How to install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5? (To remove duplicate photos.)

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How to install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5? (To remove duplicate photos.)

Post by April »

I wish to find and delete photos which are duplicated on my system.
FSLint looks like it will do the job but downloading is a problem . Many missing dependancies .
What do others here use please?

Here is the read me file for FSLink

Code: Select all


 FSlint - A utility to find File System lint.
 This includes duplicate files, empty directories,
 problematic filenames, etc.


 Copyright © 2000-2009 by Pádraig Brady <>.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 See the GNU General Public License for more details,
 which is available at


Any bugs/patches/suggestions/flames should be directed to:


RPM or DEB. Note since FSlint does not need to be compiled
one can run it directly from the extracted source directory.
Please see the FAQ for details on building installation packages.


The 1.1 branch requires textutils >= 2.0.21 or coreutils.
In addition for the gui versions:

For the 2.40 branch (fedora core 2 or higher)
    gtk2     >= 2.4 (
    python   >= 2.3 (
    libglade >= 2.4 (
    pygtk2   >= 2.4 (

For the 2.0 branch (redhat 8.x or higher)
    gtk2     >= 2.0 (
    python   >= 2.0 (
    libglade >= 2.0 (
    pygtk2   >= 2.0 (
    Note the required pygtk2-libglade rpm is also made from pygtk2 source

For the 1.2 branch (redhat 7.x or higher)
    gtk      >= 1.2 (
    python   >= 1.5 (
    libglade >= 0.x (
    pygtk    >= 1.2 (

Note installation order is important if installing from source.


FSlint is a toolkit to find redundant/questionable disk usage.
The fslint-gui command invokes the GUI interface. There is also
a command line interface to each tool which can be accessed
from the /usr/share/fslint/fslint directory usually.
The command fslint is a wrapper for the various
tools which can be called individually. All the tools
(including fslint) have the same interface, which is

command [-r] [-f] [path1 [path2]...]

where the paths are files &/or directories
If no paths are specified then the current
directory is assumed.

-r means do NOT recurse the specified director{y,ies}
-f means output full paths even if only 1 path specified

some tools have their own options. To get help on
each tool do:

command --help

Any extra commands are passed to find, so any of
filtering commands will work, for e.g the following
means process the whole system but do not traverse
onto any other mounted filesystems:

fslint / -xdev

More examples:

	search for duplicates in current directory and below
		findup or findup .
	same as above but don't look in subdirectories
		findup -r .
	search for duplicate names in /usr/bin
		findsn /usr/bin
	search in multiple directories but not their subdirectories
		findsn -r /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin
	search system for duplicate files over 100K in size
		findup / -size +100k
	search only my files (that I own and are in my home dir)
		findsn ~ -user `id -u`
	search system for duplicate files names belonging to "root"
		findsn / -user `id -u root`

Note the fslint tools do a lot of inode access and to speed them
up you can use the following method to not update access times
on disk while gathering inode information:
mount -o remount,noatime mountpoint
mount -o atime,remount mountpoint

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Re: Install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5

Post by dogcat »

Aye Matey,

for an FSlint version that will run in xenial64 or xenial32 or bionic32, etc. get the fslint_2.42-2_all.sfs about half way down the following post from perdido in the old forum ... 9#p1015909

its python so have yer snake handling stuff with ya
no 32-bit compatibility stuff needed, just load her up and look in Filesystem in the menu.
the manual is at that link also.
Yes, I just tested her and she runs just fine.


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Re: Install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5

Post by williams2 »

I downloaded fslint-2.46.tar.xz about a year ago.

I just now copied fslint-2.46.tar.xz to /tmp/

I typed in a terminal:

Code: Select all

cd /tmp
uextract fslint-2.46.tar.xz 
cd /tmp/fslint-2.46.tar.xz.extracted/fslint-2.46/fslint/
sh fslint --help
File system lint.
A collection of utilities to find lint on a filesystem.
To get more info on each utility run 'util --help'.

findup -- find DUPlicate files

Then I typed:

Code: Select all

sh findup --help
bash findup -t /etc/


etc etc.

findup is just a shell script, it doesn't have dependencies other than needing some of Linux core executables like find, md5sum etc etc.

The gui might need dependencies, I don't know, I always use the CLI (command line interface)

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Re: Install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5

Post by April »

I found both posts helpful thanks
findup is particularly useful but the rest are too to a lesser degree.
I did not know of these.

Code: Select all

root# findup --help
/usr/bin/findup: line 60: /usr/bin/supprt/fslver: No such file or directory
find dUPlicate files.
Usage: findup [[[-t [-m|-d]] | [--summary]] [-r] [-f] paths(s) ...]

If no path(s) specified then the currrent directory is assumed.

When -m is specified any found duplicates will be merged (using hardlinks).
When -d is specified any found duplicates will be deleted (leaving just 1).
When -t is specfied, only report what -m or -d would do.

When --summary is specified change output format to include file sizes.
You can also pipe this summary format to /usr/bin/fstool/dupwaste
to get a total of the wastage due to duplicates.


search for duplicates in current directory and below
    findup or findup .
search for duplicates in all linux source directories and merge using hardlinks
    findup -m /usr/src/linux*
same as above but don't look in subdirectories
    findup -r .
search for duplicates in /usr/bin
    findup /usr/bin
search in multiple directories but not their subdirectories
    findup -r /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin
search for duplicates in $PATH
    findup $(/usr/bin/supprt/getffp)
search system for duplicate files over 100K in size
    findup / -size +100k
search only my files (that I own and are in my home dir)
    findup ~ -user $(id -u)
search system for duplicate files belonging to roger
    findup / -user $(id -u roger)

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Re: Install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5

Post by April »

I noticed it seems to compare the two images only and does not look at the exif data in the files and compare them in any way .

Does anyone know how to overlook two images if one is the same without the EXIF data.?

The Australian State Governments have all enacted laws to steal your assets on your death. All legal paperwork is binned and all assets seized on one disgruntled child's complaint.Move them well before you die or go into a home.

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Re: Install FSLint on Xenialpup64-7.5

Post by dogcat »

dupeGuru can do a fuzzy search similar to what you ask, maybe~

I have never used this one. Caveat emptor.

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