'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

This is working well with the huge Puppy Linux kernel 5.11.4-rt11. I will swap out and try out the stock Fosspup64 kernel sometime today but for now I'll continue with the this one.

2021-09-21-095824_406x326_scrot.png (27.35 KiB) Viewed 5921 times

The root_fs was built yesterday using the v400rc1 script. The skeleton initrd.gz is unmodified by me and I simply added the renamed zdrv.sfs (00zdrv.sfs). I had some wait time right at the end of the boot cycle for the graphical desktop to start up, but it came through. I also added "stickyjwm-3" from here -> https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 93#p906193 which works as a window tiling feature.

Once I added some of the missing little scripts and fixing a line in the /root/.jwmrc to see the correct menu and did some cosmetic fixes and ran fixmenu and update_xlunch it looks like this:

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

gabtech wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:54 pm


I used 'f_00_void_amd64_WeeDog64_jwm_rox_1.5.plug.gz' from above post by rockedge. And firstrib_rootfs/sbin/init is a symlink to firstrib_rootfs/usr/bin/busybox.

Haven't tried that f_plugin, but symlink to /usr/bin/busybox seems wrong since that would activate SysVinit rather than runit (which explains your boot trying to run /etc/rcS I'd say). I suggest trying the rockedge Void no-X plugin for now and adding the extra X components you can determine from the contents of rockedge's _jwm_rox plug. Maybe rockedge knows what went wrong with your jwm_rox build attempt?

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by gabtech »

I built a new firstrib folder using f_00_void_WDL64_NoX-Fossa.plug but still get the error in the above post. Here is the build script terminal image.

void.png (84.78 KiB) Viewed 5917 times

gabtech :thumbup2:

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

gabtech wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:44 pm

I built a new firstrib folder using f_00_void_WDL64_NoX-Fossa.plug but still get the error in the above post. Here is the build script terminal image.

That doesn't really tell me a lot. What size is the resultant firstrib_rootfs and did you use the export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1 ?

Late here, I have to go, but leave any further messages/debug info and I'll look into it soon as I next have time. That NoX plug certainly worked fine as I described. Check what I wrote carefully to make sure no error made. Really weird if not symlinking to runit-init though - sounds like something different in your setup. Are you sure you remembered to start with no previous upper_changes folder since that could contain stuff that messes up new install?

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by gabtech »


My firstrib_rootfs folder is 194M.

gabtech :thumbup2:

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

I will try out a build using :

Code: Select all

# FirstRib Build Plugin: 
# Contributed by: rockedge
# License: MIT; Creation Date:Sept. 21,2021
# WeeDog Void with no Xserver, window manager
# login is user=root passwd=root
# all the parameters can changed as desired.
xbps-install -y base-minimal file mc bash
# xbps-install -y ncurses-base linux shadow
xbps-install -y ncurses-base shadow

# set up passwd system

# Quietly set default root passwd to "root"
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# you can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

echo "desktop build process finished"
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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

The result is 198 M. Now setting up for boot.

Note the "Linux" package is not installed with this plug file version.

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The system boots but will not login

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:14 pm

The system boots but will not login

The final size of that system seems to be about 112 MB according to the folder contents image you attached. I guess you should try giving root a password after mount_chroot script. I wonder if that set up passwd code line isn't working for some reason; looks okay at a glace though.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

gabtech wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:44 pm

I built a new firstrib folder using f_00_void_WDL64_NoX-Fossa.plug but still get the error in the above post. Here is the build script terminal image.

Actually, @gabtech, looking at your terminal final output it looks like you didn't include the f_00_void_WDL64_NoX-Fossa.plug at all ;-)

You should have run the following two commands to make the build:

Code: Select all

./build_firstrib_rootfs_400rc1.sh void default amd64 f_00_void_WDL64_NoX-Fossa.plug

and the final terminal output should look like attachment (that's with f_ plugin as rockedge just used above):

(in particular, note the script completion message: "desktop build process finished", which was the last line of the f_plugin being echoed out).

WDL_Void_rockedge_noX.png (43.31 KiB) Viewed 5888 times

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

@rockedge, instead of the

Code: Select all

echo -e "root\nroot" | passwd


Code: Select all

printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd

I think the former probably not working because simple dash shell or something (ah... probably cos using busybox echo at that stage, though that 'should' have been fine, but maybe needed "root\nroot\n"; no still doesn't work with echo -e, says passwords don't match...), but printf is more reliable/consistent anyway and seems to work fine.

i.e. please modify and re-upload your plugin with that change and other important lines uncommented (and leave linux commented out).
Note that shadow isn't required installed separately either since it is included with base-minimal.

EDIT: Nope... I'm still having trouble getting root password set up automatically during build... Not sure why at the moment. So just running the mount_chroot script and setting root password in the resulting chroot shell, followed by "exit", and running the umount_chroot script, then renaming firstrib_rootfs to 08firstrib_rootfs before booting. Maybe try setting root password in the f_plugin just before plugin ends (in case something needing time to settle...???) - (EDIT2) Nope that didn't work either; next thought is that maybe install bash early is needed for passwd??? Seems unlikely - I'll try that though.

This is what Void Linux "template" base-minimal has in it:
https://github.com/void-linux/void-pack ... l/template
base-files coreutils findutils diffutils dash grep gzip sed gawk
util-linux which tar shadow procps-ng iana-etc xbps nvi tzdata
runit-void removed-packages"
so you can see it installs dash and shadow also, but not bash.


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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

Yes, that was it: you need 'bash' early installed for the automatic root password setting to work. I'm surprised about that really though since bash is not a dependency of base-minimal.

Since I think most everyone wants bash anyway, could you re-upload your f_ noX plugin to include bash install somewhat prior to the root password setting code line, @rockedge?

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

I fixed the plug file. The system boots and I can login as root. but I can not "see" any of the ethernet devices to connect to the network. Maybe firmware issue?

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:42 am

I fixed the plug file. The system boots and I can login as root. but I can not "see" any of the ethernet devices to connect to the network. Maybe firmware issue?

Hmmm... that's another surprise. I'd imagine the firmware should be fine. (EDIT: no of course not - since we are not installing template 'linux', which has the big Void Linux firmware as dependency, there is currently no /usr/lib/firmware installed at all, and you need it. I suggest alternative possibility that is using Puppy kernel/modules, you also use that same Pup's /usr/lib/firmware into firstrib_rootfs/usr/lib/firmware. Though even better if I (later) modify the initrd... w_init script to use a combined or separated firmware and modules sfs since easy to swap alternatives in (i.e. more or less firmware for small size).

I'll also check build out further today since a small WDL_Void is always very nice, fast, efficient and versatile. Tons of potential with this one.

I've now copied fossapup /usr/lib/firmware into firstrib_rootfs/usr/lib/firmware and will see if it works (which I'm sure it will). Good thing about the build firstrib_rootfs script is that it always includes /etc/udhcpd and /usr/share/udhcpc default.script along with wiakwifi (and wd_mount) in /usr/local/bin

So on booting, simply entering:


should work for connecting via wlan (or ethernet) for first time. Can always use more sophisticated Network Manager program later when desired.


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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:42 am

I fixed the plug file. The system boots and I can login as root. but I can not "see" any of the ethernet devices to connect to the network. Maybe firmware issue?

Could you also re-upload the plugin to your post here (since I'm pointing to that post as main place for others to get it just now): viewtopic.php?p=37122#p37122

The (small) firmware issue should be unrelated so fixed plugin should be good to go anyway. Fixed the firmware issue now as noted in my above post.

NOTE WELL!!! Per the instructions in build_firstrib_rootfs script for firmware/module auto-loading you need to additionally install eudev in your f_plugin, and if wanting wlan connection you will also need to include installation of wpa_supplicant. That's what I'm doing in my own build.

I suggest, @rockedge, you also include installation of eudev in your plugin (but leave wpa_supplicant as optional since drags in quite a few dependencies). I used to auto-include installation of eudev in build_firstrib_rootfs, but took that out since WDL builders might not always want it (and also eudev is a moving target in terms of whether it is going to still be supported upstream).

EDIT: There is a bit more to it. Void Linux seems to have changed something about its runit-init configuration in terms of udev (so that is not happening), else, I need a further alteration to w_init to get firmware/modules mounts seen after the switch_root; I'm looking into it...
EDIT2: Okay, I found the issue. Annoyingly simple it turns out (I forgot to create a mountpoint directory for 00modules in that latest w_init). I'll fix that in new w_init and upload that to earlier post (and announce it here). So just hang on a bit @gabtech and @rockedge so that I can sort out the two or three essential fixes prior to uploading them. Worth working on this special WDL Void build since so much scope to produce core-sized distros with full WDL init flexibility.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

This is looking very promising. The only firmware I included is iwlwifi and that was enough to connect via my wlan.. and resulting WDL_Void directory is only a total of 79MB in size for bash/midnight-commander/wpa_supplicant/busybox/runit commandline-only full PAM/multi-user desktop, so will still be pretty small (relatively) with X/JWM added too (especially so if using a small X install such as could be taken from tinycorelinux...), yet this is a Void Linux xbps official compatible package manager rolling distro. Of course, doesn't need to be kept so small and could use official Void Linux kernel/modules/firmware - or any other kernel/modules combination. It's a true WDL_Void distro and not a Puppy hybrid - I am here just using Puppy kernel/modules because conveniently have them and could use any kernel/modules you wish really - just create suitable 00modules.sfs for any suitable huge kernel for this type of WDL build. Yes, as it stands it is nothing like as small as a tinycorelinux distro, but then again, being official Void repo compatible it isn't limited either - can be expanded to full-on desktop system any time (as can the Arch Linux variants and so on).

Will be uploading fixed plugin and w_init shortly. See attached screenshot of contents and note the sizes... (using fossapup kernel and zdrv).

Since simple wiakwifi is auto-included, was just a matter of running it to connect. I don't have ethernet connection at my desk, but to get that working would also just be a matter of including the relevant eth driver in firstrib_rootfs/usr/lib/firmware (a tiny addition if you know your ethernet card needs).

I don't even need all these zdrv modules for my specific system of course.

WDL_Void_cmdline_desktop_79MBtotal.png (45.61 KiB) Viewed 5929 times

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

Here are the f_00_Void_generic_NoX_WDLteam.plug contents, used with main WeeDogLinux build_firstrib_rootfs script, for the post immediately above WDL_Void current build (as slightly modified from rockedge's original). As you can see, most of it is just help comments:

Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_generic_NoX_WDLteam.plug
# WeeDog Void outfitted with a basic commandline desktop and (optional) Void Linux kernel/firmware
# Creation date 17Sep2021; Revision date: 22Sep2021
# Copyright WeeDogLinux team; Licence MIT

# build this via terminal commands:
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs-XXX.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_generic_NoX_WDLteam.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc 
xbps-install -y wpa_supplicant  # if required
#xbps-install -y linux           # (kernel/firmware) if required

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

echo "desktop build process finished"

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@wiak excellent progress! I also thought I was missing some bits and pieces.

I am building a fresh NoX distro to begin a tryout to finally include progress on a WDL-Void-xfce desktop to get back to the original topic subject line!

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:54 am

@wiak excellent progress! I also thought I was missing some bits and pieces.

I am building a fresh NoX distro to begin a tryout to finally include progress on a WDL-Void-xfce desktop to get back to the original topic subject line!

As you've seen, latest builds use new 401 versions of skeleton initrd per HowTo noX Void exemplar here: viewtopic.php?f=168&t=4081&p=37545#p37545

Yes, this thread was going a bit off-topic, but the basic (79MB or more...) core build very important for the full GUI desktop version constructions.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

Using a WDL_Void core build as the base I wanted to experiment with a WDL_Void-core built into a WeeDog-Void-xfce4. After some false starts got the prototype system going. Running with a Puppy Linux huge full real time kernel.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I just ran the f_00_Void_generic_XFCE_no-kernel_WDLteam-rc2.plug that has the gvfs included in the install section that completed the desktop successfully!

No errors before or after boot. The root user was set with password. XFCE4 started up without any polkit agent warnings.

I am now making an ISO of the basic finished distro. One version will be burnable and the other supplying all the components but none of the boot parts. This system at completion is around 668 M before ISO compression is completed. So looking forward to an ISO version of this particular system to be around 700 M or less.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by Duprate »

rockedge wrote: Sun Oct 10, 2021 3:53 pm

@wiak I just ran the f_00_Void_generic_XFCE_no-kernel_WDLteam-rc2.plug that has the gvfs included in the install section that completed the desktop successfully!

No errors before or after boot. The root user was set with password. XFCE4 started up without any polkit agent warnings.

I am now making an ISO of the basic finished distro. One version will be burnable and the other supplying all the components but none of the boot parts. This system at completion is around 668 M before ISO compression is completed. So looking forward to an ISO version of this particular system to be around 700 M or less.

Good evening! Waiting for the availability of your work, in ISO format to try.
Good luck! :thumbup2:

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@Duprate Here is one to test. It isn't really refined and is an rc1 release.

@Clarity Please test the ISO to see if it will boot using your ideas


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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by Duprate »

At where? :shock:

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by Keef »

Did a manual frugal install to internal SSD. Boots nice and quickly, and easy to get online with wiakwifi. Used a copy of firefox that sits on the SSD.
No sound - pulseaudio mixer just wanted to try and connect to its server and never gets there.
I'm not a great fan of XFCE (and I've already got a few Weedogged or WDLed Voids to play with) but this was running nicely . Will try it out some more later.

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by rockedge »

Duprate wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:39 pm

At where? :shock:

Sorry! Right here bottom of the first post -> viewtopic.php?p=39005#p39005

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by Clarity »

Hello @rockedge I downloaded and reviewed the ISO file.

The current file structure that is used for SG2D discovery, which is the same structure PUP ISOs, DOG ISOs, Ubuntu... use is not the one that is present in WDL-Void.

IF there is a way for WDL to adopt the structure that WoofCE generates, there is a sense of certainty that it will be found and booted.

I did download using the Ventoy boot presenter, and on a secure-boot PC, same as I would for FATDOG, etc. the WDL ISO file would not boot landing merely at its WDL GRUB command prompt.

Will test any of the ISO you present. I merely download to the /BOOTISOS folder of EITHER the SG2D USB, I have OR the Ventoy USB and launch the USB to find and present the ISO files for booting.

Looking forward to help where I can

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Re: 'Weedogged' Void Linux XFCE

Post by fredx181 »

I wonder if it's possible to boot Weedog directly from ISO, but perhaps I did something wrong.
I modified ISO from here viewtopic.php?p=39005#p39005, with included "loopback.cfg" (in boot/grub) containing;

Code: Select all

    menuentry "WDL_Void-xfce4 (X86_64) (RAM)" {
     linux /vmlinuz-5.4.70-rt40 findiso=${iso_path} w_bootfrom=${iso_path} w_changes=RAM0
     initrd /initrd_v401rc1.gz

Booting with SG2D, the ISO was found, vmlinuz-5.4.70-rt40 did load, but it did not boot further to the Desktop.
EDIT: Lots of errors, e.g. not being able to perform switch_root, modprobe error etc...


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