poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

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poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Eastler_Dart »

Hallo all :-)

in old Forum there is a good tool for showin the temperature of the cpu in the tray - poorercputemp
(http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 828057872')

because my lovely old lappy often kick away the pmcputemp, I had want an alternative to that
and found the poorercputemp, started it and no startproblems :-)

BUT it also seems to have a bug:
my lappy, has a Cpu 'Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz'
and now, in summer, and heavily using it, the celeron sometimes
reaches his maximum temperature: TCASE 105°C
at the Point, where the Cpu-Temperature rises from 99 to 100°C, the poorercputemp
also stopped showing the temperature. It didn't come back when the temperature
falls back under 100.

It seems, the problem is the three-digit-value 100, these both cputemp-tools can only show
2-digit-values :-(

Now I Hope someone (01micko ?) can change that, and also hope, that will be
before my cpu goes to 106++°C without an Info to me :roll:
Maybe its also possible, to write the svg-source for the showing Icon in a file for changing layout.
Would be a great feature to that very good tool ;-)

Thanks for your regards
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by 01micko »

Eastler_Dart wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:22 am Maybe its also possible, to write the svg-source for the showing Icon in a file for changing layout.
I do not quite understand this sentence. What layout do you want to change? The svg icons are generated in the C language source code, and are hard coded to a pseudo font of my design.

As for going over 99 degrees.. I can fix that and make the cut off point 110 degrees. However, making the font look good and supporting 3 digits, in the unlikely event that happens in most cases, is not worth my time but I can produce a 'fire' icon when CPU gets hotter than 99. The program can quit at 110.

Perhaps also, your cpu fan needs cleaning? Or maybe the vents?

I'll post a new topic soon with updated packages with the revisions I have mentioned.

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by mikewalsh »

I agree with Mick.

Your laptop should never be reaching those sorts of temps anyway. That's danger territory, despite that Intel CPUs, like others, have overheat protection stuff built-in.

My ancient Dell lappie runs one of the CPUs historically known as running incredibly hot.....a Pentium 4. Even on a boiling hot summer's day, it never gets much above 65°C (and if it's up in that kind of area I start getting concerned!)

I would seriously recommend a complete strip-down. Dismantle the CPU heat-sink (and GPU heat-sink if it has one). Unplug & dismount your fan. Thoroughly clean everything; pay particular attention to case-vents, and the heatsink "radiator" that usually sits behind the main vent. These have a habit of getting packed solid with dust-bunnies if in a dusty environment, and can form a solid mat if left long enough. Not good for getting rid of heat..!

Once you're good & clean, re-assemble and re-fit the fan, and the CPU/GPU heatsinks. Take note that you'll need to re-apply fresh thermal compound BEFORE re-fitting the heatsinks.

Here's a couple of guides, if you've never done this sort of thing before:-

https://www.maketecheasier.com/properly ... te-to-cpu/

(Full-screen works for Firefox. If you're running Chrome, Chromium, or one of the clones, you'll need to hit the YouTube button and watch it on the main site.)

Not everything is "fixable" with software, y'know! Sometimes, there's no option BUT to dive-in and get your hands dirty.....in your case, you're asking for a workaround for a situation that most people would never allow to develop in the first place. :roll: :shock:

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Eastler_Dart »

Whow, thanks a lot for your responses :-)

I'll take your tips tonight :-) maybe a quarter of year is past, since last cleanup
so I'll do a cleaningnight, lol.

The "Heat" of the lappy, messuring with my fingers while type keys, is from
first day until now since 5 or more years in this temperature, and it runs already.
Thatswhy I think, its not the CPU, its the sensor, who make the problems,
shows more as it really is.

About the layout, it looks nice, it is your design, let it like it is. My thought was,
the programm takes a font from the installed, and it's only to define the
fontname exacter.
It is no really problem, that temperature is shown with other font, than the rest in the tasklist.

again, thanks for your tipps
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by norgo »

thank you for this nice monitoring tool.

Unfortunately there is a permission problem of /tmp/poorercputemp folder generated by application.
Application launch as regular user on a multiuser system or user spot leads to following error message:

Couldn't open /tmp/poorercputemp/temp.svg for writing

I checked this and have to say the permissions are very strange indeed.
After following modification, application I working without problems for me.

Code: Select all

--- old/poorercputemp.c	2020-06-21 07:36:05.000000000 +0200
+++ new/poorercputemp.c	2020-08-22 19:51:14.405453821 +0200
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 	int access_ok = access(TEMP, W_OK);
 	if (access_ok != 0) {
-		if (mkdir(TEMP, 4755) != 0 ) {
+		if (mkdir(TEMP, 0755) != 0 ) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create %s for writing\n", TEMP);
OS Slacko 700 and ArchLinux

Nice tool
thank you once again.
permission of automatically generated temp folder
permission of automatically generated temp folder
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by norgo »

Eastler_Dart wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 3:05 pm ... About the layout, it looks nice, it is your design, let it like it is. My thought was,
the programm takes a font from the installed, and it's only to define the
fontname exacter.
It is no really problem, that temperature is shown with other font, than the rest in the tasklist.

I modified the layout slightly, it's suited for dark themes only.
See screenshot, if you like it let me know.
layout slightly modified
layout slightly modified
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Eastler_Dart »

Hello all :-)

had found some time to diagnost my CelsiusMysterium again :-))

have written a diagnostic tool, which wachtes the sensor-values
( Access-point given from /root/.config/poorercputemp/poorercputemprc )
and remembers the highes found value.

There is also a Value called temp2_max , that says 105° is Maximum for my CPU
and a temp2_crit, which also say 105°

started my tool, then make a maximum use of the cpu until
my fingers cry "tooo hot here", klick on my toolicon in Taskbar,
the Info is 102000, which stands for 102°.

So all seems in given rules - hm
Start PuppySysInfo -> mainboard -> Bios == Release Date: 08/11/2009, Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD
so I say, the Lappy does this since 10 years
( Start PuppySysInfo -> mainboard -> CPU == Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 900 @ 2.20GHz )

If someone also wants to diagnost, here is my tool,
so study it, change it to your situation !!
the Look: Image

The Bashscript (the source of the Temperaturesensorvalues is fix build in,
change the first line to your sensors, you can get a hint from
file /root/.config/poorercputemp/poorercputemprc when 01micko's
poorercputemp is running ):

Code: Select all


# aus dem Systemverzeichnis
   #  /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon0/
   # folgende Daten holen:
   #   ./name        'coretemp'   Name der Temperaturmessung
   #   ./temp2_label 'Core 0'     Name
   #   ./temp2_max   '105000'     MaxTemp
   #   ./temp2_input '46000'      aktuelle Temperatur
   #   ./temp2_crit '105000'      kritisch Temperatur

export laufen=1

# the different colours of different temperatures in an Array
declare -a colours
#echo "Colours-Array[\@]=${colours[@]}   colours-Länge=${#colours[@]} colours[4]=[${colours[4]}]"

# the different show-heights for different temperatures in an Array
declare -a heights   #Max height = -44 lowest +264 = in 5 steps of 44

function GetDatas() {
   if [ -f "$vzchns/name"  ];        then Name=$(cat "$vzchns/name"); fi
   if [ -f "$vzchns/temp2_label" ];  then Label=$(cat "$vzchns/temp2_label"); fi
   if [ -f "$vzchns/temp2_max" ];    then MaxT=$(cat "$vzchns/temp2_max"); echo -n "cat temp2_max="; cat "$vzchns/temp2_max"; fi
   if [ -f "$vzchns/temp2_crit"  ];  then CritT=$(cat "$vzchns/temp2_crit"); fi
   if [ -f "$vzchns/temp2_input"  ]; then AktT=$(cat "$vzchns/temp2_input"); fi

function Checks() {
   #  is actual Temperature ok?
   if [ $AktT -ge 0 ] && [ $AktT -le 110000 ]; then echo "aktTemp scheint nutzbar zu sein"; else echo "aktuelle Temperatur $AktT ist Mist, breche ab"; exit; fi
   # is maximal Temperature ok? if not, take 110
   if [ $MaxT -ge 10000 ] && [ $MaxT -le 110000 ]; then echo "MaxTemp $MaxT scheint nutzbar zu sein"; else MaxT=110000; fi
   # is the main-SVG-Source there?  if not, exit
   if [ ! -f $SvgQuelle ]; then echo "kann $SvgQuelle nicht finden, breche ab"; exit; fi
   # cp main-SVG-Source to /tmp
   cp -f $SvgQuelle /tmp
   if [ ! -L /tmp/ColCels ] ; then   ln -s $(which yad 2>/dev/null) /tmp/ColCels;   fi

function Calculate() {
   # Calculate, if actTemp is verylow, low, normal, high or dangerous
   echo "AktCelsiusPercent=\$((100*$AktT/$MaxT/1000))"
   echo "AktCelsiusPercent=[$AktCelsiusPercent]% ( actual $AktT°    Maximum $MaxT° " #42% at 46°
   echo "DangerClass=[$DangerClass]  height=[${heights[$DangerClass]} from ${heights[0]} to ${heights[4]}  colour=[${colours[$DangerClass]}]" # 42%=1  testet with 110°=100%=DangerClass 4
   # build the line with the changed Values  #height=${heights[$DangerClass]}  #colour=${colours[$DangerClass]}
   NewLine="     d=\"M 172,${heights[$DangerClass]} L 171,300 C 114,323 83,360 83,421 C 83,501 149,566 229,566 C 309,566 374,501 374,421 C 374,357 340,318 279,297 L 279,${heights[$DangerClass]} L 172,${heights[$DangerClass]} L 172,${heights[$DangerClass]} z \"  style=\"fill:${colours[$DangerClass]};fill-opacity:1;stroke:none\" "
   echo "[$NewLine]" #rem this in reallife

function ChangeSvg() {
   # change the Line with colour und GlassSize in /tmp/*.svg
   #    read it line by line, if it was the Line with colour/Size, write the new one, else write as read to a second file in /tmp
   sikifs="$IFS"; IFS=$'\n'
   echo -n "" > $tmptmp
   for line in $(cat /tmp/$SvgFile)
        if [ "${line:0:13}" == '     d="M 172' ]
           then echo "$NewLine" >> $tmptmp;
           else echo "$line" >> $tmptmp
   # remove the /tmp/*.svg and move the new one to *.svg
   rm "/tmp/$SvgFile"
   mv "$tmptmp"  "/tmp/$SvgFile"

function SetHighest() {
   # check if the AktT is the highest recognized in this session  
   if [ -f /tmp/ColCels.dat ]; then HighestT=$(cat /tmp/ColCels.dat); fi
   echo "if [  $AktT > $HighestT ]" 
   if [ $AktT -gt $HighestT ]; then echo -n $AktT >  /tmp/ColCels.dat; echo "höher"; else echo "niedriger";  fi

function WriteInfoWinScript() {
   echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/ColCelsInfo
   echo "MaxTmpFound=$(cat /tmp/ColCels.dat)" >> /tmp/ColCelsInfo

   echo "     export ColCelsInfo='<window title=\"ColCelsInfo\" name=\"Meldung\" window_position=\"2\" decorated=\"true\">
            <text wrap=\"false\"><label>\" the highest Temperature was '\"\$MaxTmpFound\"' \"</label></text>
               <button sensitive=\"true\" can-default=\"true\" has-default=\"true\" tooltip-text=\" close this Window \">
                  <label>Ok, thanks</label>
               <button tooltip-text=\" Finish watching temperature \">
                  <action>SetLaufen 0</action>
   " >> /tmp/ColCelsInfo 
   echo "tmpAntwort=\$(gtkdialog4 --program=ColCelsInfo)" >> /tmp/ColCelsInfo
   chmod 0757 /tmp/ColCelsInfo

# this commented func I use until all works, 
#    it calls the 'click on Temperature in Taskbar' via urxvt, 
#    and DONT't close the urxvt, I had to manually close it, so I can read error-messages before close
#function CallIt() {
#      exec /tmp/ColCels --notification \
#           --command="urxvt --geometry 120x5 -hold -e sh -c \"       /tmp/ColCelsInfo                  \"                " \
#           --text "Klick for highest Temperature"  --image="/tmp/$SvgFile" &

# the real Action for 'Klick on Temperature in Taskbar'
function CallIt() {
      exec /tmp/ColCels --notification \
           --command="sh -c \"   /tmp/ColCelsInfo   \"                " \
           --text "Klick for highest Temperature"  --image="/tmp/$SvgFile" &

function SetLaufen() {
	echo "setze laufen auf $1"
export -f SetLaufen

#    check if ColCels is already running
if [ pidof /tmp/ColCels >/dev/nulll 2>&1 ] ; then exit; fi


# loop every 10 seconds
while [ "$laufen" == 1 ]
      # wait 10 seconds
      sleep 10

and both files (the script and the svg-image as archive:

HINTS: the Button 'Quit' doesn't work :-(
for quit simply typ Ctrl+C (Strg+C) in the starting urxvt-window

for a perfect programm, the opening Window should show more,
for example also the CPU-tyte, the Max-Teperature

expand the archive in a directory, open a shell there,
start the script with HolTemp in the shell
to stop it, type Ctrl+C - or simply close the shell-Window

ahhh, for 01micko: havn't include a FireIcon, but you are right,
it should be in

you can use it as you want, I share it here without any copyright-rule.

Hope it helps someone
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Eastler_Dart »

@norgo YES i like it ! . .but see my screenshot, I don't use a dark-theme :roll:
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by ozsouth »

For some reason, newer pcputemp doesn't work on my Celeron N3350 laptop, so with Mick's permission & thanks to him making source available, I've made poorercputemp .pets which fixes /tmp permission & reduces font size & works on all my laptops - shows 2 digit temp only. Also puts .desktop file in /root/.config/autostart.
NOTE to davids45 - your module is in these .pets.

64bit tested OK in ScPup64, Slacko64-7.0 & Bionicpup64.
32bit tested OK in ScPup & Bionicpup32.
Use at own risk. Install by clicking on it in ROXFiler & restarting X.

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by norgo »

poorercputemp ARM 32

archive contains two binaries.
1. original theme - light-green background and black digits
2. self created theme suited for dark task-bar - transparent background and green, yellow, red digits and rim (depending on CPU temperature)

place the desired binary to /usr/bin
run the poorecputemp.sh script to create a config file
make poorercputemp (binary) autostarting

tested on RPi3 Archlinux32

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Sofiya »

norgo wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:38 pm

I modified the layout slightly, it's suited for dark themes only.
See screenshot, if you like it let me know.

Yes, I like it, I want 64 bit

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by norgo »

Sofiya wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:47 am

Yes, I like it, I want 64 bit

@Sofiya here the x86_64 version

this version is suited for dark theme only
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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Sofiya »

norgo wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:59 am

@Sofiya here the x86_64 version

Thanks a lot @Norgo, works great!

looks great with my theme

снимок.png (22.83 KiB) Viewed 1183 times
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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by geo_c »

@Sofiya here the x86_64 version

Thanks! This is right on time, I have a very old Dell i5 laptop that I have to keep on a cooling pad and runs between 65 and 85 most of the time. gatotray shows the same bogus 27 degree temp and I have to use pupsysinfo to see what the actual temp is. I have the CPUs scaled to on-demand to help, but it still runs hot. I think it's just the design. I seem to remember some of the early multi-thread laptops had these kinds of issues.

also I use custom high contrast dark themes, so this fits right in!

I like the fact that hovering on the icon shows the cpu clock speeds, so no need to fire up HTOP or conky.

Last edited by geo_c on Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: poorercputemp - another tray temp monitor

Post by Sofiya »

for light themes
Temperature display script changed to /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
for more accurate temperature display

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