Back in old rip 2019 forum ,i've left uncompleted those interesting tests,
Big thanks to rockedge for rt kernels .
Caution; cutting tools/moving machine/electricity may hurt you,or worst,hardware (parport,pc,interface,etc) may fails, machines setups/timing needed/timing achieve/hw/etc
are in hundreds in mix and match possible configurations..
my usual 100% NO Warranty apply here too.Use at your own risk.
Why ?
Mainly for testing uspace preempt rt ,prove a puppy can run linuxcnc for cnc,3d printer,etc.
If size/ram matter,linuxcnc-2.8.2-r_preempt_buster.iso is 2Gb...did not tested this live iso features and latency result,shame on me...
note;Debian dog rtai still work fine and can be update to latest version ,here,2.8pre latest i did in 2017.
but ,its a dog.
So , facts( the recipes tested yet ) ;
-Bionicpup64 8.0.0 & rockedge 5.4.70-rt40-full-rt_x64
frugal install ,all in ram..
-ubuntu ppa build linuxcnc 1:2.8.1_uspace_bionic1 or debian stretch build of linuxcnc-uspace_2.8.2 or else!!!
-homebrew pet of missing deps ,scripts run-as-root &kill left process to menu
-hardware tested here; dell mobo i5 2500 5Gb ram, 1 pci parport card,1 pcie parport card,onboard video,
an obselete Soundlogic combo breakout board ,gecko g201 on small 12¨x17¨x4¨ xyz cnc/steppers/encoders.
-linuxcnc axis gui only,their is 4 more options using ,some might need more libs
-get ok latency to operate dangerously fast enough the machine with parallels ports**²
20mar.22 more___ tests_;
-Retested a few of rockedge kernels, preempt rt, + full ,5.4.70-rt40-full-rt_x64 is your best bet latency speaking,here it does.
-ethernet mesa 7i92 works , beta 7i92 configuration/flashing tool too ,it needed some of python 3.6 + more ,but do it all.
Ask rsrcn51 for his latest 4.8 peasywifi if the ethernet + wifi is needed, it was the only manager that enable simultaneous connections,let it know if you succeed with another.
,**² using device like mesa ethernet card you can forget about latency.
for now,i cannot find a glitch that does not have a workaround .
THE run as spot options, why ?
just to use pre-build debian? yes, run as root wont go.
(wrote this assuming compiling it could give the prg his root may not be so,no compiling test yet)
Linuxcnc default path to machine-configs is ~/linuxcnc/config.
Set mine in ;
~/spot/linuxcnc/configs symlink to ~/linuxcnc
The menu for pncconf and stepconf as spot included in my sfs are not needed,
weird as it may seems, if you run as spot stepconf or pncconf they wont let you write to your spot folder,
using either ones (not spot) you can write your configuration to the ~/linuxcnc link to spot,
i dont get it,but it works.
Lets run linuxcnc as run-as-spot
everything is fine ,assuming your machine-configuration is ok
-program preferences can be save.
-editing gcode with geany,or else,within a ¨spot_linuxcnc¨ get permission problems
so,edit outside and reload gcode .
for now,i cannot explain why these happen but got a workaround;
if, you encounter a glitch with linuxcnc asking thru pickconfig(graphical) to copy your configuration to your home but wont let you do it,
you can load any of your config directly ,try;
run-as-root linuxcnc path/to/your/your.ini
Various notes;
this new forum is fairly resuming the old murga ones.
Please bare with me, i do not have my electrical/electronic engineer degree since than.
As i use sparcely documented cnc Soundlogic breakout boards now obsolete ,that,
i now got 5 pci(+e) cards with differents chipsets,
parallel ports vs linuxcnc is complex,it could be seen as a tweakable drivers ,
to the point i did taught i had hardware failures when it was settings problems...
yes,heard the; well its call a school !!! you stubborn autodidact dreamer...
linuxcnc is not anymore intel only ,
there are arm ,rasberian pi success with it these days
with their smallest more ecofriendly footprint impact,in their physical size ,on a waste managing side...
questionnable,as you find good old pc on roadside..
maybe i should investigate bitcoin farms trash/recycling bin!
and there is woof-ce arm support, put it on your to do list !!.
What's to do or test;
-forget new year resolutions i wont maintain ...within the year ,and feel good about it.
----oh sh!t,that's for the refrigerator sticker...oh anyways..
-let the system run for a whole 24 hours in loop ..mainly with parport .
- test newer rt_preempt kernels if available
all about linuxcnc here
notes; as old forum cannot be edit, the script you still find there for run as spot is ¨out of date¨..
Welcome testers.
This first post will be edit,if i find something to share or update.