I bought a Asus eeePc 701 at 2009.Its configuration is celeron M 900MHZ NonPAE,512M ram,4G HD,It is a very old laptop.
I'v refered to the post :viewtopic.php?p=44971&i=1
I want to find a suitable puppyLinux for the PC CPU: 32bit,non PAE.
when I start using BP32,it doesn't occur bootloader screen,and prompt the cpu not support PAE. How can I input "forcepae--".
I tried many distribution , antiX-17.4,it go into bootload,I input "quiet forcepae--",but it going on and staying at “fatal error:not find antiX/linuxFS”,the file exists on USB stick.I think it fail at mounting dev/sdb1 to antiX kernel.I guess antiX-17.4 distro is not suitable for eeePC too.
I am flasher to linux,I don;t know how to modify puppyLinux kernel to run at specify enviroment .If there is a disto ISO for the PC I say,it is very helpful .
thanks for Any reply .