WDL_Arch64 openbox pipe menu not liking 2>&1 with >/dev/null

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WDL_Arch64 openbox pipe menu not liking 2>&1 with >/dev/null

Post by wiak »

So yesterday, aside from an old glibc issue I received another bug report from another of my sons (this one a teenager). He had just used pacman to install game wesnoth and suddenly the simple openbox pipe menu I use in published WDL_Arch64 failed to work (with pop-up error message about xdg_menu line producing incompatible pipe menu format).

Anyway, I checked wesnoth's desktop file under /usr/share/applications and found that simple pipe menu didn't like the 2>&1 used in the desktop file's sh -c 'Execute' command. I just removed that and all seems fine. Haven't thought about 'why' since I don't really know how the openbox 'pipe' works, but clearly it is fine with simply >/dev/null (which is also part of the desktop file Execute command) but not if stderr also sent there...

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Re: WDL_Arch64 openbox pipe menu not liking 2>&1 with >/dev/null

Post by step »

I noticed you wrote 2>&1 (correct) in the title but 2&>1 (typo) in the message body.

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Re: WDL_Arch64 openbox pipe menu not liking 2>&1 with >/dev/null

Post by wiak »

step wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:47 pm

Fixed thanks.

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