I love using puppy linux. My only complaint is when using two monitors I have problems with icons and such not fitting on the desktop (out of view or outside of screen borders). I also have a problem with maximized windows going off the edge of screen 1 (primary) and overlapping onto second monitor (which is not the same size). I only have this problem with JWM. Not a problem running just openbox or when running proper desktop like lxde.
I'm wondering if there is a way to install openbox and/or lxde on latest version of puppy that is user friendly for a somewhat newbie (maybe with tint2 panel also). Also a window manager switcher kind of like lxpup64 slackware. Now I tried lxpup64 slackware and loved it. No problems as described above. Only problem is I found it impossible to get my brother mfc-7360n printer scanner working even after hours of research and trying different things. I think slackware kind of sucks and is not as user friendly compared ubuntu or debian.
Next I tried the current lxpup based on ubuntu. Loved it except it is only available in 32 bit. I really want a 64 bit os.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. Any advice would be much appreciated. PS I tried porteus and found it unreliable and a bit too heavy compared to puppy. Puppy is by far the fastest especially if running from usb flash drive.