(The Solution) - the program QWinFF in Menu → Multimedia.
To create a Preset (to convert to OGG format): in the file /usr/share/qwinff/presets.xml
- add (best - in the end of the text; before </presets>
Code: Select all
<ogg_auto> <label>OGG (vorbis) Automatic settings</label> <params>-acodec vorbis -vn</params> <extension>ogg</extension> <category>Audio</category> </ogg_auto>
An exemplary (advanced)Preset:
Code: Select all
<ogg_custom> <label>OGG (vorbis) 44.1Khz 240kb bitrate, Auto chan, normalized</label> <params>-acodec libvorbis -ar 44100 -filter:a loudnorm=print_format=summary -ab 240k</params> <extension>ogg</extension> <category>Audio</category> </ogg_custom> <ogg_auto> <label>OGG (vorbis) Automatic settings</label> <params>-acodec libvorbis -vn</params> <extension>ogg</extension> <category>Audio</category> </ogg_auto>