@Marv @OscarTalks thanks for testing
dir2pet crashes because
Will need a rebuild with
Moderator: Forum moderators
@Marv @OscarTalks thanks for testing
dir2pet crashes because
Will need a rebuild with
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
@peebee Thanks, made the change in DISTRO_SPECS and my little calcontop pet sailed right through. Installed and working.
My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv and synaptics touchpad drivers, using small savefiles for customizations. Ydrv based NoblePup64 and Fossapup64-low (both LXDE/PCManFM with no savefiles). Small common custom fdrv throughout.
cb62b0082c13ae7e0dad68cb4be661f7 VoidPup32-22.02RC+0.iso
d8459c10a6902e5a22ce1f02002069c1 VoidPup64-22.02RC+0.iso
22.02RC (slightly early) fixes dir2pet issue
.xbps support has been added to Woof-CE (with help from 01micko - thanks)
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
No joy in mudville so far booting RC0. Exactly the same hardware and Grub4Dos setup as Beta +6. Some change in the initrd.gz or possibly a missing mount file pertaining to fat32 - my boot partition is fat32- Pristine boot, md5sum of the iso correct. Files extracted and tested twice.
The menu.lst entry is:
Code: Select all
title VoidPup64 Peebees RC0 build of 01262022 with 5.15.0 kernel
uuid 2988-C05D
kernel /VoidPup64/vmlinuz net.ifnames=0 pmedia=ataflash pdev1=sda1 psubdir=VoidPup64 pfix=copy,fsck ipv6.disable=1
initrd /microcode/microcode-update-20210216-64.cpio /VoidPup64/initrd.gz
Also tested without the pdev1=sda1 and with pdrv=sda and ran fsck.fat on the boot partition with no change in behavior.
The boot error file is attached, true gzip.
Updates: Per your suggestion @peebee swapped in the 5.16.2 kernel from the Beta +6 version and It boots and runs fine, both pristine and full-bore LXDE with savefile. @ozsouth latest 5.15.18 64b also is ok swapped in.
My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv and synaptics touchpad drivers, using small savefiles for customizations. Ydrv based NoblePup64 and Fossapup64-low (both LXDE/PCManFM with no savefiles). Small common custom fdrv throughout.
Hi @peebee There seems to be 2 forum threads for VoidPUPs. Should this forum thread be used or is here the official?
Thanks for the continuing improvements as this has moved to RC.
Clarity wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:35 amHi @peebee There seems to be 2 forum threads for VoidPUPs. Should this forum thread be used or is here the official?
Thanks for the continuing improvements as this has moved to RC.
This is the development thread prior to release.
@rockedge has setup and owns the other thread for discussion.
I suspect on release I will setup yat yet-another-thread in the same forum area.
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
@peebee I have assigned you as the original author of the announcement topic AND as the VoidPup moderator for this section.
I can move this thread if so desired or leave it until we've reached an RC1 phase.
Let me know what you need for any additional setups.
Since we are into RC territory I will (re)mention a couple of tidying up items beyond just the package management issues.
/usr/share/applications/gftp.desktop line 11 needs editing to:-
In the adrv
/usr/local/share/applications/mozilla-light.desktop line 49 can be changed to:-
Menu > Utility > X Virtual Keyboard does not work
Calls the script /usr/bin/x-keyboard
This attempts to call something called "cellwriter" as preference (not available?)
Or else xvkbd (which is available via vpm but not installed)
Maybe one of those two should be added?
Hmm, interesting. I had never heard of cellwriter before. I tried compiling the latest source release (from 2017) in Void32 but it gave "multiple definitions" errors. Starting to see these crop up, not sure what causes them. Perhaps something with older source and newer distros? Anyway, cellwriter compiles easily in Dpup Stretch and the build seems to run fine in VoidPup32. It does look nicer than xvkbd at first glance.
OscarTalks wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 2:40 pmMenu > Utility > X Virtual Keyboard does not work
Calls the script /usr/bin/x-keyboard
This attempts to call something called "cellwriter" as preference (not available?)
Or else xvkbd (which is available via vpm but not installed)
Thanks OT - will do on icons.
CellWriter 1.3.6 2 current 164k Grid-entry natural handwriting input panel
xvkbd 4.1 1 current 282k Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X11
are in the Void repos - could add Cellwriter.....
[later] CellWriter looks good but needs some Puppyfication.........
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
Nice pup had to use series 4 kernel. Thank goodness Puppy has kernel swap feature to make booting on an old machine possible.
Hi @peebee,
RC0 build of 01262022 with 5.15.0 kernel doesn't boot on my 10 years old ACER 5745G (ext. SSD/grub4dos). I read @Marv's post from above, switched to 5.16.2 and it boots fine.
sfs-load of a vivaldi browser works.
Thank you peebee ...
one wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 8:27 amHi @peebee,
RC0 build of 01262022 with 5.15.0 kernel doesn't boot on my 10 years old ACER 5745G (ext. SSD/grub4dos). I read @Marv's post from above, switched to 5.16.2 and it boots fine.
sfs-load of a vivaldi browser works.
Thank you peebee ...peace
Yes - there was a problem with Woof-CE Kernel-kit 5.15 which should now be fixed (Marv is testing to confirm) and updated version will be in RC+1
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
RC+1: see post #1
e70b1a122fb049ae3f67eaa0ea00ca0e VoidPup32-22.02RC+1.iso
c0cba5914b24d94a8d6722c461410039 VoidPup64-22.02RC+1.iso
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
Just a couple of notes about VoidPup64-22.02RC+1.iso. Mine didn't update well from RC+0. Somethings worked, others didn't. But keep in mind that my 'old ydrv' which contained the default adrv (Light-Browser) and a lot of non-void pets and libraries. I tried +1 with that, not a SaveFile/Folder. Your experience may differ.
Setting up wifi using simple network setup, show passphrase has the toggle is reversed. Without a check in the "Show passphrase box" it shows; with, it doesn't.
Is my graphics the only one where the OK button of First-Run doesn't show
until the GUI is expanded?
mikeslr wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 1:03 amis my graphics the only one where the OK button of First-Run doesn't show
until the GUI is expanded?
Mine does that too but only if I boot into the standard JWM. The window is correctly sized if peebees LXDE ydrv is loaded. Guess I'd just gotten used to it as I couldn't say how long it's been that way. I don't see the inverted show password tickbox in SNS setup either on a JWM or a LXDE boot. Tick it, it shows the PW. Untick it, it hides the PW. My graphics setup is:
Code: Select all
Display Specifications:
• Screen Name: LVDS1
• Screen VertRefresh: 60.00 times/s
• Screen Resolution: 1366x768 pixels (361x203 millimeters)
• Screen Depth: 24 bits (planes)
Xorg Startup Log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
• Xorg Driver in use: intel
• Loaded Modules: dri2 dri3 fb glx libinput synaptics
• X.Org version:
OpenGL 2D/3D Rendering:
• Direct Rendering: Yes
• Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
• Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 (SNB GT2)
• Version: 3.0 Mesa 21.3.5
VGA controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0126] (rev 09)
• Kernel Driver: i915
• Memory Used by Driver: 1824.00 KB
• Path: /lib/modules/5.15.18-64oz/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko
• Description: Intel Graphics
• Video RAM: 1536M total, 256M prefetchable
@peebee Standard update RC0 to RC1 went well on my simple 256Mb EXT2 savefile plus your ydrv install. Fujitsu S761 laptop as usual. The usual, first pristine, then the same with the ozsouths 5.15.18 kernel instead of the stock 5.15.'0', then add the ydrv with both kernels, then the scrubbed savefile. All good, running with the 5.15.18 kernel as usual. All settings, themes, app symlinks, and the synaptics touchpad driver setup survived intact. pup_event patch noted -and working-. I carry the regulatory.db files in my savefile so on a full boot dmesg is squeaky clean.
My pups: LxPupSc64 and Voidpup64 with LXDE ydrv and synaptics touchpad drivers, using small savefiles for customizations. Ydrv based NoblePup64 and Fossapup64-low (both LXDE/PCManFM with no savefiles). Small common custom fdrv throughout.
VoidPup64 RC+1
In the devx
The executable pkg-config is wrongly named "pkg-config.pkg-config"
This causes errors when attempting to compile
OscarTalks wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 2:02 pmVoidPup64 RC+1
In the devx
The executable pkg-config is wrongly named "pkg-config.pkg-config"
This causes errors when attempting to compile
That's odd - there is a fix (symlink) which is working as intended for 32-bit but not for 64-bit....... not sure why not....... will need investigation.......
[later] problem fixed - 64-bit devx rebuilt and re-uploaded @OscarTalks
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
Thanks for the fixed devx.
I have uploaded the builds of PSIP-1.42 which I compiled in VoidPup32 and VoidPup64 respectively.
These are packaged as .xbps
Users may wish to use them for testing installation of a local .xbps package with inst-xbps
Then they may wish to test these builds of PSIP which contain the (statically linked) dependencies:-
pjproject 1.16
osxcart 1.2.0
Almost all of the tests in the buddies list can be conducted without even having to log in
Just select, click "Call" and use the number keypad buttons as prompted.
Requesting a text to be sent to you requires login to a SIP server provider, but that is easily done as well.
http://smokey01.com/OscarTalks/psip-1.42_1.i686.xbps (32bit)
http://smokey01.com/OscarTalks/psip-1.42_1.x86_64.xbps (64bit)
builds of PSIP-1.42 which I compiled in VoidPup32 and VoidPup64 respectively.
Immediately borrowing the 64 bit version to install and run in KLV-Airedale to further check how packages built directly in and for VoidPup's, will function on KLV type OS's.
UPDATE: installed smoothly but missing some dependencies.
Code: Select all
error while loading shared libraries: libopencore-amrnb.so.0
error while loading shared libraries: libnsl.so.3
I was able to find and xbps-install -y libnsl
but I have not found so far libopencore-amrnb
to be to get PSIP started in KLV yet.
Hello rockedge,
Looks like it is one of those "chain link" dependencies that crops up because of what is in the build environment. The package name is opencore-amr but it seems VoidLinux do not produce a package of this. VoidPup has a Slackware 14.2 build included in the recipe, so maybe grab the runtime library from the Slackware package using packages.slackware.com or if you prefer grab the source from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencore-amr/files/ The library compiles easily but I am mostly testing the 32bit VoidPup so don't have the 64bit immediately to hand at the moment otherwise I would compile and post it.
@OscarTalks Good stuff, I was able to compile opencore successfully and then the next important step was to manually invoke:
Code: Select all
I don't think xbps performs the ldconfig
I have it running but have not tested the full functionality of this psip on KLV yet.
Trying to save a document created using either LibreOffice Writer or geany crashed those respective applications. When started via terminal, the terminal reports:
(soffice:10201): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 21:47:14.005: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser' does not contain a key named 'show-type-column'
in both crashes. With LibreWriter it also, before that, reports:
(soffice:10201): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 21:47:01.436: invalid cast from 'GtkBox' to 'GtkMenuShell'
Any ideas? I still have the prior build of Voidpup64. I don't recall that happening. Will boot into it and report back. Update: NO it doesn't.
Solved. See the next 2 posts.
mikeslr wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:57 am(soffice:10201): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 21:47:14.005: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser' does not contain a key named 'show-type-column'
Any ideas? I still have the prior build of Voidpup64. I don't recall that happening. Will boot into it and report back. Update: NO it doesn't.
Just tried pristine frugal installs of both VP32 and VP64 and Geany seems to behave correctly with both......files are saved without error or crashes
org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser is installed as part of GTK3.
where did LO come from? has it overwritten org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser?
its stored at: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
is there a version in your save folder? if so delete that version and run:
glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels
Long story really having little to do with VoidPup. But the following may help those who install pets which cause problems.
About 4 years ago, when Google-Chrome decided to insist that its browser could not be run as Root, Mike Walsh published an SFS which ran it from /mnt/home/spot without Root permissions. AFAIK, that remains among the safest methods to run any Web-browser in order to deter hackers from "escaping" from the Spot folder. But, it also complicates getting files you download out-of, or files you want to upload into, /home/spot. Eventually he published a 'permission changer' which changed permissions while moving files and could be used with any web-browser run from /home/spot.
About that time it also became necessary to include glib-2.0 schemas. So it was included in the permission changer pet. Occasionally I still re-construct web-browsers to run that way. So I installed the permission-changer pet. Using nicOS-Utility-Suite's Save2SFS, it got baked into a ydrv.sfs.
Once I figured out where it the glib-2.0 schemas came from, I used Menu>Setup>PupControl>Software>Package Manager>Uninstall to remove permission-changer from RAM, applied the fix per your above post, then ran nicOS-Utility-Suite's Save2SFS again to rebuild the ydrv.sfs.
Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels