To install just mesa and mesa-dri with xbps (this is what I did):
- [download mesa-binpkgs.tar.gz]( ... kgs.tar.gz) (md5sum = 252c650cee0055c549d770c7388f50de)
- extract, you should get a folder called `mesa-binpkgs`
- run `xbps-install --force --repository ./mesa-binpkgs mesa mesa-dri`
- Restart graphical server
I included all of the packages that result from building mesa in the tar file so you can install other stuff in there the same way if you need to.