imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

I can see some stuff is different in this version of Puppy Linux.

I did make a USB install of imppup64 9.6.1 using StickPup USB stick installer.
USB is fat32 format.
It made the boot menu entry with pmedia=usbflash
Booted OK.
Saved to the USB stick.

I changed the pmedia=usbflash to pmedia=cd.
It tried to boot, but kept looking for a iso9660 formatted partition, which was not there.
So failed to boot with a bunch of errors.

If I burn the iso image to a USB using dd commands.
It formats the USB stick to iso9660 format
So pemedia=cd would work with it.
But it would be a USB with a closed file system. Read only.
So would need to act like booting from a CD/DVD.

The takeaway here is use a Puppy program to do installs to USB sticks.

Now I need to try installing to a USB, using one of the installer programs out there, that are not Puppy Linux programs.

That grub2 boot loader, booting iso's, is looking more and more, the easy way to go.

I will check using Rufus, Unetbootin, USBimager, etc........ running in Windows OS, that most new users would use.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:24 am

I did make a USB install of imppup64 9.6.1 using StickPup USB stick installer.
USB is fat32 format.
It made the boot menu entry with pmedia=usbflash
Booted OK.
Saved to the USB stick.

Was the file it produced dd'd to the USB or some program used to write the USB?

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:24 am

I changed the pmedia=usbflash to pmedia=cd.
It tried to boot, but kept looking for a iso9660 formatted partition, which was not there.
So failed to boot with a bunch of errors.

I concur that I have seen what you report in the past with other PUPs when I've dd'd the ISO onto a USB vs CD/DVD.

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:24 am

If I burn the iso image to a USB using dd commands.
It formats the USB stick to iso9660 format
So pemedia=cd would work with it.
But it would be a USB with a closed file system. Read only.
So would need to act like booting from a CD/DVD.

I concur.

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:24 am

That grub2 boot loader, booting iso's, is looking more and more, the easy way to go.

I concur that ISO file booting via the 2 approaches thus far intends to reduce the several boot-time hardships experienced over the past years. The approaches bring enormous advantages to users, especially new, to insuring modern forum PUPs-DOGs leads them to desktop without no issues.

There is a single issue I am testing to get a handle on SAVESPEC advantage when a user is using a KVM and wants to use a single USB to boot any of the KVM connected PCs with consistent PUP-DOGs getting to desktop without any issues.

Hopefully a resolution or a strategy for KVM users will be coming soon.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

Well, I did some installs to USB, using some of the common USB installer programs, you can run in Windows and other Linux OS's.
The USB drive is formatted fat32.

None of them would boot imppup64 9.6.1 as they setup the USB stick.
Every one of them gave error about looking for a iso9660 formatted partition and could not find one.

Looking at the different boot loader config files they placed on the USB.
Everyone of them had pmedia=cd in their boot menu entries.

If I edit the entries to say pmedia=usbflash.
The USB of imppup64 boots to working desktop with no problem. :thumbup:
I am booting on a UEFI computer, so I mainly did the edit to the grub.cfg file, that is located with the other imppup64 files. (top layer of partition)

So, if you are going to install impupu64 to a USB stick by using non-Puppy installer programs.
The change of pmedia=cd to pmedia=usbflash, is needed, to get the USB install to boot. :thumbup:

I am booting from a USB install of imppup64, made by using the program Rufus, running in Windows 10, to post this.
After making the pmedia=usbflash edit to the grub.cfg file entries and the other .cfg files to make sure i did the correct one.
The USB has two partitions.
1st one formatted fat 32, with all the imppup64 files on it, from the imppup64 iso.
2nd partition, formatted ext3, and there for data storage. The impup64 save folder is on it. This was the persistence partition option in the Rufus setup. Selected to use all free space.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

Asked about StickPup installer.

Was the file it produced dd'd to the USB or some program used to write the USB?

StickPup is a sub program of Frugalpup Installer.
It basically does a frugal install, to a USB stick, and installs a boot loader, with menu config files, setup with correct Puppy boot commands, for an install to USB.

The simplest and most restricted installer, that formats and installs a single Puppy to a usb stick, in a single "fat32" partition. ... index.html

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

imppup64 9.6.1, installed on USB stick, using a save folder.
The install to USB stick was done using Rufus program.
Two partitions.
sdc1 has the impup64 files
sdc2 has the impup64save
There is a SAVESPEC execute script file on sdc1

Code: Select all


After booting using the save made the first time I shutdown.
When I shutdown.
It asks if I want to save or not.
When I highlight save and press enter.
Nothing happens.
I try to highlight no save.
It will not move off of save.
To complete shutdown.
I have to power off with computer power switch.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

Hello @bigpup

No matter if you are booting the ISO file OR if you have exploded the ISO to a device, I ask if you would try this addition to the boot linux line:

Code: Select all

linux ... psave=sdaX:/folder_where_you_ want_ your_ session_saved/

(Of course 'sdaX' is the partition where the folder will/does reside)
Shutdown processing works to that location with impPUP64 for me with no issues; no matter which ISO file boot method I use or if DVD booting. This works if you are booting pristine in RAM or with an existing save-session(s).

Let me know if this bring any success, please.

Another question to any/all members
Is anyone booting their PCs where they have a KVM for single video/key/mouse usage? Trying to gauge a solution in its use with PUPs and booting.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

I added some info to my previous post.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

@bigpup I am not getting the same results as you when I boot with a save-session in a folder (no matter if it is root of the unit or in a folder on the unit).

When I am exiting the system, no matter if exit via Reboot or Shutdown, the system exit completes with no hangs.

I do recognize, I think, that you have changed your system slightly to have the shutdown window appear on every system exit. I wonder if that options is the instrument causing the issue you see??? If so, then it is a bug.

I have tried this with a SAVESPEC and separately, no psave at boot; And without a SAVESPEC (by renaming) using a psave.

P.S. My SAVESPEC has 3 lines, not 2. I am using a HP Intel desktop which does NOT have a HDD on the motherboard ports; USBs ONLY!

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

bigpup wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:52 pm

imppup64 9.6.1, installed on USB stick, using a save folder.
The install to USB stick was done using Rufus program.
Two partitions.
sdc1 has the impup64 files
sdc2 has the impup64save
There is a SAVESPEC execute script file on sdc1

Code: Select all


After booting using the save made the first time I shutdown.
When I shutdown.
It asks if I want to save or not.
When I highlight save and press enter.
Nothing happens.
I try to highlight no save.
It will not move off of save.
To complete shutdown.
I have to power off with computer power switch.

This install to USB was using Rufus installer.

I guess we will need someone else to install imppup64 9.6.1, on a USB stick, using Rufus installer, running in Windows.
Confirm if they get what I am getting.

This was mainly a test to see how well Rufus would do in making a working, boot-able, USB stick install.
A lot of people, posting on this forum, first try Rufus, to install Puppy to a USB stick.

To see if Rufus will have this issue using Bionicpup64 8.0
I installed Bionicpup64 8.0, to a USB stick, the same way I did the impup64 install.
It had no issues at all.
Booted OK.
(did not have to make pmedia=cd change to pmedia=usbflash to the boot loader menu entry, to get it to boot, Kept it pmedia=cd).
It is running in pupmode 12, after first shutdown, making a save folder, and booting using the save.
So there is no option to ask to save on shutdown.
Pupmode 12 directly writes to the save, as is needed, all the time.

I assume imppup64 is made using the latest stuff Woof-CE provides.
So, seems something has changed in the Woof-CE supplied boot up and shutdown processes.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

Ubuntu's various distros ('Impish Indri') are released in "final" state. I've downloaded several ISO files to the SG2D USB's /BOOTISOS folder, restarting the USB; and booted and tested them. Posted an alert on this forum, here.

I'm sure many have already noticed. FYI

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by baloss »

Hello 666philb, is this project still being developed? I found it promising, quite liked the green theming too :-) . Thanks for your effort.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by esos »

Direct boot ISO with persistent is possible just using Grub4dos.
Imppup64 9.6.1.iso and DpupBullseye-9.7.0-beta1.iso work for me.
You need a boot parameter psave= to locate where you want (I think, saving on exFAT should be ok)

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

@666philb should any of these be included when the final version of this distro is released?

As this PUP is modernizing along with all that is happening in LInux kernel and such, seems the 'spoken' ability might be consistent.

So far, this PUP has been stable and responsive for an alpha. BTW, Thanks for the addition of BTOP++. It has been extremely helpful in the visual it shows of all of this system's behavior.

Edit: 1st sentence should have been a question...not a sentence. The period is changed to a question-mark.

Last edited by Clarity on Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by backi »

HI @esos !

Direct boot ISO with persistent is possible just using Grub4dos.
Imppup64 9.6.1.iso and DpupBullseye-9.7.0-beta1.iso work for me.
You need a boot parameter psave= to locate where you want (I think, saving on exFAT should be ok)

Could you please explain how to accomplish this.......need an example (menu.lst Entry).

Thanks in Advance!

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

@backi, Have you tried this, yet?

It shows a zero-effort manner of booting any modern PUP-DOG. Its a productivity gain for members.

Because it covers booting PUP-DOGs, you would probably want to post there for any issues or finding you encounter. Expect assistance if needed.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by backi »

Hi @Clarity

@backi, Have you viewtopic.php?p=38369#p38369tried this, yet?

Yes......i did .....and it works fine/O.K.
Just asked out of Interest/Curiosity how to direct boot ISO with persistent just using Grub4dos.

Nevertheless......thanks for the Hint.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

Hi @backi The ONLY other "ISO file boot method" that automates the boot of a PUP-DOG is the ISObooter procedure. It works well to boot ISO files, too. Its primary disadvantage is some of the newer file systems and a need for post processing of the USB depending upon which issue crops up.

The 2 methods mentioned in the prior post, from me, attempts to avoid those 2 needs making booting a mere 'download and boot' solution with no post processing at all. While at the same time, no Puppy developer resources are required by those GIT product owners leaving the PUP developers to consentrate only their distros. Those GIT product owners, Ventoy and SG2D support, their products.

Hope this is helpful, too.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by hundido »

I'm one of the ones who needs a newer kernel to use puppy on my AMD 5800x computer. Because eye problems, I really need sct.

Slacko64 8.2.1 is the only puppy that gave me sct so far.

I ended up using Manjaro as my OS on this computer for now. First I tried to install Ubuntu, and was disappointed to find out the Night Color didn't work. Then I installed KDE Manjaro, and Night Color still didn't work, but it has this feature where you can change kernels with a single click in the settings menu. So I did that. Changed to 5.10.70-1. Night color works in Manjaro now.

Once a not-very-buggy Puppy or Easy OS has a newer kernel, I'm hoping to switch back to Puppy or Easy OS on this computer.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Grey »

hundido wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:08 am

I ended up using Manjaro as my OS on this computer for now.

I tried Manjaro. Looking ahead, I'll say right away that I chose Fossapup anyway.

Nevertheless, we must admit that Manjaro is well adapted to new processors like Ryzen and to more or less modern video cards. What I liked:
1. Well, first of all, everything is very "beautiful". Many effects can be enabled. Especially touching are the special effects of KDE, clearly "stolen" from Compiz (for example, windows "explode into pieces" when closed or "wobbling" and transparent windows when dragged). And of course the choice of a desktop in the form of a 3D box.
But THERE is NO my favorite effect - when closed, the window turns into a paper airplane and smoothly flies down :)
2. This is modern:

Sound_servers_Manjaro.png (8.37 KiB) Viewed 3383 times

3. Works great in Qemu with virgl. It even knows how to automatically set the correct and desired screen resolution when switching from windowed to fullscreen mode.

Of course, there is a great role for KDE Plasma. But nevertheless, I can understand you :)

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by esos »

Inside the Imppup64 9.6.1.iso you will find /boot/grub/menu.lst, just add psave= in the menu.lst
sdaX or uuid is a partition(EXT.linux) in your HDD/USB to save the file system e.g. *.3fs)

title imppup64 9.6.1
kernel /vmlinuz pmedia=cd psave=sdaX:/imppup64save.3fs
errorcheck off
initrd /initrd.gz
initrd /ucode.cpio /initrd.gz

For easy test just use Ventoy and put modified ISO in the ventoy exFAT partition.
If you boot directly from ISO using ventoy, do NOT put imppup64save.3fs in there (exFAT partition). Ventoy does not have CDFS capability like Grub4dos.

Grub4dos is the most powerful bootloader since decade in BIOS world. You will find a lot of websites explaining about G4D.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

Hi @esos I agree with EVERYTHING you said, EXCEPT this!

esos wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:52 pm

Grub4dos is the most powerful bootloader since decade in BIOS world. You will find a lot of websites explaining about G4D.

This is, FLAT, NOT TRUE.

It is a personal belief you share, not a truth.

On Another note
Neither SG2D or Ventoy cares about what the ISO's boot manager is within the ISO files for the ISOs it list. Their job is a mere list the ISO files, and launch the ISO the user selects.

YOU and anyone else MUST STOP this concern of the boot-manager that these "ISO file booters" is using. Their job, whether Ventoy/SG2D/ISObooter is merely to make it easy for you to get to your ISO distro's desktop via the ISO file, directly.

Within any ISO file you place on your USB, the ISO distro is responsible for doing everything to support your Linuxes operations to/on desktop. Any ISO file you add, when it is selected, it will do whatever the developer of that ISO has done to support getting you to desktop.

So if you remaster/recreate your favorite ISO file with the options you want, be assured that it will be listed and booted with your remaster changes when your ISO file is launched from your Ventoy/SG2D/ISObooter USB. AND, if your addition does not boot, you have either discovered a bug in the remaster program or a bug introduced by your changes.

This is NOT posted to offend. IT IS posted to make clear that the "ISO booter's objective" is to make things simpler for us to get to the distro's desktop without any manipulation beyond placing the ISO file where it can be found.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

Some good info.

Imppup64 9.6.1
Frugal install, save folder
using the devx and kernel sources SFS's from here:

Was able to install the latest Nvidia driver, for my Nvidia hardware, by using this method:
Everything worked and now using the Nvidia driver with Nvidia X server settings program to make settings.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by esos »

Hello 666philb,

Direct boot from iso/pristine boot
imppup64-9.6.1-Custom ISO size:1269Mb booting time:39 seconds with working:
GIMP 2.10.22

Thanks for your effort. :thumbup:

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Grey »

esos wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:19 am

GIMP 2.10.22

Why 2.10.22 :) ? PPM definitely has 2.10.24.

Different devices. Different approach.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by esos »

GIMP 2.10.22 is appimage.

I am stuck now with the keyboard, Ten key section (Numlock on) two buttons are not working * and .
Any help?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by bigpup »

Maybe check to see what specific keyboard setup you have selected.
menu>Setup>Mousse/keyboard Wizard>Advanced Configuration>Keyboard Model

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by esos »

Keyboard setting:
Layout, L.variant and keyboard model
look the same like other distros.

The model is pc104 Generic 104key PC

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Clarity »

Error installing QEMU 6.1 from PPM. PPM is configured and current.


Qemu6 Install failure.jpg
Qemu6 Install failure.jpg (99.76 KiB) Viewed 2732 times
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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by Gnimmelf »

the cpu frequency scaling tool doesnt seem to work?

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Re: imppup / indripup 64bit ... alpha

Post by ozsouth »

@666philb - just tried this - very good. First ubuntu derivative that properly suspends on my i3. Aside from updating curl & adding my preferred utilities, this also runs Anydesk - vital for me (Slackware have made a change that prevents it working).
If the upcoming Jammy Jellyfish version is as good, we're in for a treat!

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