Love puppy but I wish...

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Love puppy but I wish...

Post by Makarovnik »

I love using puppy linux. My only complaint is when using two monitors I have problems with icons and such not fitting on the desktop (out of view or outside of screen borders). I also have a problem with maximized windows going off the edge of screen 1 (primary) and overlapping onto second monitor (which is not the same size). I only have this problem with JWM. Not a problem running just openbox or when running proper desktop like lxde.

I'm wondering if there is a way to install openbox and/or lxde on latest version of puppy that is user friendly for a somewhat newbie (maybe with tint2 panel also). Also a window manager switcher kind of like lxpup64 slackware. Now I tried lxpup64 slackware and loved it. No problems as described above. Only problem is I found it impossible to get my brother mfc-7360n printer scanner working even after hours of research and trying different things. I think slackware kind of sucks and is not as user friendly compared ubuntu or debian.

Next I tried the current lxpup based on ubuntu. Loved it except it is only available in 32 bit. I really want a 64 bit os.

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. Any advice would be much appreciated. PS I tried porteus and found it unreliable and a bit too heavy compared to puppy. Puppy is by far the fastest especially if running from usb flash drive.

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Re: Love puppy but I wish...

Post by ozsouth »

@Makarovnik - you could try (at own risk) locking screen resolution:
exit to prompt (ctrl-alt-backspace) then run xorgwizard & set your screen res. Then run xwin.

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Re: Love puppy but I wish...

Post by peebee »

You can add an LXDE ydrv to both FossaPup64 and BionicPup64...... frugal installs!

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Re: Love puppy but I wish...

Post by bigpup »

What is the computer?
Specifically the graphics hardware?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Love puppy but I wish...

Post by Makarovnik »

Thanks for all the suggestions, you guys are awesome. The suggestion for adding lxde desktop as a ydrv is what I tried first. This works beautifully and gave me exactly what I was looking for: basically works like lxpupsc64 but uses ubuntu packages. Here is how I did it so I can run puppy from usb on a uefi system. In this example I am using bionicpup64.

1. Format usb flash drive in fat32 with a space on the end for a 1gb-4gb ext2 partition (for pupsave file folder/persistence). No need to set a boot flag.

2. Downloaded a copy of grub2 uefi bootloader from here: ... 6_64-1.txz
This tarball works for 64bit ubuntu as well as slackware puppies. They also have a 32bit version.

3. Extract the tarball and rename it bootx64.efi

4. On the flash drive create directory EFI/boot then copy bootx64.efi to the boot directory.

5. Extract the contents of your 64bit puppy .iso and copy these files to the root directory of the flash drive: vmlinuz, initrd.gz, puppy_bionicpup64_8.0.sfs, zdrv_bionicpup64_8.0.sfs

6. Download the appropriate ydrv lxde add-on for your puppy version from here: ... LXDE-ydrv/
In my case ydrv_bionicpup64_8.0.sfs.

7. Copy ydrv_bionicpup64_8.0.sfs to the root directory of the flash drive so it resides with the other files copied in step 5 above.

8. On the root of the flash drive, create a new file named "grub.cfg" and fill it with the following code:

Code: Select all

 linux /vmlinuz [boot options/cheat codes]

 initrd /initrd.gz

Start up your machine and choose to boot from your flash drive.

I set up my dual monitors from menu item: monitor settings (lxrandr) then I went into the openbox configuration and changed the setting so new windows would open on the monitor with the mouse and I have a nice portable linux on a stick that I can run from my laptop plus an extra monitor.

Thanks to everyone who responded and thank you peebee for the .sfs that brought it all together.

I dreamed I was Hitler; ruler of the sea, ruler of the universe, ruler of the supermarket. - Poly Styrene

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