Anyone looking at this topic, with the idea of buying a Chromebook, to run Puppy Linux.
These computers constantly change, as new models are produced.
Check with the supported device list, on this web site, to see if yours has support.
This is for Chromebooks with the Intel X86, X86-64, or AMD64 processor.
Puppy Linux will not work on ARM Architecture processor based Chromebooks.
This will hopefully turn into a one stop place to get information on how to boot, run, use, and install Puppy on a Chromebook.
The questions people may want to solve:
How to setup the Chromebook to boot Puppy?
How to boot from a USB drive or SDHC card?
How to keep Chrome OS and dual boot with Puppy?
How to dump Chrome OS and only use Puppy?
How to boot only to the Puppy boot loader?
How to install Puppy to the internal SSD drive?
How to properly reformat the internal SSD drive?
How to get the touch pad working?
How to get all the keyboard keys working properly?
How to get the sound working?
CTRL-L stooped working. What do you do?
Answers are in the next few posts.
I need your help!!
If you have confirmed results to using Puppy on a Chromebook
and can give good details on how to do any of this.
Please help to provide this information for others to use.
I will try to update this info as you post your help.
There are posts by others, giving info on what they did, to get their specific Chromebooks working.
If you are having issues, that my following posts do not solve, these other posts may have your answer.
The version of Puppy Linux, has a big affect on getting stuff working.
These have been reported to work well on Chromebooks.
BookwormPup64 10.0.7 or newer
Vanilladpup-x86_64 10.0.61 or newer