weedogit frugal boot most any distro

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by mikeslr »

Replying to Keef

wiak wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:37 am

That could be very useful. In practice, at the moment, I don't trust automation so I tend to look inside iso manually just to double-check I have all the squashfs parts, but I'm probably being over cautious and your function would save that time.

As a mere User, I have little choice. But may I suggest that you, as a Dev, steal a page from one of those Republicans who keep getting the good lines. :lol:

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

mikeslr wrote: Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:17 am

As a mere User, I have little choice.


Well, things sometimes don't go the way devs prefer either. Case in point is that I had a weedogit zorin frugal install and somewhat carelessly decided to return it to pristine state (the idea is perfectly fine). Without further thought I thus deleted its upper_changes folder and rebooted. I forgot that zorin (usually being a full install) sets it suser and password during its full install installation normally. But as a frugal install the main rootfilesystem remains in a read-only squashed filesystem file (so no passwords set in there, so no way to log in...). The way I get round that is that in the weedogit.sh script I have a special _set_passwords function that uses an overlay to set user/password weedog/weedog and put that info into the original build-time upper_changes folder. That, as I said, is what I deleted, so on reboot could no longer log in with weedog/weedog or anything else... oops.

Just as well I made that blunder, I suppose, since someone else might do the same at some stage. In order to get a weedog/weedog login password back... rather than having to build the whole frugal install again using weedogit.sh I simply wrote a zorinfixpasswords.sh script that uses the same overlayfs _set_passwords function code. It's a quick hack and I only did it for zorin since some weedogit distros don't have the passwords issue and for others the script needs only a simply modification since the overlay mount needs to know the name of the distro's individual main rootfilesytem sfs file. I leave it to Keef or someone else to improve the attached zorinfixpasswords.sh script (though its a small script so easy to manually change the rootfilesystem sfs file name to suit other distros should same issue ever arise). Yes, overlayfs is a facility that is useful for more than just inside an initrd for setting up distro frugal install layers - could also be usefully used to simulate some frugal install flexibility when using a full installed distro too in fact.

Now I can safely return my weedogit zorin install to pristine, by simply deleting its upper_changes folder, as long as I remember to run zorinfixpasswords.sh before trying to boot zorin again (you may of course need to boot into a different distro prior to running the zorinfixpasswords.sh script, which must be done from the directory you have your zorin frugal install located.

By the way, since having the above issue, as soon as password containing upper_changes is made, I nowadays rename it to 98upper_changes, so on next boot a brand new empty top-layer rw upper_changes will be created for new work, which I can thereafter delete at any time and still have password access (from the read-only numbered 98upper_changes, which I don't delete). Otherwise, I could just run zorinfixpasswords.sh again of course, but saves the bother. Most people won't come across this issue anyway since they may never think to delete upper_changes to return to pristine install state, but yes you can if you wish.

just remove the dummy tar and run if required
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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

I'm about to try to weedogit with EasyOS 3.4.6. First I am going to do the standard install to USB stick using EasyDD and play around with some ideas going from there.

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28May2022 weedogit with Intel Clear Linux

Post by wiak »

NEW additions! Weedogit versions of: Official Ubuntu (Jammy) and Intel Clear Linux

Today fixed some out-of-date iso urIs (but may have missed some and messed up elsewhere since I'm a bit out-of-it at the moment... just let me know for next release). Includes latest KLV-Airedale beta14 choice ;-)

Not much has been tested...

LATEST is version="010"; revision="-rc1" of 28May2022

Note: Manjaro site was down for maintenance so couldn't check if weedogit URLs for Manjaro downloads are most recent.

Download per usual attached to top post of this thread: viewtopic.php?p=50074#p50074

May not be another release for a while, because I have some pressing business to attend to for the next few weeks.

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03Jun WeeDogIT new Mint Cinnamon

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Weedogit versions of: Official Ubuntu (Jammy), Intel Clear Linux, and NEW Linux Mint Cinnamon

Note that I haven't re-checked previous weedogit.sh iso urls on this new release made simply to add Linux Mint Cinnamon.
If you want other Linux Mint variant (e.g. XFCE) then simply change the URL22 download url (line 34 of weedogit.sh script).

Not much has been tested...

LATEST is version="011"; revision="-rc1" of 03June2022

Download per usual attached to top post of this thread: https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 074#p50074

There really may not be another release for a while, because I have some pressing business to attend to for the next few weeks.

Screenshots from WDL Linux Mint Cinnamon attached. Login is user:weedog pw:weedog per usual (and sometimes root/root also works). If you want to do admin work in WDL_mintCin I recommend simply starting an instance of filemanager 'nemo' as root user by entering command in terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo nemo

Any terminal started up from that root user 'nemo' filemanager will then be a terminal with root user permissions.

The file grub.config.txt contains boot stanzas for grub.cfg (grub2) and menu.lst (grub4dos). However, you have to change the two UUID strings to match the partition uuid you are using (per blkid command). Note that grub.config.txt file does include the blkid results for all partitions on your system as a convenience.

Note that you do not need to keep the iso once frugal install is working if you do not want to.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

Are you thanking me for a post bigpup? Have you been drinking?!

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

This post isn't about weedogit, which I'm probably needing to update urls for, but haven't for a while.

Rather, it is about another mechanism for running other distros, being qemu, which we probably all know about. But more precisely, this post is about a very convenient way to qemu one of many distros via a simple fetch/qemu-run system I have come across:

Not sure how easy to get quickemu installed on distros from this Puppy forum, but I'm running it on my ubuntu-compatible Zorin installation. Reason I'm posting about it here is because the associated script quickget contains a list of tons of distros, similar to what you see with weedogit, and to run any of these as a qemu window you simply run two commands, one to fetch and one to run. For example:

Code: Select all

quickget ubuntu-mate 21.10
quickemu --vm ubuntu-mate-21.10-.conf

and it runs the fetched distro optimised for qemu. Since I'm so lazy, this saves me mucking about with qemu settings (yes you can change RAM used and so on, but for lazy me I say why bother...). It simply works. Furthermore, there is a fetch gui to make the distro selection even easier, which is what I'm using. It is called quickgui. Screenshot attached.

NOTE: Uses samba, by default, to share between guest and host by the way...
The Youtube above was a live stream tutorial so a bit slow at times, but explanation of quickemu script is quite interesting and also in terms of how he configures qemu with qcow and so on.

The qemu Android 9 image worked fine, used Wifi okay, and had Google Play and worked fast with Gmail android app in practice. Quite impressive really.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by esos »

Thanks for the script

Working fine:

No password to access the desktop:

Not working:


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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

esos wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:26 pm

No password to access the desktop:

Not working:


I'll have a look during the coming week. Been a while since I updated some of the existing distro download urls and checked still working.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

Interesting small puppy-like distro 4Mlinux. But no, weedogit cannot make that one into a WDL distro because it is installed/built in a unique way: its main filesystem is in the initrd2.gz and at a quick glance that seems to build up the OS, possibly during boot, from tar.gz files (reminds me of tinycorelinux in a way - perhaps similar but I haven't studied it more). Could I weedog it - if it is like tinycorelinux then yes (since I did get weedogit to build a 'special' tinycorelinux), but was very tricky work so doubt I'd have time. Alternatively it might just need me to extract its filesystem and bolt on a modified WDL initrd to it manually, but again too much work at this time, sorry.

Weedogit can make tails but at the moment log-in user is a problem; it gets to Welcome screen (presumably in X or Wayland - I didn't check which) and can set root password there, but going on to tails it just sticks at the desktop screen and can't use it. I can get to commandline login prompt with ctrl-alt f2, and then login as root with user:pw root:root or normal user weedog using weedog:weedog as user:pw. So I can use it as a commandline distro at this stage, but again, needs work to get properly into desktop. I'll probably include what I have at the moment for further work/research on that one later.

I haven't tried the other ones (such as RegattaOS yet) though I have included build code in my new under test weedogit script; no idea if they will work as yet - depends on the way they have been put together inside their live isos. Will report back further once I know more and then publish whatever works. I'm also updating urls for the other distros best I can, but won't be testing much cos of time shortage.

I'm trying to weedogit RegattaOS just now - that's another really tricky one - you certainly know how to pick the difficult ones! Might be possible to do it; don't know yet, but certainly needs extra work so maybe will have to be a future addition and not soon... Regatta, is one of these distros that stores its rootfilesystem not just in squashed filesystem, but in a further img file inside an img file, which is also inside an outer image file - don't ask me why, but that is how it is arranged, so three levels of decompression/mounting will be required... hmmmmm I have looked inside its rootfs.img though and that looks pretty conventional systemd init system so should work once decompressed to extract all the bits and pieces by weedogit (after special code section re-write) - only question will be whether will be able to login - depends how it is done, but usually can manage... One issue though - it has a HUGE root filesystem (12 GiB).

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by esos »

This is how to boot 4M-Linux frugaly using Grub4dos, unfortunately no persistence. I hope you have an idea to make it persistent (I know "too much work" for you).

title > 4MLinux 40.0
root (hd0,5)
kernel /4m/boot/bzImage
initrd /4m/boot/initrd.gz

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

esos wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:02 pm

This is how to boot 4M-Linux frugaly using Grub4dos, unfortunately no persistence. I hope you have an idea to make it persistent (I know "too much work" for you).

Well, as I said, it is a different kind of distro the way it is constructed so different to general weedogit type build approach. Whether it is possible to make it frugal install via WeeDog's initrd I don't know at the moment. I managed (kind of) with tinycorelinux, so I think it is possible I could do that (the problem would be 4M's package management, which might not work in alternative more conventional arrangement). I will finish off next weedogit script for the moment and if I have time later I'll look at 4M again, but it won't be in weedogit script this time at lease since it is so different in operation/build-approach.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

Made a custom case statement for Regata_OS and that worked - see attached screenshot.
That was a tricky one...! First time I've used an opensuse-based distro I think. Running pure Wayland I think.
Still working on the other weedogit entries prior to upload in a day, or two...

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

@wiak very cool! Looking forward to the uploaded weedogit script.

My very first install of Linux that I did while I was in Germany was a version of openSuse. It was on more than 1 CD-ROM around 2005-06

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weedogit.sh (+8 new distros)

Post by wiak »

New version of weedogit script attached to first post of thread

https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 074#p50074

LATEST is progname="weedogit.sh"; version="012"; revision="-rc1" Revision Date: 05Aug2022


Fixed _extractiso function for distros that included several vmlinuz (now copying first one found only).

# Added eight new distros: linux-lite, bunsen-lithium, LXLE-Focal,
# tails-amd64 (part working only - ctrl-alt f2 to commandline login root:root; r.eboot -f to restart),
# Debian-live, Regata_OS (password is blank, can: sudo password root to user:pw root:root),
# Kodachi, SysLinuxOS (for passwords check distro websites or try user:pw weedog:weedog or root:root)


tails-amd64 does boot to GUI but won't go further and won't let you directly shutdown from there. You can however drop to commandline by pressing Ctrl-Alt-f2 and then login to commandline terminal with user:password root:root or normal user weedog:weedog. You can then restart your system with command: reboot -f. I have no idea at this stage how to then restart GUI desktop but including the build anyway so that can be tried by others or looked further at by myself.

The Debian-live iso used for WDL_debi does not include much firmware (e.g. no wifi firmware for my test computer). You'll likely need to add additional firmware by yourself or use one of the bigger Debian-live release isos- available.

Many of the distros have been arranged to have user:password as either root:root or weedog:weedog, but others have been left as configured upstream, so for them check upstream to find out how to log in (I normally only re-configure when upstream logins don't work).

I have also updated most download urls for other distros, but haven't tested much so possibly could have broken many things. Please provide feedback if you come across any not working.

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weedogit.sh (+8 new distros)

Post by wiak »

esos wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:02 pm

This is how to boot 4M-Linux frugaly using Grub4dos, unfortunately no persistence. I hope you have an idea to make it persistent (I know "too much work" for you).

Okay, this was a challenge, but I have taken it on. As I said, 4MLinux (a very interesting Puppy-like distro) doesn't work like a conventional distro - it's more like tinycorelinux, but doesn't use tons of individual sfs tcz files like tinycorelinux, but instead creates itself at boot time via uncompressing tar.gz files... Hmmm... not what weedogit would normally tackle. But can it be done. The answer turns out to be yes as this preview image shows. In that shown terminal the file called filea_helloworld was created on the previous boot - i.e. per usual, after being 'weedogged' 4MLinux has persistence (all the usual WDL_initrd overlayfs mechanisms in fact)...

I will add this to next weedogit release. I won't be slimming down the final result (but that could be done by making sfs files out of the uncompressed created root filesystem); I'm leaving everything uncompressed, which is nice to develop with. I don't know if 4MLinux has any special package management system - maybe just uncompresses its extra tar.gz component parts...? Time will tell - but it works nicely. In fact I'm posting from WDL_4ML right now and connected via my wifi.
It uses JWM with pcmanfm.

EDIT: I just installed GIMP via its 'Start Menu > Extensions > Office > GIMP' mechanism... so that works too in weedogIT installation. Lots of interesting utilities and apps in 4MLinux by the way - a nice piece of work. EDIT2: LibreOffice installation worked fine too.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

@wiak what if someone could take WinToUSB that will create a portable Windows installation, and make a frugal Windows 10 out of it?

Would it be worth it? Is the wintousb enough and the USB install of a portable Windows 10 fills the niche and can be considered frugal already?

Could the USB installed Windows be copied to a frugal directory and launched with Grub2 or Grub4Dos?

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:22 pm

@wiak what if someone could take WinToUSB that will create a portable Windows installation, and make a frugal Windows 10 out of it?

Would it be worth it? Is the wintousb enough and the USB install of a portable Windows 10 fills the niche and can be considered frugal already?

Could the USB installed Windows be copied to a frugal directory and launched with Grub2 or Grub4Dos?

I will eat my hat if that would be possible ! :shock:

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 I think I might try this soon. It seems that I could create a USB install of Windows10 using a running WIndows 10 installation which I do have. Then once I have the USB portable Win10 I will see if I can put into a HDD frugal directory install.

I foresee problems booting something like that though.....but really not sure what is possible yet.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:39 pm

@fredx181 I think I might try this soon. It seems that I could create a USB install of Windows10 using a running WIndows 10 installation which I do have. Then once I have the USB portable Win10 I will see if I can put into a HDD frugal directory install.

I foresee problems booting something like that though.....but really not sure what is possible yet.

Looks like you are guilty of "off-topic posting" :o :thumbdown: :mrgreen: Anyway, Good Luck ! :)

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 I'm going to be running weedogit.sh later tonight for a demonstration. I'll pick a distro as I go!

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:49 pm

@fredx181 I'm going to be running weedogit.sh later tonight for a demonstration. I'll pick a distro as I go!

If you are about to try a new weedogged distro, the distro I'd recommend giving a try is weedogged 4MLinux... Why? Because it is very Puppy-like in many ways. Seems to be using its own home-grown packages (simplest of tar.gz repo I suppose you could call it, but maybe not - I notice some seemed to be installed from rpm downloads - I haven't checked the mysteries of its operation...).

I will be uploading the newest weedogit.sh script that is same as previous except includes that tricky weedogged WDLinux. Really worth a good look at that distro no matter how you install it.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »


esos wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:26 pm


New version of weedogit script attached

LATEST is progname="weedogit.sh"; version="015"; revision="-rc1" Revision Date: 09Aug2022

Download per usual at first post of this thread: https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 074#p50074


Fixed _extractiso function for distros that included several vmlinuz (now copying first one found only).

# Added (prev was eight but now nine) new distros: linux-lite, bunsen-lithium, LXLE-Focal, NOW plus 4MLinux!
# tails-amd64 (part working only - ctrl-alt f2 to commandline login root:root; reboot -f to restart),
# Debian-live, Regata_OS (password is blank, can: sudo password root to user:pw root:root),
# Kodachi, SysLinuxOS (for passwords check distro websites or try user:pw weedog:weedog or root:root)


weedogit uses uncompressed 08 filesystem for WDL_4ML and I've included all its provided extra modules and firmware (so works on many more systems) so could be made much much smaller if you wanted to manually play with the result (e.g. use mksquashfs on that and cut down on the firmware particularly to suit your own machine). End result could truly be Puppy-size, and similar look and feel (JWM but with PCMANFM). Being weedogged the result has full persistence and all the WDL initrd RAM and other overlayfs flexibility. First boot is slowish and once questions answered re passwords and so on they won't be asked again (since persistent). Tested install of GIMP and Libreoffice and went fine (Start Menu - extensions ...).

See a few posts above for screenshots of WDL_4ML in action.

Instead of weedogging the live iso, an alternative way of making a WDL 4MLinux (and most any other distro, full installed or otherwise) is to make a normal install and then make a squashfs out of the resulting root filesystem and drive that via WDL initrd (with appropriate modules loaded into WDL initrd (either embedded or as external squashfs addons such as used in KLV-Airedale). That way an extremely small WDL_4DL could be constructed.

I received no bug reports re the previous released but a few days ago, so I didn't check anything else - this one just concentrated on the special tricks needed to weedog 4MLinux.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by esos »


Wow, beautiful, you are the persistence-master.
I tested regataOS & 4ML and it work as expected.
Thank you so much.

I have another small interesting OS austrumi64-4.1.5 (slackware base) only 375 MB.
Boot parameter for english: "lang_en" .
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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

esos wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:26 am

I have another small interesting OS austrumi64-4.1.5 (slackware base) only 375 MB.

Yes, I've heard of austrumi.

That one should be easy... though latest seems to be version 4.6.7 so I'll try that one and report back

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »

I 'perhaps' spoke too soon. I have made a weedogit build of austrumi but it won't boot on my current laptop. However, that may simply because my laptop has an nvme drive and the module required for that may not be provided in the limited (but otherwise good) selection provided in austrumi. I'll try same build on other laptop tomorrow to see if my weedogit build is actually working or not. Then I plan to add my simple Fedora rawhide build (commandline only version).

I actually made two different builds since I decided that austrumi could be used as a good exemplar for how to make a weedogged distro as small as possible using external 00modules.sfs, which could be shared between the main rootfilesystem and the initrd. As it turns out austrumi has the main modules required for booting built directly into the kernel (including weedog required overlayfs support) so that 00modules.sfs isn't required anyway.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I can't get a WDL_4M, just made, to boot on a DELL PowerEdge but as an ISO will boot with QEMU. There is a problem finding the boot partition.

Also noticed that 4M uses a similar method to what a KLV-Airedale built with the build script and the PLUG file uses. I have been converting all the configurations and extra utilities from fredx181, other contributors and borrowed from DebianDogs, Puppy Linux and FatDog, into XBPS packages.

Then it is very easy to add the installation of these to the KLV plug recipe which instructs to download them from a "repo" and use the xbps package manager to set them up. This is what apparently 4M is doing using a different compression type.

Playing around with 4M in a QEMU machine is interesting and kind of fun.

I hope to track down why WDL_4M is giving me grief on the blade server.

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by wiak »


austrumi... hmmmmmmm

On the whole weedogit (or more accurately the general purpose WeeDogLinux initrd) is able to set up overlays and then simply switches root to /sbin/init and leaves the upstream distro rootfilesystem to do whatever it does. For most distros that works fine since the upstream distro then sets everything up via whatever init system it uses (e.g. SysVinit, runit, or systemd). However... a few distros do special setups in their own initrd (which weedog initrd replaces) and since WDL initrd cannot know what that distro's own initrd did (and it can involve complex setups) the boot by WDL initrd (i.e. the switch_root to /sbin/init) fails. In general, in these rare cases, weedogit cannot therefore work since original initrd is required to boot such distros.

The above problem is unfortunately the case with austrumi... So I was about to say, sorry, can't be done.

However, I am currently in a manually hacked WDL_austrumi connected via wifi and posting via austrumi-installed firefox... I forgot to put the en language argument on the grub2 kernel commandline (and don't even know if that will work after all my hacking...) so I am quickly guessing Latvian to use this... But... it all (amazingly) seems to be working fine per the ridiculous hacks I have used to do this. Consider this not only a weedogged austrumi, but a bit of a fork (albeit very slight at boot stage only) since original austrumi uses not only its own initrd.gz to set up the system but also the file /boot/linuxrc. What I have done is created an alternative to linuxrc (and guessed some of the necessary setups that must have been done in austrumi's original initrc). The alternative I'm using is taken directly out of my build_weedog_initrd script - that included a simple rc.sysinit for simple SysVinit system. Austrumi happens to use SysVinit, and somehow, luckily, what I included has turned out to be enough such that it seems to be working fine. I suppose I should have studied austrumi's own initrd, to get an idea what it was setting up, but I didn't look because such scripts can be very complicated to the extent I could easily waste my time trying to reverse-engineer it, which I don't do for weedogIT builds anyway... So... have succeeded anyway! - a lot of luck and good guesses as I say - now I just need to remember all I did and script it accurately in weedogit.sh script.

Austrumi is nice distro - small but includes both Firefox and LibreOffice - very interesting distro indeed, and this fork/variant with WDL overlayfs functionality... Definitely LUCK on my part. Will publish when I can.

WDL_austrumi_2560x1440_scrotjpg.jpg (68.45 KiB) Viewed 7629 times

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weedogit Austrumi + Fedora

Post by wiak »

New version of weedogit script attached to first post of thread


LATEST is progname="weedogit.sh"; version="016"; revision="-rc1" Revision Date: 12Aug2022


# Added new distros: linux-lite, bunsen-lithium, LXLE-Focal, 4MLinux NOW plus austrumi and Fedora Rawhide cmdline!
# tails-amd64 (part working only - ctrl-alt f2 to commandline login root:root; reboot -f to restart),
# Debian-live, Regata_OS (password is blank, can: sudo password root to user:pw root:root),
# Kodachi, SysLinuxOS (for passwords check distro websites or try user:pw weedog:weedog or root:root)


Fedora Rawhide (Rolling release - includes GTK 4.x.x I think)
For various details: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=fedora

You can use nmtui to connect Fedora cmdline to wifi (or other connection). However, you may first need to track down your wifi firmware .ucode and put it in 08firstrib_rootfs/usr/lib/firmware
Once you have a connection (e.g. via command nmtui) you can install X and desktop, for example, with dnf filemanager command:

Code: Select all

sudo dnf groupinstall "Xfce Desktop"

(actually you don't need sudo since logged in as root anyway...)
then use startxfce4 to start it up (see attached for the result - it is pretty much complete actually).

By the way, you can check available group packages with command:

Code: Select all

dnf grouplist

Best to consult a Fedora dnf package manager tutorial though the Xfce Desktop install does provide a GUI for package management.

wiak wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:33 pm

Fedora doesn't provide any kind of static package manager build system (unlike Void Linux), nor I believe any Debian-type debootstrap mechanism... rather, the root filesystem core that I'm using is ready made tar.gz by Fedora itself for docker image I believe so that just needed downloaded and untarred. In fact, even better, someone else has written a small script to find latest tar.gz of that, so I just employ their script.

Austrumi (uses FVWM plus tint2)
For various details: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=austrumi

I hacked austrumi to get lang_en added to end of grub2 kernel line to work. Should work with other languages too per austrumi docs (en, es, fr, gr, hu, it, lv, ru, uk), but the WDL version doesn't have user austrumi. Logged in user is root with password austrumi; as set up it logs in automatically as root to desktop. I left the austrumi 08filesystem uncompressed since it wasn't able to read from sfs root_filesystem for some austrumi driver-related reason I imagine.

With weedogit.sh now providing 33 WDL weedogged distros it becomes impossible for me to keep all the ever-changing download URLs up-to-date. I will maintain a few (such as EndeavourOS and Zorin) but no promises. However, you can help by simply notifying me when you come across an upstream URL that has changed. Just post the new url, I'll check it and insert the new one into the script for later re-upload. Of course, you can easily update URLs for your own use (in weedogit.sh scrip lines 19 onwards where appropriate), but informing me of changes is helpful to everyone of course.

Aside from bug fixes (and occasional URL changes) I don't plan on adding more distros for a while since I want to continue some maintenance of main WeeDogLinux build scripts (build_firstrib_rootfs and build_weedog_initrd).

NOTE WELL that weedogit, as it stands, just builds commandline version of Fedora Rawhide. The XFCE desktop shown in screenshot is AFTER booting, connecting to Internet and running command: dnf groupinstall "Xfce Desktop" followed by startxfce4 command.

FedoraRawHideXfce_desktop.jpg (62.93 KiB) Viewed 7592 times

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Re: weedogit.sh script to frugal boot most any distro

Post by Phil_54 »

First, thank you for a very useful script to install lots of distros for trial. I've tried several, current favourite is KLV_Airedale v 14, which runs easily on my old chromebook 2Gb ram (on GalliumOS past 3 years) from SD card. However choice no. 1, vanilladpup-9.2.9-extra.tar, has not gone well. Downloaded ok, but realised line 249 needed '-extra' (I think?). Errors came up as below.

mv: cannot stat 'zdrv_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'fdrv_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'bdrv_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'puppy_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'adrv_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'devx_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'docx_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'nlsx_vanilladpup_9.2.9-extra.sfs': No such file or directory

I edited weedogit.sh to include '-extra'. Got a bit further (docx, devx and nlsx files created).
I noticed github had iso and tar files, so downloaded the iso file and extracted these, apart from adrv (couldn't see it) and put these in folder, along with vmlinuz, which also hadn't appeared.
Edited menu.lst and rebooted. Seemed to start ok but stayed in black screen for a couple of minutes until I got bored.

I'd really like to try this version, so any help appreciated.
I have run many distros from usb and sd card over the years with little problem (sound, touch pad issues mainly). Chromebook is original Toshiba CB30-102.

2013 Toshiba chromebook, 2Gb ram, and SDcard :geek:


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