@Clarity, the 90's are over. Many computer owners store their precious files in the cloud (and don't have to sync files between PCs), or at least, don't share files through the LAN. Most operating systems these days have built-in firewalls, because only a minority of home computers are SMB servers (or servers, in general).
Samba is big, and SMB (plus related protocols) has always been a major source of vulnerabilities (Conficker, WannaCry, you name it). While useful in a corporate network with Windows machines, I don't think Samba should be part of the default installation in a distro for personal computers, and especially a small or light one. Just smbclient, without the server component - maybe. But IMHO you should stop asking for preinstalled Samba on every occasion and accept the fact that sometimes you'll just need to install it yourself, then whitelist a couple of ports in your firewall.