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Post by rockedge »


This topic assumes you are using one of the recommended distros or remasters.

Almost everything on the Puppy desktop can be customized. Experiment a little to see what can be done (you should backup your save file/folder first)

  • click Menu>Desktop>JWM Desktop Manager

image1.jpg (37.46 KiB) Viewed 3101 times

Some helpful notes:

Windows Effects (if present)
This mostly controls transparency, and is not normally changed

  • click the Background button

You can now select a new background and use the display controls on the right side of the window. The background images are stored in the /usr/share/backgrounds directory. If you have your own images or photos you wish to use, just copy them into that directory and they will be listed. Common formats like .jpg, .png, .svg are all recognized.

Conky (if present)
Conky controls the text info panel on the right side of the desktop
Desktop Icons
Any file or directory can be placed on the desktop, just use Rox to drag and drop it.

Change an Icon

  • right click the existing icon

  • choose item containing the icon name

  • click Set Icon

  • use Rox to navigate to an icon directory

  • drag and drop the new icon into the window

Here are the most common locations for icons:

Desktop Applications
You can add an installed application to the desktop. Application launchers (file that starts the app) are stored in /usr/share/applications. Use Rox to drag and drop a launcher to the desktop. You can right click the new icon and change its name (Edit Item or Rename).

Applications in a Directory
Just like desktop applications, use Rox to drag and drop a launcher to the directory, then choose copy from the action menu.

If a window opens and the top is off the screen
Hold down the Alt key and drag the window down

Two Line Desktop Icon Labels
Icon labels in directories automatically wrap to two lines. Desktop icon labels do not. To get two line desktop icons:

  • open Menu>Document>Geany

  • type your label on two lines

  • press ctrl a (this marks the label)

  • press ctrl c (this copies the label)

image2.png (9.89 KiB) Viewed 3101 times
  • click Edit Item

  • press ctrl v (this paste the two line label into the box)

  • click OK

image3.png (51.53 KiB) Viewed 3101 times

The result looks this way:

image4.png (7.56 KiB) Viewed 3101 times

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