HowTo upgrade WDLinux glibc

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HowTo upgrade WDLinux glibc

Post by wiak »

My eight year old's WDL_Arch64 booted fine but couldn't start X desktop on his 12 years old laptop this morning.

It is hard to keep up with him - he is continuosly installing newest game versions of MineTest and more. Something he had done apparently had installed new libstdc++ which according to the resultant /var/logs/Xorg.0.log had gone on the blink cos needed newer glibc (2.33 rather than the 2.32 version installed).

So I entered command:

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pacman -Sy glibc

but that refused since unknown to me my son also had multi libs for 32bit installed for some other games... so glibc was dependency of lib32-glibc so needed to upgrade that first.

Anyway, fine, issue resolved using:

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pacman -Sy lib32-glibc

which installed both lib32-glibc and glibc packages - result being latest 2.33 version of glibc and so X working fine now.

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[root@bootstrap ~]# ldd --version
ldd (GNU libc) 2.33

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[root@bootstrap ~]# uname -a
Linux bootstrap 5.11.15-arch1-2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat, 17 Apr 2021 00:22:30 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thank goodness rolling release WDL_Arch64 is so easy to keep up to date or my sons would be hassling me all the time for newer game versions. The eight year old watches everything I do so will not need me to fix glibc version errors next time...
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