230° 3D photography

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230° 3D photography

Post by oui »

For those willing to see some panorama photography made with special 360° (for ex. with 2 objectives each 210° - is today very cheap! Aldi Nord did sell one for under 100 Euro full regular price under the brand MAGINON 360. The same can be buy today as rest for 25 Euro and is really good (also for 100 Euro!), that is expensive for nobody :thumbup2: ) cameras the first approach to look at them is to use the BRAVE browser with the tool azimuth 360.

with that extension, you can't make all what is possible in STREETVIEW but hit on each half of the picture with mouse/left key and see each of the 2 half of the picture with really only low 360° distorsions!

see at the bottom the 3 pictures showing the photography full, with distorsions, and each of both parts (front / back view) of them with low distorsions.

probably you will use later a Puppy with build in WINE :mrgreen: and add some proprietary application to show and edit such pictures if you will more than the app's you can find at some android shop :o

see also viewtopic.php?f=52&t=3199


full.jpg (48.04 KiB) Viewed 580 times
front.jpg (50.1 KiB) Viewed 580 times
back.jpg (50.95 KiB) Viewed 580 times
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Re: 230° 3D photography question conc. chrome

Post by oui »

it would of course be interesting to save this brave / chrome addon directly in my ISO

does chrome as mozilla's use some kind of subdir as /root/.mozilla being to be saved for that with for ex. /root building the remastered iso file?

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Re: 230° 3D photography

Post by dancytron »

If I understand the question, yes it does and Chrome lets you control where the profile folder is located from the command line.


Code: Select all

/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --user-data-dir=/root/ChromeSettings/config
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