Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

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Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by deram »

Beste Puppy vrienden, sorry dat ik in het Nederlands moet handelen. Mijn Engels is niet goed. Ik heb helemaal geen ervaring met Linux, maar heb wel ervaring met Microsoft en Windows.
Probleem: ik wil een Thin Cient computer omvormen tot een werkende "stand alone" PC. Daar dit toestel maar een opslagcapaciteit heeft van 1 Gb Compactflash, en een RAM geheugen van eveneens 1 Gb, ben ik verplicht om te zoeken naar een klein compact besturingssysteem. Mijn keuze viel op Linux Puppy.
Ter info: Het toestel Thin Client heeft de volgende specificaties: Merk= IGEL, Type model= M310C, Processor= VIA Nano U3400 @ 800 MHz., Video chip= VIA VX855, en een DVI-I connector. De bedoeling is dat ik dat toestel ga gebruiken om aan te sluiten op een analoog televisiescherm. Hoofdzaak is dus video beelden (Youtube, internetTV, etc.) ontvangen en weergeven op een tv scherm.
Ik heb dus gekozen voor de Puppy versie Slacko 5.7, deze gedownlaod op USB en daarna geinstallerd op de IGEL. Dit werkt prima en is fantastich. Echter één ding dat niet naar behoren werkt is de Firefox browser. De bowser werkt wel maar geeft permanent error codes. Ook kan ik geen beelden ontvangen (vb Youtube).
Error codes zijn:
- Secureconnection failed- error code SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
- This connection is untrusted
- Votre navigateur n'est pas compatible
- your web browser (Firefox 17) is out of date
Besluit: de bijgeleverde browser deugt niet.
Ik heb daarna een update uitgevoerd van de Firefox browser maar kan dat niet installeren. Dat gaat niet automatisch.
Het werkt niet en ik geef het op. Tenzij mij iemand kan uitleggen hoe in Godsnaam een update van de browser uit te voeren?

Tweede poging:
Dan heb ik gezocht naar een recentere versie van Puppy en vond de versie Bionic Pupy 8.0. Opnieuw gedownload op USB key en geinstalleerd op hetzelfde toestel IGEL.
Nieuw probleem: de installatie verloopt vlot maar op het einde van de installatie wordt mijn scherm volledig uitgeschakeld !!!
Meerdere malen geprobeerd en altijd hetzelfde probleem. Wat opvalt is dat die pupy 8.0 wel degelijk opgestart blijkt te zijn, maar zonder beeld.
Wat kan hier de oorzaak zijn ?

Indien er een vrijwilliger is of een goede ziel die mij kan helpen met vernoemde problemen dan ben ik zeer danknaar.

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by Phoenix »

We need you to write in English, or if needed look at the Board Index for the relevant language.
Firefox needs to be updated, along with openssl/ssl possibly.

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by Philh »

Google translate says

Dear Puppy friends, sorry to act in Dutch. My English is not good. I have no experience at all with Linux, but I do have experience with Microsoft and Windows.
Problem: I want to convert a Thin Cient computer into a working "stand alone" PC. Since this device only has a storage capacity of 1 Gb Compactflash, and a RAM memory of also 1 Gb, I am obliged to look for a small compact operating system. My choice fell on Linux Puppy.
FYI: The Thin Client device has the following specifications: Brand= IGEL, Model type= M310C, Processor= VIA Nano U3400 @ 800 MHz., Video chip= VIA VX855, and a DVI-I connector. The intention is that I will use that device to connect to an analog television screen. So the main thing is to receive and display video images (Youtube, internet TV, etc.) on a TV screen.
So I chose the Puppy version Slacko 5.7, downloaded it on USB and then installed it on the IGEL. This works great and is fantastic. However, one thing that doesn't work properly is the Firefox browser. The bowser works but gives permanent error codes. I also cannot receive images (eg Youtube).
Error codes are:
- Secureconnection failed- error code SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
- This connection is untrusted
- your web browser (Firefox 17) is out of date
Conclusion: the supplied browser is no good.
I then updated the Firefox browser but can't install it. That is not automatic.
It doesn't work and I give up. Unless someone can explain to me how the hell to update the browser?

Second try:
Then I searched for a more recent version of Puppy and found the version Bionic Pupy 8.0. Downloaded again on USB key and installed on the same device IGEL.
New problem: the installation runs smoothly but at the end of the installation my screen turns off completely !!!
Tried several times and always the same problem. What is striking is that the pupy 8.0 appears to have actually started up, but without an image.
What could be the cause here?

If there is a volunteer or a good soul who can help me with the aforementioned problems, I am very grateful.

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by BologneChe »

Diese Version von Palemoon funktioniert gut mit Slacko 5.7

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by mikewalsh »

"It's a real shame starhawk is no longer with us. He was a whiz with these thin clients; had a whole bunch of 'em.

The best place I know of to find info on these things is at "Parky Towers":-

Their main issues are nearly always lack of RAM and/or storage.....that, and the fact that they usually have weird, embedded CPUs & chipsets, too. To the best of my knowledge - which isn't much, it's true! - Puppy is one of the few small Linux distros that stand a chance of running on them, due to its small "paw-print".

If this thing has USB ports, the usual way to run Puppy is to install to USB, but at the same time partition so as to create a decent size swap partition while you're at it. This helps to 'offset' the somewhat limited RAM they have available, bearing in mind that Puppy's normal mode of operation is to run entirely in RAM, wherever possible."

Mike. ;)


Google Translate:-


"Het is echt jammer dat Starhawk niet meer bij ons is. Hij was een kei in deze thin clients; had er een hele hoop.

De beste plaats die ik ken om informatie over deze dingen te vinden, is bij "Parky Towers": -

Hun belangrijkste problemen zijn bijna altijd een gebrek aan RAM en/of opslag.....dat, en het feit dat ze meestal ook rare, ingebedde CPU's en chipsets hebben. Voor zover ik weet - wat niet veel is, is het waar! - Puppy is een van de weinige kleine Linux-distributies die een kans hebben om erop te draaien, vanwege de kleine "pootafdruk".

Als dit ding USB-poorten heeft, is de gebruikelijke manier om Puppy te gebruiken om op USB te installeren, maar tegelijkertijd te partitioneren om een swap-partitie van behoorlijke omvang te creëren terwijl je toch bezig bent. Dit helpt om het enigszins beperkte RAM-geheugen dat ze beschikbaar hebben te 'compenseren', rekening houdend met het feit dat Puppy's normale werkingsmodus is om waar mogelijk volledig in RAM te werken.

Ik hoop dat dit begrijpelijk is."

Mike. ;)

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by mikewalsh »

@Phoenix :-

Phoenix wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:24 pm

We need you to write in English, or if needed look at the Board Index for the relevant language.
Firefox needs to be updated, along with openssl/ssl possibly.

So, what's with all this, "WE need,", hmm..?

Google Translate is simple enough to use. You can't always expect forum members to get the easy end of everything. Part of being a member of our community is being prepared to sometimes put yourself out a little bit in order TO help others....

Information is a two-way street, don't forget. Telling the other person that they have to do all the work makes it look like you're putting yourself up on a pedestal, in your "ivory tower".

"I have information that YOU want, but you'll have to fulfill MY conditions in order to get it".

Bit selfish, isn't it?

Mike. :?

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by Phoenix »

Sorry for the trouble people had to go to.

If you press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE for Bionic pup 8.0 does it fallback onto a console, that is it has a blinking cursor? Along with any additional text?


Translation (Dutch)

Sorry voor de moeite die mensen moesten doen.

Als je op CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE drukt voor Bionicpup 8.0, valt het dan terug in een console, dat wil zeggen dat het een knipperende cursor heeft? Samen met eventuele aanvullende tekst?

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by amethyst »

BologneChe wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:20 am

Diese Version von Palemoon funktioniert gut mit Slacko 5.7

Jou browser is te oud vir youtube. Ek dink hierdie is 'n goeie voorstel vir jou ou masjien. Ek gebruik 'n ouer Palemoon 28.14.2. met al my Puppys, ouer en nuwer. Werk goed. Youtube se amptelike webblad is baie "swaar". Probeer om youtube videos direk te speel via Microsoft Bing se webwerf: viewtopic.php?p=47403#p47403

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by deram »

Dear friens, thanks for the positive reactions. I understand the frustrations of some but I cann't help. I will use now a Google translation, OK ?

Problem 1 Thin Client Hardware: I upgraded the hardware. Have replaced the CF of 1GB with a CF of 8Gb, and replaced the sodimm of 1Gb with a sodimm of 2 Gb. Problem of short on memery is solved now.

Problem 2 Puppy Slako 5.7: I understood the Firefox browser is old - out of date. I donwloaded the latest version but it will not install. I do not know how to make it operational? How do ?

Problem 3 Pyppy Bionoc 8.0: I tried the USB key (on withch I have downloaded the .iso file) on an Dell laptop. There it workes super fine. Much faster than the Slako 5.7, looks more similar to Windows and looks nicer and much user friendly. So my question is: why it does not work an my Thin Client ? (In fact it is installed but does not have image om my screen. Could it be the grafic card on my thin client that not compatible ? How to check ? How to solve ?
If this problem could be solved I prefer this version of Puppy.

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by amethyst »

deram wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:11 am

Dear friens, thanks for the positive reactions. I understand the frustrations of some but I cann't help. I will use now a Google translation, OK ?

Problem 1 Thin Client Hardware: I upgraded the hardware. Have replaced the CF of 1GB with a CF of 8Gb, and replaced the sodimm of 1Gb with a sodimm of 2 Gb. Problem of short on memery is solved now.

Problem 2 Puppy Slako 5.7: I understood the Firefox browser is old - out of date. I donwloaded the latest version but it will not install. I do not know how to make it operational? How do ?

Problem 3 Pyppy Bionoc 8.0: I tried the USB key (on withch I have downloaded the .iso file) on an Dell laptop. There it workes super fine. Much faster than the Slako 5.7, looks more similar to Windows and looks nicer and much user friendly. So my question is: why it does not work an my Thin Client ? (In fact it is installed but does not have image om my screen. Could it be the grafic card on my thin client that not compatible ? How to check ? How to solve ?
If this problem could be solved I prefer this version of Puppy.

Yes, if you can get Bionic going it will be a good option but you are probably having problems with your older hardware (video chips and so on). You can try 2 things but this may be a bit tricky for a new user, so don't know. 1. Try to boot with the boot parameter pfix=nox. This will let you setup X (the video server) manually. 2. Try an older kernel. I use older kernels with my newer Puppys because the new kernels all have some hang-time on my old machine.

The newest Firefox won't work on Slacko 5.7 because the system libraries will have to be upgraded (lots of them). Palemoon is the easiest to get going on Slacko 5.7 as suggested.

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by mikewalsh »

@deram :-

R-i-iight. Okay; so, you're booting it from a USB flash drive, yes?

There ARE ways to try booting differently, in order to get a working display. What we need to know is how you installed Bionic to the flash drive; did you simply copy the ISO, or did you in fact "burn" the ISO to the flash drive, using an installer program like Rufus.....or UNetbootin.....or PenDriveLinux.....or something else?

The problem for new Puppy users is always getting that very first Puppy up-and-running, you see; once you HAVE a working Puppy, it will usually prove to be a lot simpler to get another one running, since every Puppy contains all the necessary tools to do this.

If you can let us know exactly how you installed it, we can then help you find the bootloader files. The kernel line needs editing to use the

Code: Select all


.....option. (I think that's right; it's a long time since I've ever needed to do this stuff..!!) Others will know better than me; boot "stuff" is not my strong packaging is my area of interest, really.

Once we get you up-and-running with Bionic, there's a 'portable' version of Firefox you can try.....which keeps everything self-contained. Or I have several Chromium-based portable browsers, some of which are still available as 32-bit.

(Just correct me on one small point, please. Is this the 64-bit Bionic, or the 32-bit version? If it's the 64-bit version, so much the better; most developers are dropping 32-bit software support nowadays, so you're better to run 64-bit wherever possible.)

Over to you..!!

Mike. ;)


Google 'Translate':-


@deram :-

"Rechts. Oke; dus je start het op vanaf een USB-flashstation, ja?

Er ZIJN manieren om te proberen anders op te starten om een ​​werkend scherm te krijgen. Wat we moeten weten is hoe je Bionic op de flashdrive hebt geïnstalleerd; heb je gewoon de ISO gekopieerd, of heb je de ISO in feite "gebrand" naar de flashdrive, met behulp van een installatieprogramma zoals Rufus.....of UNetbootin.....of PenDriveLinux.....of iets anders ?

Het probleem voor nieuwe puppy-gebruikers is altijd om die allereerste puppy aan de gang te krijgen, zie je; als je eenmaal een werkende puppy HEBT, zal het meestal een stuk eenvoudiger zijn om een ​​andere aan de gang te krijgen, aangezien elke puppy alle benodigde hulpmiddelen bevat om dit te doen.

Als je ons precies kunt laten weten hoe je het hebt geïnstalleerd, kunnen we je helpen de bootloader-bestanden te vinden. De kernelregel moet worden bewerkt om de . te gebruiken

Code: Select all


.....optie. (Ik denk dat dat klopt; het is lang geleden dat ik dit ooit heb hoeven doen..!!) Anderen zullen het beter weten dan ik; boot "dingen" is niet mijn sterkste punt.....softwareverpakking is echt mijn interessegebied.

Zodra we u aan de slag hebben met Bionic, is er een 'draagbare' versie van Firefox die u kunt proberen... die alles op zichzelf staand houdt. Of ik heb verschillende op Chromium gebaseerde draagbare browsers, waarvan sommige nog steeds beschikbaar zijn als 32-bits.

(Corrigeer me alstublieft op een klein punt. Is dit de 64-bits Bionic of de 32-bits versie? Als het de 64-bits versie is, des te beter; de meeste ontwikkelaars laten 32-bits software vallen ondersteuning tegenwoordig, dus het is beter om waar mogelijk 64-bits te gebruiken.)

Terug naar jou..!!"

Mike. ;)

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Re: Linux Puppy problemen

Post by Phoenix »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:17 pm

deram :-

R-i-iight. Okay; so, you're booting it from a USB flash drive, yes?

There ARE ways to try booting differently, in order to get a working display. What we need to know is how you installed Bionic to the flash drive; did you simply copy the ISO, or did you in fact "burn" the ISO to the flash drive, using an installer program like Rufus.....or UNetbootin.....or PenDriveLinux.....or something else?

The problem for new Puppy users is always getting that very first Puppy up-and-running, you see; once you HAVE a working Puppy, it will usually prove to be a lot simpler to get another one running, since every Puppy contains all the necessary tools to do this.

If you can let us know exactly how you installed it, we can then help you find the bootloader files. The kernel line needs editing to use the

Code: Select all


.....option. (I think that's right; it's a long time since I've ever needed to do this stuff..!!) Others will know better than me; boot "stuff" is not my strong packaging is my area of interest, really.

Once we get you up-and-running with Bionic, there's a 'portable' version of Firefox you can try.....which keeps everything self-contained. Or I have several Chromium-based portable browsers, some of which are still available as 32-bit.

(Just correct me on one small point, please. Is this the 64-bit Bionic, or the 32-bit version? If it's the 64-bit version, so much the better; most developers are dropping 32-bit software support nowadays, so you're better to run 64-bit wherever possible.)

Over to you..!!

Mike. ;)

nomodeset will tell the kernel not to set any resolution and let the software do that.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by amethyst »

These google translations are quite good. I'm not Dutch but Afrikaans speaking but I understand and follow that translation to Dutch easily. :thumbup:

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by mikewalsh »

amethyst wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:30 am

These google translations are quite good. I'm not Dutch but Afrikaans speaking but I understand and follow that translation to Dutch easily. :thumbup:

@amethyst :-

Nic, just out of sheer curiosity, how much DO Afrikaans & Dutch differ? Often wondered in the past, but never before had a native Afrikaans-speaker I could actually ask about it...and I've always liked the Dutch as a nation.

Had a mate at school, whose dad was an attaché working at the Dutch Embassy in Paris. They had a "summer retreat" down in the French Camargue; I went & stayed with them for a couple of weeks, Summer '75 or '76. Very peaceful place. Young master de Waal taught me to ride horses for the first time, too! :o :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by amethyst »


Afrikaans was mainly "derived" from 17th century Dutch (the Dutch colonialized the Cape in the 17th century) but also has strong French (the French Settlers came later), Malay (slaves at the Cape), English (yes, you were everywhere) and of course indigenous people (Khoi who lived along the coast and San or bushmen who lived inland) roots. Lots of familiar Dutch words but there are distinct differences in grammar (Dutch is more complex in this regard). Quite easy to follow Dutch but it also depends on the regions in Holland or Belgium. Normally easy to follow when the Dutch speak slightly slower and of course the dialect of a certain region could make things difficult. Relatively easy to read I would say but rather difficult to write in Dutch. The vast amount of familiar words definitely makes things easier to understand. I've heard that Afrikaans is one of the easier languages to learn as a new language actually (much easier than English with all it's different forms of the verb for example). South Africa as a country: Law system - Common law = Roman/Dutch Law, Constitutional Law - Lots from the English system ; Cuisine - Lots from the Dutch, Malay, English and French.

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Post by deram »

Problem 2) not solved: I could download Palemoon browser but was unable to install it.

IMG_20220128_214142.jpg (139.01 KiB) Viewed 1497 times

. In fact I do not know how to do it. They ask me to open an application ? what where how ? So I decided to stop with Slako 5.7 and to go for Bionec Pup 8.0

Problem 3) Bionic pup 8.0 solved: Thanks the tip of Phoenix, use of the command Control+Alt+Backspace. This brought me to the xorgwizard and I just had to make the right choise of grafic adapter and right resolution
Bionic pup 8.0 is know working fine. Full detail of O.S.: Linux4.9.163-lxpup-32-pae (i686), Distribution Bionic Pup 32 - 1903

But I encounter a new problem. When I open the Firefox browser I see a browser that is called "U-Light" version 48.0. So far it is working fine unless I opened some websites that showed warnings: Your brouwser is out of date. Upadte your browser and a new window appears with links to 3 x other browsers.

IMG_20220129_103816.jpg (78.9 KiB) Viewed 1497 times

Can I clik on one of those proposed browser to download ? and after a successfull download, will it install automatically ?

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by Phoenix »

As it is using bionic Ubuntu repositories, you do not need to click or navigate to one of these places.
Open up puppy package manager, through its menu entry. Or type ppm via Windows key + R.
Search up 'firefox', click the entry given, with a higher number. If you want a language pack as shown, you can also get that if you want. Once you have your wanted packages, click 'Do it!'. Also ensure that the option besides the search box is set to 'Auto install'.

Do note, that it will take roughly 300-400MB of memory while in use. For just one tab.


Google Translate:

Omdat het Bionic Ubuntu-repositories gebruikt, hoeft u niet op een van deze plaatsen te klikken of ernaar te navigeren.
Open puppypakketbeheerder via het menu-item. Of typ ppm via Windows-toets + R.
Zoek 'firefox' op, klik op het gegeven item, met een hoger nummer. Als u een taalpakket wilt zoals afgebeeld, kunt u dat ook krijgen als u dat wilt. Zodra u uw gewenste pakketten heeft, klikt u op 'Doe het!'. Zorg er ook voor dat de optie naast het zoekvak is ingesteld op 'Automatisch installeren'.

Houd er rekening mee dat het tijdens gebruik ongeveer 300-400 MB geheugen in beslag neemt. Voor slechts één tabblad.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by deram »

Good evening everyone. Below is an overview of my completed assignments.
1) you are correct when you say that 24bit versions are more up to date and work better. So I installed the FossaPup64 9.5, 64bit version on my Thin Client. This is a disaster. Works very slow. The default browser is Palemone, which is also super slow. Conclusion: threw this off and reinstalled Bionic Pup32 - 8.0 which works fine.

2) As for the issues with Bionicpup32's U-Light browser, I followed Phoenix's suggestions. Highest sequence number Firefox downloaded via PPM. The installation failed. (see pic).

IMG_20220203_162422.jpg (213.32 KiB) Viewed 1458 times


However, the device has enough storage capacity (8 Gb CF storage and 2 Gb RAM).

IMG_20220203_163521.jpg (248.99 KiB) Viewed 1458 times

I also updated the Lacola Package database.

As this firefox won't install, I tried to install (via PPM) the Chrome browser. Same result. Not enoug space !!!

IMG_20220203_165904.jpg (215.6 KiB) Viewed 1458 times

Sorry but I am unable to update the default browser U-Light browser of Bionicpup32. This causes that some webpages can' t be visites (e.g. Youtube, Bing videos, etc..)
Not easy for a newbe in Linux to solve all these problems.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by Wiz57 »

If I were you, this is what I would do. Forget using PPM to download a browser...Light browser is a much stripped down older Firefox...
keep it as backup only. Search the Forum for peebee's list of browser packages he has put together specially for the Puppies he has
released, such as Bionic 32, ScPup...check if he has a up to date Firefox if that is what you want, or try the 32 bit chromium "runs as
spot"...these are packed as SFS files which when downloaded you just click on them and Rox filer usually asks what to do, or in some
cases you'll be asked if you want to view contents or install. When you get one of peebee's browsers going, DO NOT USE THE INTERNAL
UPDATER! Check back with peebee's posts for new releases! When released, just unload the current browser sfs, after you've
downloaded the new one, then load up the new one.
Also...prior to installing ANY new browser, reboot your Puppy and make a new savefile...I recommend at least 512mb maybe 1 gb.
Wiz's a link to peebee's projects.. viewtopic.php?p=295#p295

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by bigpup »

The problem with not enough space to download and install.

I assume, Bionicpup32 8.0 is a frugal install, and you have already done the first shutdown, making a save file.
The save file is made to be a set size.
You probably made the save file too small.

You need to use the resize personal storage program, to make the save file, a bigger size.
3 or 4 GB should be good for some time.

If you tell us the specific way, you did the install of Bionicpup32?
what format you made the partition, installed on?
We can help get you to a way to use a save folder, that self adjusts as needed.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by mikeslr »

Just a follow up to bigpup's post. Use Menu>Utility>Resize Personal Storage File to resize the SaveFile.
But I'm a big fan of Mike Walsh and fredx181's portables. They don't 'install'. You unzip the downloaded package [Right-Click, Select UExtract], then move the browser's folder -- within the extraction folder-- to /mnt/home AKA dev_Save: that's the partition on which your Puppy's folder is located. Mike's packages are started by clicking a file named LAUNCH; fred's by clicking a file named ff. These portables keep bookmarks, addons, settings and cache files within their respective folders. So those files don't occupy either your SaveFile enabling you to keep it small.
You'll find them in this Section, viewforum.php?f=90

To get you started, Mike repacking of fred's firefox is discussed here, viewtopic.php?p=37559#p37559. Mike's Iron is here, viewtopic.php?t=771. Note that the 32-bit version is 'pinned' at v 88 as Iron no longer updates 32-bit builds. Vivaldi -- a Chrome 'clone' can be obtained from here, viewtopic.php?p=3491#p3491

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by wiak »

mikeslr wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:00 am

But I'm a big fan of Mike Walsh and fredx181's portables. They don't 'install'. You unzip the downloaded package [Right-Click, Select UExtract], then move the browser's folder -- within the extraction folder-- to /mnt/home AKA dev_Save: that's the partition on which your Puppy's folder is located. Mike's packages are started by clicking a file named LAUNCH; fred's by clicking a file named ff. These portables keep bookmarks, addons, settings and cache files within their respective folders. So those files don't occupy either your SaveFile enabling you to keep it small.

Though I habitually use package manager installs for my Chromium browser (Arch Linux variant), I also think portables (if maintained and kept up to date, which is a lot of work though) are most reliable way to deal with constantly updating browsers. Recently, I installed new Chromium via package manager and some of the libs it installed broke other apps on my system and there was no easy fix - I ended up rebuilding the whole distro so all fine now.

But fact is, using a well-crafted portable would have avoided me that substantial build effort and also with the advantage that same portable browser could be used when booting into other distros installed on my system. I don't like flatpaks or snaps because they overdo the duplication of libs and much more so are enormous in size but the sort of 'specially tailored' sfs portable addons created by the likes of mikewalsh and fredx181 are really really excellent way to deal with browser update issues. I'm planning to try out a lot of these available portables in the coming months whilst generally myself taking a personal break from substantial new developments.
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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by mikeslr »

Thanks for posting about your experience, Wiak. I had forgotten* that 'updating' applications installed into the system could break things. But to put the poster's mind at ease, FYI portables are self-contained. When they update they only install the new files into their own, respective, folders. Currently, the portables of Palemoon and firefox will update.
Chromium is Google-Chrome's 'test-bed': when it's satisfied with the results Google-Chrome adds its branding and some 'call-home' features and publishes a new version of Google-Chrome. But other organizations can use a Chromium build, add and remove from it, add their branding and publish. That results in what we refer to as the 'Chromium Clones': Iron, Vivaldi, Slimjet, Ungoogled-Chromium, now even Edge, and some others.
A fairly recent change in Chromium now makes it possible to update it and the Chromium-Clones. MikeWalsh has responded by publishing new versions of some (perhaps all) his Chromium-Clone portables to enable updating. You'll have to check their respective threads to find out which; but also for instructions on how to update. It's not as simple as with Palemoon and firefox where you just click a button and say 'OK'. But not all that complicated.
Such is the current status, until mozilla and google again change things. :roll: Then, the worst that can happen is your updated Web-browser doesn't work. Best to have a backup plan: a different web-browser or use this procedure:
Before updating, Right-Click the portable-folder and select "Duplicate" from the pop-up menu. Give it a name such as "XXX-Old", where XXX was the original name. In a minute or two you'll have an exact duplicate of the portable. Update. If everything works, delete the XXX-Old folder; if not, delete the 'new', remove the 'old' suffix from the other folder's name, wait for the next version to be published or post the problem to the Forum and wait for instructions.
* It's been a very long time since I installed Web-browsers. Before fred and Mike began publishing portables the Forum's most popular format for publishing web-browsers was as an SFS. Some still use that format. Like 'portables' SFSes are 'self-contained' and aren't installed, possibly over-writing files. They are loaded when needed; unloaded when not --or when they conflict with something else.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by deram »

In the meantime I am also curiously looking for solutions, and step by step I do find a solution here and there. Thanks to your help and tips.
Your question how I installed Bionic32 ? Simply, downloaded the .iso file and burned it to a USB key with Rufus. Then let the USB boot on my ThinClient (TC), and then installed it with the "Universal Installer" on the hard disk (Compactflash 1Gb).
Until there everything went perfectly fine. (besides the problems of the browsers).

Now comes the clue. Since I want to install Bionicpup32 on three TC's I cloned the installed version of TC1 to the other two TC's. These TC's have a larger storage capacity and this is bothering me now.

The error code (too small storage capacity) I receive when downloading a replacement browser is due to the cloned partition of TC1. (1Gb).
I have a storage capacity on TC2 and TC 3 of 8Gb each. Look now at the pic what happend. The 8 Gb capacity is for 6.5 GB unallocated, and the /sda1 has a limited size of 972 Mb, whereoff 37Mb unused !!!
When I want to resize /sda1 I encounter a problem. Not possible. /sda1 is lockup by the system !!!

New problem and new question: How do I unlock /sda1 , so that I can resize it to full capacity ?

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by rockedge »

you need to unmount the partition before you can change anything!

You can do a umount with GParted from the menus

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by bigpup »

That may work to get it to unmount.

If it does not.

You need to boot the computer using a Puppy version on some other drive.
CD, USB, whatever.

The internal drive should now not be in use, unmounted, and can resize it.

If all you have is 1GB internal drive.

Do not add anything extra to Puppy installed on the internal drive and be happy with what it has for programs.

Or do something to have more storage.

Replace the internal drive with a bigger one.

Use a bigger size USB drive, plugged in all the time, that can be used for storage.
Place the save on this drive.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by Phoenix »

Alright, so here is how you can do this without needing any other tools. Your existing installation will do.
Boot into RAM mode. By default your boot menu will mention RAM, this is what you want to select. Resize then via Gparted. You will have to perform the steps I already gave since the graphics that are selected automatically, do not work.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by peterw »

Bit late to the discussion. A few thoughts on the issue.
1. For the USB preparation, if you use Ventoy it will work on both legacy and UEFI You just load iso's onto it and when you boot you get the list of iso's for you to select. You can have as many iso's as will fit on the USB stick. It works well for Puppy on my hardware (not sure about VIA CPUs but they should be fine). That way it is easy to check how well different Puppy's perform.
2. The slight downside to Ventoy and Puppy is that creating a save file back onto the USB Ventoy stick requires a few other steps. However, the Ventoy iso's can be installed on other media very easily and are an easy way of getting going with Linux.
3. The VIA Nano U3400 CPU inside that Thinclient is a 64 bit device and should be able to use any Puppy. I also advise loading Fatdog onto it as it is a close relation to Puppy and should work really well. How well can be tested if it is loaded onto that Ventoy USB stick. It has slightly different ways of getting it set up and the tools are in the Control Panel. Once you get used to Fatdog it is a very pleasing Distro.

Bietjie laat met die bespreking. 'n Paar gedagtes oor die kwessie.
1. Vir die USB-voorbereiding, as jy Ventoy gebruik, sal dit werk op beide legacy en UEFI Jy laai net iso's daarop en wanneer jy selflaai kry jy die lys van iso's wat jy kan kies. Jy kan soveel iso's hê as wat op die USB-stokkie pas. Dit werk goed vir Puppy op my hardeware (nie seker oor VIA CPU's nie, maar hulle behoort goed te wees). Op hierdie manier is dit maklik om te kyk hoe goed verskillende hondjies presteer.
2. Die effense nadeel van Ventoy en Puppy is dat die skep van 'n stoorlêer terug op die USB Ventoy-stokkie 'n paar ander stappe vereis. Die Ventoy iso's kan egter baie maklik op ander media geïnstalleer word en is 'n maklike manier om met Linux aan die gang te kom.
3. Die VIA Nano U3400 SVE binne daardie Thinclient is 'n 64 bis toestel en behoort enige hondjie te kan gebruik. Ek raai ook aan om Fatdog daarop te laai, aangesien dit 'n noue verwantskap met Puppy is en baie goed behoort te werk. Hoe goed kan getoets word as dit op daardie Ventoy USB-stok gelaai is. Dit het effens verskillende maniere om dit op te stel en die gereedskap is in die beheerpaneel. Sodra jy gewoond raak aan Fatdog, is dit 'n baie aangename Distro.
Edit Dutch translation
Beetje laat voor de discussie. Een paar gedachten over de kwestie.
1. Voor de USB-voorbereiding, als u Ventoy gebruikt, werkt het zowel op legacy als UEFI Je laadt er gewoon iso's op en als je opstart krijg je de lijst met iso's die je kunt selecteren. U kunt zoveel iso's hebben als er op de USB-stick passen. Het werkt goed voor Puppy op mijn hardware (niet zeker over VIA CPU's, maar ze zouden in orde moeten zijn). Op die manier is het gemakkelijk om te controleren hoe goed verschillende puppy's presteren.
2. Het kleine nadeel van Ventoy en Puppy is dat het maken van een opslagbestand op de USB Ventoy-stick nog een paar andere stappen vereist. De Ventoy iso's kunnen echter heel gemakkelijk op andere media worden geïnstalleerd en zijn een gemakkelijke manier om met Linux aan de slag te gaan.
3. De VIA Nano U3400 CPU in die Thinclient is een 64-bits apparaat en zou elke puppy moeten kunnen gebruiken. Ik raad ook aan om Fatdog erop te laden, omdat het een nauwe relatie heeft met Puppy en heel goed zou moeten werken. Hoe goed kan worden getest als het op die Ventoy USB-stick wordt geladen. Het heeft enigszins verschillende manieren om het in te stellen en de tools bevinden zich in het Configuratiescherm. Als je eenmaal aan Fatdog gewend bent, is het een zeer aangename Distro.

Last edited by peterw on Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by amethyst »

peterw wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:07 am

Bit late to the discussion. A few thoughts on the issue.
1. For the USB preparation, if you use Ventoy it will work on both legacy and UEFI You just load iso's onto it and when you boot you get the list of iso's for you to select. You can have as many iso's as will fit on the USB stick. It works well for Puppy on my hardware (not sure about VIA CPUs but they should be fine). That way it is easy to check how well different Puppy's perform.
2. The slight downside to Ventoy and Puppy is that creating a save file back onto the USB Ventoy stick requires a few other steps. However, the Ventoy iso's can be installed on other media very easily and are an easy way of getting going with Linux.
3. The VIA Nano U3400 CPU inside that Thinclient is a 64 bit device and should be able to use any Puppy. I also advise loading Fatdog onto it as it is a close relation to Puppy and should work really well. How well can be tested if it is loaded onto that Ventoy USB stick. It has slightly different ways of getting it set up and the tools are in the Control Panel. Once you get used to Fatdog it is a very pleasing Distro.

Bietjie laat met die bespreking. 'n Paar gedagtes oor die kwessie.
1. Vir die USB-voorbereiding, as jy Ventoy gebruik, sal dit werk op beide legacy en UEFI Jy laai net iso's daarop en wanneer jy selflaai kry jy die lys van iso's wat jy kan kies. Jy kan soveel iso's hê as wat op die USB-stokkie pas. Dit werk goed vir Puppy op my hardeware (nie seker oor VIA CPU's nie, maar hulle behoort goed te wees). Op hierdie manier is dit maklik om te kyk hoe goed verskillende hondjies presteer.
2. Die effense nadeel van Ventoy en Puppy is dat die skep van 'n stoorlêer terug op die USB Ventoy-stokkie 'n paar ander stappe vereis. Die Ventoy iso's kan egter baie maklik op ander media geïnstalleer word en is 'n maklike manier om met Linux aan die gang te kom.
3. Die VIA Nano U3400 SVE binne daardie Thinclient is 'n 64 bis toestel en behoort enige hondjie te kan gebruik. Ek raai ook aan om Fatdog daarop te laai, aangesien dit 'n noue verwantskap met Puppy is en baie goed behoort te werk. Hoe goed kan getoets word as dit op daardie Ventoy USB-stok gelaai is. Dit het effens verskillende maniere om dit op te stel en die gereedskap is in die beheerpaneel. Sodra jy gewoond raak aan Fatdog, is dit 'n baie aangename Distro.

That translation is in Afrikaans, he is Dutch.

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Re: Problems turning a thin client into a usable computer with Puppy

Post by deram »

OK folks and thanks again for the kind help and tips.
Meanwhile I was able to unmount /sda1 and rezise it to max. capacity. Indeed one have to boot in RAM.
But the more I use Linux the more I encounter new issues.
So I do not understand the exact meaning of "Mount" and "Unmount". Is it the same as "Install and Uninstall" ? Certainly not, but what is it?

As explained at the beginning, the Thin Client (TC) in want the convert to a PC will be used only for browsing the internet. e.g. use as serveillance camera, view Youtube films and watch on-line TV. No downlaods, no saving files, no use of any apps. In other words I want only a small O.S and the fasted lightweight browser. All the apps that came with the installation of Puppy can be deleted or uninstalled.
Question : How do you uninstall apps you never will use ? e.g. word, speadsheets, Painting, chat, CDplayer, brurn cd/dvd, etc.. ?

By now I have 3 x browsers installed: 1) U Light, 2) Firefox and 3) Chromium.
1) is not supporting Youtube (update error message). How can I uninstall it ?
2) works but looks slow to me.
3) works pretty good but it takes a hell of time to open !!!

Further I have to open the browsers (chromium) via the menu. How to put a schortcut icon on the desktop ?

Sorry voor de vele vragen , hoop dat jullie het mij niet kwalijk nemen.

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