Indeed nouveau driver is good, I would even say 'impressive' considering it was able to run on any old HW I came across so far and revive/prolong use of them.
I understand the economic/logic why companies/authors would not bother supporting those anymore, I'm not complaining.
For me, it's the things I learnt during the process before I go into hibernation mode again. For instance, I didn't know John Murga passed away until I had issue with BionicDog. Turned out BionicDog was not the issue. But, on the positive side, it refreshed my puppy knowledge. I saw FossaDog and replaced BionicDog. Which during the process forced me to refresh CUPS printer, Epson printer/scanner driver reloading, etc. All goodies you, Fred and others passed on the knowledge in the old forum.
This time around, I saw BusterDog, newer Fatdog and heaps more. So, while this tinkering motivation is here this round, you'll see me asking stupid questions, while I go thru my 'collections'.
FYI - The PC involved is already in action now. It's running StretchDog/Chrome/VLC attached to a 47in TV 1920x1080.
TIA for you tips and suggestions Bill. I'll check out Bullseye.