In the early (May 2019) days of WeeDog Linux (including its 'FirstRib' root filesystem component) I wrote the following with good intentions and a lot of hope for its usefulness:
A key aspect of FirstRib build design is to use only two components to build the rootfilesystem: busybox + a native standalone static compiled package manager (currently Void Linux xbps package manager and for debian-based flavours: debootstrap).
The philosophy employed in FirstRib design is to keep [its two] build scripts short, simple, and modular, such that they are easy to read and understand, and thus easy to modify, develop, and maintain.
That design inherently allows FirstRib to construct a fully upstream- compatible root filesystem of any desired complexity, from that of a commandline only system, up to full desktop supported natively by the upstream distro repositories. A simply implemented optional plugin facility is also provided, which allows any developer to provide their own recipe additions for any desired-complexity of the resulting final build.
The build WeeDog initrd shell script is also short and simple by design, including generation of a short and simple initrd/init which uses overlay filesystem to provide frugal install save persistence, typical load squashfs capabilities (including currently unique ability to load uncompressed physical directories into the layers hierarchy), and copy2ram option
Good news is that WDL has maintained that simple philosophy, and led the way with overlayfs use, and some current Puppy dev systems have now at last adopted the philosophy of using busybox plus official upstream repo package managers in their underlying Puppy system designs rather than try and reinvent the package manager wheel with relatively slow and inaccurate PPM-type designs! Positive progress indeed. Currently these new (and not quite so new) Puppy developments includes:
VoidPup (32bit and 64bit variants), which is particularly interesting because Void package manager (xbps) is such a good fit for integrating easily into Puppy: viewtopic.php?p=44733#p44733
Vanilla Dpup (also 32bit and 64bit variants), which integrates Debian's dpkg/apt via an sfs addon (in basically similar manner, though with some refinements, to the WDL-contributed dpkg/apt sfs addon for FossaPup64 and BionicPup32): viewtopic.php?p=37654#p37654
Meanwhile, WDL build system is being usefully used to help construct recent Puppy forum "Kennel Linux" community distro KLV-Airedale and similar, including a lot of useful utility/system help from DebianDog's fredx181, so a lot of positive development activity going on that is hopefully good for the community and its several distro variants as a whole.
Above is the sort of positive effects on Puppy distro itself that I hoped the design philosophy of WeeDog would encourage and foster. There has admittedly been some resistance and friction from some quarters against many WeeDog originally implemented ideas, but good to see resistance is crumbling, or perhaps, per bigpup, 'Resistance is Futile'!!!
Whilst development of WeeDog continues, and also with my two young (10 and 16) sons' assistance, since it is the distro our family uses for serious business purposes, I myself, forum-wise will be putting up my feet for a while. That's mainly because of a recent health scare (and it being mid-summer here) but also because I don't feel I am particularly needed at the moment, if really at all (I designed my own need out in the simple WDL build system script plugin-extendable designs to some extent). KLV-Airedale, for example, which uses components from the whole Puppy forum universe is coming along nicely - not many developers involved (in any distro thread these days) I suppose, but nevertheless KLV in good capable hands regardless (rockedge being a rock in that respect), so, to a large extent, I feel I am not really needed in further progressing that very nice effort overall: viewtopic.php?p=44012#p44012
Wow, I love these KLV distros and also really (very much) VoidPup, the first actual Puppy distro to take my interest in any major way for over eight years in fact.
Interesting times.