From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by rockedge »

Oh NO! That is some really tough news. I can totally understand. I am so impressed with how well dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM is working right now that I can't imagine that the project will just stop dead in it's tracks.

It has been a hard week. I am assuming the rewrites and redirects I crafted are working and I hope the old forum stays fit but I toasted some very important backups and I'm piecing that back together and if I had to do the conversion again though.....

I can't recall ever crashing my Arch or Void versions so I can imagine that it would be a hardware issue that would cause something like that.

Just seems we can't keep the train rolling and the plane in the air without taking some punches. hang in's all coming together and no set back will prevent it.

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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by TerryH »

Who would have thought that a little USB powered bluetooth dongle could have caused so much damage. Presuming that one would have thought that it would function within the USB (1 / 2?) power output. I'm sure I've got a similar device with all the little gadget things I've bought. Generally buy them use them for a short while then they end up in a storage bin.

I hope once things settle that you find you have loss less than it you may have initially thought.

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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by wiak »

TerryH wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:02 pm

Who would have thought that a little USB powered bluetooth dongle could have caused so much damage. Presuming that one would have thought that it would function within the USB (1 / 2?) power output. I'm sure I've got a similar device with all the little gadget things I've bought. Generally buy them use them for a short while then they end up in a storage bin.

I hope once things settle that you find you have loss less than it you may have initially thought.

Oh it was that dongle all right. Don't know exactly why (been checking some pins with multimeter today but I'd need to open it up and sealed device). Lucky didn't destroy main computer (which I thought it had). I have two usb ports on this laptop (usb2) one only guaranteed to provide all but very minimum power and alas I used the other one. I noticed the blue light on the BT receiver dongle flickering when plugged in along with audio connection to speakers - seems like something shorted usb 5v to ground intermittenly and that whacked the internal mSATA device. Now that I have similar mSATA installed (but 32GB rather than previous 128GB) I'm now working towards installing WDL_Arch84 on it (EDIT: I mean Arch64, not got the extra 20 bits added to the data bus yet... maybe later too...), but even I can't do that quite at the moment (having to arrange some bits and pieces first). Meanwhile I'm here booted using old install on SD card... It certainly wasn't a failure of WDL_Arch64 itself - that's the rockest solid distro imaginable - I throw everything at it and it never fails me (whatever I want to install or facility I want to use).

The problem with dpkg_apt builds is that I had various notes (now lost) that temporarily were part of my build process - I do still have copies of the actual build scripts I used to create that, but not polished yet and still need to do a few manual steps as described to me in these now lost notes - certainly I could regenerate these, at cost of time to myself, and the main build script used would allow me to build similar for next LT release of Ubuntu, or any Debian-based system for that matter. We will see later - too many other things to now recover best I can. Back to work for me... Needing to learn this: ... cess-token
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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by wiak »

Now have new build of WDL_Arch64 on the new 32GB SSD, with cherrytree included and so at least I now have access to my last backed up cherrytree notes files (not everything, but at least back in business to some extent...).

Using the latest dev build script versions so has the new external w_init and also the capability to use either sfs or uncompressed 00firmware addon. Running fine, so I'm happy to be back on the old machine...
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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by wiak »

Alas, I spoke to soon. The brand new mSATA SSD device has now fried also in my dev machine, which has clearly some unusual internal damage that coincided immediately on my trying out that el-cheapo BlueTooth audio receiver (only plugged into the laptop for usb power - nothing supposed to be to do with the laptop otherwise...).

My dev laptop continues to operate via simple SD card boot, but I do wonder if some voltage regulator is not doing its job internally in the laptop now, and that the surviving-thus-far SD card is struggling silently prior to also kicking the bucket.

An expensive time. I was already feeling a bit down because of cherry-picking of dev WeeDogLinux code/idea/algorithm without acknowledgement, and other Puppy dev's clear lack of any spirit of distro collaboration (rather the opposite to say the least). Then there was that Pup-biased forum 'moderator' who saw fit to move my HowTo thread to almost invisible WeeDog subforum space after my moving it out of a complaining Puppy-dev's boot-related thread into a separate thread of my own under House Training->HowTo. I guess I am guilty of not 'sooking-in' like some of the other Dog-named distro devs.

What an un-sharing lot some, at least, of these Puppy distro devs are; soul destroying in their insecurity really (well I suspect they have a lot to be insecure about). Of course existing House-Training->HowTo thread in no way indicated 'un-collaborative Puppy-only area' and with admin rights I could have unilaterally changed Beginners and Users sub-sections to be more forum-distro-agnostic (and either, removed, or moved that 'moderator' to at most allowing his moderation of 'Mainline Puppy distros subsection'), and thus more encouraging of collaboration and sharing. However, I consider my rockedge-given admin rights a privilege rather than a right to step on the toes of any others (including Puppy moderators, who clearly imagine more toe-stepping powers of their un-cooperative own).

Anyway, if you are reading this description of 'disaster' you have left the secure Puppy environment and are in WeeDogLinux segregated compound.

I have given up pushing for collaboration in such a forum, preferring now to leave the insecure Puppy-dev lot (and a few of their minions) to their distro-competition worries/attitude. I have no doubt personally, however, that collaboration and sharing is the key in any recipe for a better community (and probably much better distros too) - that that attitude lacks in some major quarters here makes this 'forum' a smaller and less significant place.

Main thing for me now is that I have to dig out some other potential machines for my home-grown WDL ongoing, no longer so open and public, development efforts, so good time for overall short to medium length development computing break, I suppose.
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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by Duprate »

Hello, Wiak! Do not be overwhelmed by temporary misfortune. Never give up! You are doing a great and revolutionary job! If it can be an incentive, using your "magic initrd" WDLGO, I can normally use FatDog64, DebianDog Bullseye, BionicPup64 and Slacko64. I will still test others. So, its work allows users to opt for overlayfs and no longer depend on a patch (aufs) in the kernel that is not recognized by Linus Torvalds. Of course, this is a partial way of using your creation, but it demonstrates the versatility, the universality of your work. It demonstrates that only the initrd WDLGO, is already a complete work, in its functionality.

When I used windows, I lost some hard drives and a lot of work inside them! Since then, I use an external hard drive for backups.

Good luck and best wishes!

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Re: From WeeDogLinux: dpkg_apt_multiuserPAM for Puppy (experimental)

Post by bark-woof-fetch »

Duprate wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:37 pm

Hello, Wiak! Do not be overwhelmed by temporary misfortune. Never give up! You are doing a great and revolutionary job!

what Duprate said.

Appreciate your POW and you explain it sensibly for an outsider but it makes me a bit sad on behalf of the overall Puppy family well-being. Your work is clearly visionary and on a high technical level as are many other contributors. It's very unfortunate if too much mental and practical bandwidth is wasted on disagreements and disappointments. I sincerely believe frugal Puppy or Dogs of any kind could benefit so many users out there struggling with basic system maintenance and I hope WDL will grow into a good base for many of them.


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