Now that WeeDog is in the process or being re-developed/re-branded back to original project name FirstRib, it is no longer being discussed or new downloads made available via the Puppy Linux forum. If you remain interested in any of the FirstRib/ex-weedog releases, for now you should login to and some of the older utility and build scripts will be made available to you. Other parts of the build system will only be made available, either at that location or site yet chosen, only after the next FirstRib dev version changes have been made, which may take a while because of other circumstances out of my control.
Find LATEST weedogit script to auto-build "weedogged" flexible frugal installs of many distros attached to this first thread post per usual
LATEST: progname=""; version="021"; revision="-rc2" #Revision Date: 26Aug2022
# NEW: Mabox Linux, Sparky Linux (many variants)
See here for Mabox live fix: ... 351#p65351
User/Pass for Sparky are root/root and weedog/weedog (root user login is a bit weird)
Now the automated grub_config.txt provided stanzas include option of using detected UUID or detected LABEL. Works fine in my tests with grub2 (label won't work if no label of course, and will confuse system if two fs with same label...), but don't know if the grub4dos menu.lst LABEL stanza works or not since I don't have grub4dos on my machine to test it.
THIS IS A MAJOR NEW VERSION RELEASE. Main change is that majority of upstream distro URLs are now auto-scraped from the web. This is experimental and the web-scraping is simplistic and could do with improvement. In practice, around one third of the current handled distros still need their download URLs manually updated (like previous weedogit releases) when required. I found these too difficult to quickly/reliably/easily auto-scrape. Feel free to provide scraping recipe if you can work some out for these... or improved scrape code for the others. If auto-scrape ever fails, you can still use manual URL assignment as per previous releases.
# Currently the below following continue to need manual URL updates: Pop-os, Zorin, Garuda Sway,
# tinycorelinux, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Linux Lite, Kodachi, 4MLinux, Xubuntu, Lubuntu
Also, the grub-config suggestions have been automated such that the suggested grub stanzas should work without alteration - the bootdir name (whatever you choose to use) of the directory you run from should now be correctly auto-placed in the grub config stanza as should the actual UUID of the partition you have that bootdir stored in at time of the build.
# linux-lite, bunsen-lithium LXLE-Focal,
# tails-amd64 (part working only - ctrl-alt f2 to commandline login root:root; reboot -f to restart),
# Debian-live, Regata_OS (password is blank, can: sudo password root to user:pw root:root),
# Kodachi, SysLinuxOS, 4Mlinux, austrumi
# Fedora Rawhide,
# FOR LOGINS user:passwords: check distro websites or try weedog:weedog or root:root
Previous also included:
# re-wrote KL_vdpup section such that it now works as a general purpose choice to weedog most any Pup simply
# by changing URL01, distro01 name, and subdirectory01 name (see lines 20-24 for howto). Default is KL_vdpup since my only reason for
# including that originally was to avoid frugalify which didn't support frugal installs in subdirs nor some other traditional Puppy features.
# The weedogged pups are just for fun and experiment though. You would need to modify some small Puppy system scripts for better KL use.
# e.g. Currently KL_Pup shutdown process is a bit iffy - at final prompt, you sometimes need command: poweroff
# You can easily modify folder contents 09WDLfork_vdpup to fix the above (its higher layer than 08puppy... so replaces original script versions).
Fedora Rawhide (Rolling release - includes GTK 4.x.x I think)
For various details:
You can use nmtui to connect Fedora cmdline to wifi (or other connection). However, you may first need to track down your wifi firmware .ucode and put it in 08firstrib_rootfs/usr/lib/firmware
Once you have a connection (e.g. via command nmtui) you can install X and desktop, for example, with dnf filemanager command:
Code: Select all
sudo dnf groupinstall "Xfce Desktop"
(actually you don't need sudo since logged in as root anyway...)
then use startxfce4 to start it up (see attached for the result - it is pretty much complete actually).
By the way, you can check available group packages with command:
Code: Select all
dnf grouplist
Best to consult a Fedora dnf package manager tutorial though the Xfce Desktop install does provide a GUI for package management.
wiak wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:33 pmFedora doesn't provide any kind of static package manager build system (unlike Void Linux), nor I believe any Debian-type debootstrap mechanism... rather, the root filesystem core that I'm using is ready made tar.gz by Fedora itself for docker image I believe so that just needed downloaded and untarred. In fact, even better, someone else has written a small script to find latest tar.gz of that, so I just employ their script.
Austrumi (uses FVWM plus tint2)
For various details:
I hacked austrumi to get lang_en added to end of grub2 kernel line to work. Should work with other languages too per austrumi docs (en, es, fr, gr, hu, it, lv, ru, uk), but the WDL version doesn't have user austrumi. Logged in user is root with password austrumi; as set up it logs in automatically as root to desktop. I left the austrumi 08filesystem uncompressed since it wasn't able to read from sfs root_filesystem for some austrumi driver-related reason I imagine.
weedogit uses uncompressed 08 filesystem for WDL_4ML and I've included all its provided extra modules and firmware (so works on many more systems) so could be made much much smaller if you wanted to manually play with the result (e.g. use mksquashfs on that and cut down on the firmware particularly to suit your own machine). End result could truly be Puppy-size, and similar look and feel (JWM but with PCMANFM). Being weedogged the result has full persistence and all the WDL initrd RAM and other overlayfs flexibility. First boot is slowish and once questions answered re passwords and so on they won't be asked again (since persistent). Tested install of GIMP and Libreoffice and went fine (Start Menu - extensions ...).
tails-amd64 does boot to GUI but won't go further and won't let you directly shutdown from there. You can however drop to commandline by pressing Ctrl-Alt-f2 and then login to commandline terminal with user:password root:root or normal user weedog:weedog. You can then restart your system with command: reboot -f. I have no idea at this stage how to then restart GUI desktop but including the build anyway so that can be tried by others or looked further at by myself.
The Debian-live iso used for WDL_debi does not include much firmware (e.g. no wifi firmware for my test computer). You'll likely need to add additional firmware by yourself or use one of the bigger Debian-live release isos- available.
Script is organised to make it easy for script user to maintain the ever-changing upstream URL for the distro(s). When you inevitably eventually need to do so, simply open the script in your favourite editor and change any out-of-date distro URL to the current downloadable one. You will find the distro URLs all listed near the top of the script (lines 13 to 31). You will need to visit distro download site to ascertain current distro URL whenever you need to do that.
I haven't tested this latest script much at all so if not working just let me know or it will likely stay as it is.
Weedogit is now re-packaged so will always be the latest version. To see what version you have you can now use command: ./ --version
handles frugal install of 19 distros and sets passwords (via upper_changes folder) for some of the ones that need that (with root/root and weedog/weedog as passwords when relevant).
Note: now has a sibling:
I also personally use as a kind of scripted HowTo illustrating various snippets of shell code used for working with the component parts of Linux distros, even 'howto use overlayfs mounts' (so acts as an addition to the cherrytree notepads I rely on for my 'memory')
Find DOWNLOAD attached to THIS post
(just remove the dummy tar and make the script executable and simply run it in the empty folder you want to boot from - or if you already have the upstream iso, include it in same boot from folder and it won't need downloaded again).
See changes/announcement post for more details - ... 179#p51179
New WeeDogIt distros added:
massOS. I've not tried this one myself, but @Keef sent the relevant url and case section code lines for this one; hope I put it all in the script correctly. Didn't set any password for root/root or weedog/weedog; let me know if I should have included setting these.
Bodhi Linux standard version. (login user/passwords root/root or weedog/weedog, but by default only goes to desktopGUI as weedog. However, see 'trick' in 'changes/announcement' for logging to desktop as root)
tinycorelinux64. (login user "tc")
For the sort of thing can do, see here: ... 075#p50075
and here: ... 926#p49926
If you want to try a few more persistence modes (e.g. save to RAM only), see here: ... 221#p50221
Currently auto-WeeDog frugal installs 19 alternative distro variants However, I've only tested the first 4 so needs feedback if you want fixed or additonal distros added.
There have been a few HowTo boot external to this forum distros using WeeDogLinux generic initrd and thus turn these distros into typical overlayfs frugal installations in their own subdirectories with various copy2RAM and w_changes save persistence mechanisms (as exemplified and the same as current KLV-Airedale). ( script is my attempt to write a bash script that does all the work (albeit for a limited number of distros).
Just copy it into an empty directory, make it executable (e.g. chmod +x and run it from that empty directory (which is intended to be the directory you then use grub to boot from). If you already have the iso for the distro, put it in same directory as and it will be used (otherwise will download it for you).
You can find the download url uses by simply looking inside the simple (albeit growing longer) script - each distro is in its separate case statement section and each download url is shown in a comment statement near the top of the relevant distro section. So to run simply enter command:
Code: Select all
where N is the version release number
My favourite by far is the becoming extremely popular (at least according to Distrowatch) EndeavourOS, which is an Arch Linux based distro that uses XFCE. I find it very fast (way better than Manjaro XFCE in my opinion). Indeed it is so good I will probably not bother ever providing a new version of WDL_Arch64 - I simply cannot compete...
NOTE1: if you don't already have a copy of the iso of interest put into that 'emptydirectory', will wget it for you, but it will notice if it is already there so not bother in that case...
These isos are around 2 GB in size usually, so be patience, the download takes a while and has a lot of big files to extract from the iso thereafter during its frugal install build - that takes time (though fetching the iso is by far the longest wait...).
Once has completed the install it will print templates for grub.cfg (and menu.lst) types of grub configuration. Just copy them into you own grub config file and modify to point to the name of the directory you did the install in and also use your the appropriate UUID for your own installation (blkid will give you the necessary uuid value for the partition you installed into).i
NOTE2: Since downloading such big isos takes so long, I am not planning to test the other distro choices out myself. If you want me to fix the script (should anything not work) you will need to have tried it yourself and provided me with the details. It is a simple script - I simply cut and paste code rather than create complex functions to save lines of code - so you should be easily able to maintain it yourself (and tell me the fixes I need to make) since most issues are likely to be with wrong or changing upstream url information and similar. Overall, I am just using this script myself now and any maintenance I bother uploading will depend on if anyone is using it - you don't need to! But if you do, would be useful maybe for others if you provide feedback and fixes.
If you already have the iso for the distro, put it in same directory as and it will be used (otherwise will download it for you)
Now that WeeDog is in the process or being re-developed/re-branded back to original project name FirstRib, it is no longer being discussed or new downloads made available via the Puppy Linux forum. If you remain interested in any of the FirstRib/ex-weedog releases, for now you should login to and some of the older utility and build scripts will be made available to you. Other parts of the build system will only be made available, either at that location or site yet chosen, only after the next FirstRib dev version changes have been made, which may take a while because of other circumstances out of my control.