Pets in other locations suitable for & tested with Fossapup64
WOTD: (A utility to automatically display a different wallpaper of your choice for each day of the week. - 2018)
The original thread and download link can be found here: ... 57#1002557
Google Chrome running as root: ( &
I have been making these for years. The objectives have always been as follows.
Run as root without breaking CUPS.
Use the official Chrome deb packages.
Provide an easy manual means of updating post install.
As far as possible, suppress warnings about running as root.
Attempt to get the best performance out of Chrome using flags & custom wrappers.
(Since the MK13 version visual prompts have been supplemented with multilingual spoken help)
Multilingual Spoken Startup Welcome Plus Internet Connection alarm:
EDIT: The latest revised pet issued on 22nd July 2022 is (
Global IP TV News Panel for WoofCE Pups:
The latest revised pet issued on 12th Dec 2024 is : (Global_IP_TV_Panel_Any_Pup_using_mpv-2024MK10)
Shot of IP TV Panel on FossaPup64 9.5: ... YzFTfuspAP
(Left click then toggle full screen with F11)