Advanced Terminal Commands

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Advanced Terminal Commands

Post by rockedge »

This is an advanced topic for users working with a terminal application.

Hotkeys are key sequences that execute an action. Example: if the hotkeys are: ctrl + l then hold down the ctrl key and press the l key

Examples of commands:
ctrl + l Clears the Screen

This is a list of some commonly used hotkeys.


ctrl + w or alt + backspace Delete backward to the beginning of the current word
ctrl + d Delete the character after the current cursor position or exit shell
ctrl + u Delete to the beginning of the line
ctrl + k Delete to the end of the line
ctrl + y Paste whatever was cut by the last cut command
ctrl + shift + - Undo last action


ctrl + a Go to beginning of command line
ctrl + e Go to end of command line
ctrl + b Move back one character
alt + b or ctrl + left Move cursor back one word
alt + f or ctrl + right Move cursor forward one word
ctrl + f Move forward one character
ctrl + x ctrl + x Toggle between current cursor position and beginning of the line (Bash)


ctrl + c Kill the currently running process
ctrl + z Puts current process into a suspended background process
alt + t Swap current word with previous
ctrl + t Swap the last two characters before the cursor


ctrl + s Pause terminal output
ctrl + q Resume terminal output after it was paused


ctrl + r Search command history
ctrl + n or down arrow View next command in the history
ctrl + p or up arrow View previous command in the history

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