Without turning the USB device into a read only fake CD.
Download 'dd' for Windows here: http://www.chrysocome.net/downloads/dd-0.5.zip
Download a Fossapup64 '.img' file (zipped) here: (no longer available)
(400M zip file). Unzip the '.img' file in a desktop working directory or whatever is handy.
Read this Windows dd HowTo, here: https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how- ... otable-usb
If you follow the directions well, and all goes well, you will wind up with a bootable thumbdrive
with fossapup64 9.5 on it that will boot on either a BIOS box or a UEFI box. Once booted, and
before making a savefile, use GPartEd to expand the ext3 partition2 to a more desirable size.
DO NOT MOVE IT or it won't boot any more.
(Edit: In addition to the above warning, don't resize it to the exact end of the flash drive. Leave 10meg or so blank on the end of the drive. Otherwise the resize operation may fail if the end of the drive doesn't happen to fall on a block boundary.)
You now have a bootable r/w puppy on a usb made from windows. From there on, use the puppy usb
to do any further puppy install work. You have just broken out of the Windows jail.