Making a CD or USB for your First Boot

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Making a CD or USB for your First Boot

Post by rockedge »

This topic covers booting from either CD or USB.

If you are using a computer that meets the system criteria in General System Requirements, then we suggest you currently (3/25) try the mainline builds on the Puppy website. If these don't work there is a bigger Puppy Linux Collection page. And if none of these work, there are many more on the Forum here and here.

If you don't want to attempt to create your own CD or USB and don't have someone who can help you we suggest you try Ebay. Search "puppy linux cd or usb", several of the sellers offer to create a version of your choice.

DISCLAIMER - the Puppy Linux Forum is not affiliated with any Ebay seller.

The three common ways to do your first boot with Puppy are from CD, USB or dual boot with MS Windows. Here we will discuss making a boot-able CD or USB.

Older computers will be limited to booting from a CD. If your computer is any of these you will
most likely need a CD to boot.

made before 2005
CPU is a single core ("Netbook" computers are one notable exception that are single core and USB bootable)

NOTE: Newer computers that have a CD/DVD drive can also use a CD to boot.

What you will need to make a bootable CD:

  • A computer running MS Windows or some version of Linux, with a CD Writer drive.

  • CD burning software, if you don't already have this, try one of these free programs

  • MS Windows - BurnCDCC, (tested) available here ... -software/
    set speed slider to CD 4X

  • Linux - XFBurn, (tested) check your official repository

  • A blank writable CD

Download the Puppy Linux ISO file of your choice, then use the burning software to make
the bootable CD.

What you will need to make a bootable USB:

  • A computer running MS Windows or some version of Linux.

  • USB installing software, try one of the free programs listed below

MS Windows - Rufus, (tested v3.17) available here
NOTE: Newer versions of Rufus may fail, use Rufus v3.17 portable from here
More about Rufus (advanced user topic) -> viewtopic.php?p=40522#p40522
Unetbootin, (tested) available here

If you are making the USB with a Linux computer you have to know if the target computer is
MBR or UEFI boot. Read Booting from a USB or CD with a UEFI Boot Configuration for help if needed.

Download the Puppy Linux ISO file of your choice, then use the USB installing software to make
the bootable USB.

The often mentioned Balena Etcher WILL NOT WORK.
There are many other CD burning and USB installing programs, however, you will probably find they require more knowledge and more settings to use. For CD's, be sure you are "burning the ISO" and not just coping it to the CD. Worse, some of the programs cannot produce a Puppy USB that can be booted on some computers. We highly recommend you use one of the tested programs for best results.

Need more help? Join the forum and post your questions in Beginners Help.

Last edited by bigpup on Sun Mar 30, 2025 4:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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