@rockedge, instead of the
I think the former probably not working because simple dash shell or something (ah... probably cos using busybox echo at that stage, though that 'should' have been fine, but maybe needed "root\nroot\n"; no still doesn't work with echo -e, says passwords don't match...), but printf is more reliable/consistent anyway and seems to work fine.
i.e. please modify and re-upload your plugin with that change and other important lines uncommented (and leave linux commented out).
Note that shadow isn't required installed separately either since it is included with base-minimal.
EDIT: Nope... I'm still having trouble getting root password set up automatically during build... Not sure why at the moment. So just running the mount_chroot script and setting root password in the resulting chroot shell, followed by "exit", and running the umount_chroot script, then renaming firstrib_rootfs to 08firstrib_rootfs before booting. Maybe try setting root password in the f_plugin just before plugin ends (in case something needing time to settle...???) - (EDIT2) Nope that didn't work either; next thought is that maybe install bash early is needed for passwd??? Seems unlikely - I'll try that though.
This is what Void Linux "template" base-minimal has in it:
https://github.com/void-linux/void-pack ... l/template
base-files coreutils findutils diffutils dash grep gzip sed gawk
util-linux which tar shadow procps-ng iana-etc xbps nvi tzdata
runit-void removed-packages"
so you can see it installs dash and shadow also, but not bash.