FrugalPup 24, DiskPup 24, StickPup 24 and f2StickPup 24 - Puppy frugal installer.
Download extra sfs 'frugalpup_24.sfs' (or '') from ... /frugalpup (2.9 MiB).
This release to take advanage of the "vfat" "AUTOSAVE" facility (pupmode=66) recently introduced to the "init-experiment" branch of woof-ce.
'StickPup' now makes use of the "AUTOSAVE" facility. This should result in the automatic creation of a save-archive, on first shutdown, of the installed Puppy.
So there should be no dialogs after the "Save/NoSave" dialog.
(Provided that the 'shutdownconfig' file in the installed Puppy includes the latest "AUTOSAVE" patch.)
'DiskPup' also makes use of the "vfat" "AUTOSAVE" facility if the selected install directory is on a "vfat" partition.
If the installed Puppy does not contain support for "vfat" "AUTOSAVE", then the first-shutdown will proceed with the normal savefile dialog's.
NOTE: None of the "todo" items mentioned in the prevous post are addressed by this release.