And josejp2424's solution, viewtopic.php?p=7439#p7439. Thanks, josejp2424.

Figured someone may want to find that information if more fans try pulseaudio under Puppies.
Moderator: Forum moderators
Not to come across as TOO 'disparaging', but I'm afraid my personal opinion is always going to be the same. If you insist on using PulseAudio, then you fully deserve EVERY problem it throws up.
I don't care if it IS 'standard' on mainstream distros. It's just an 'extra', completely superfluous layer that simply adds bloat to Puppies. (I always thought that we apply the K.I.S.S principle to Pups, anyway.....no?)
Sorry an' all that.
Thankyou mikeslr,
I haven't encountered this problem yet but likely will and I'm glad a solution was found. I know that pulseaudio isn't the preferred puppy solution but one thing that I like about puppy is the ease of experimentation. I also like josejp2424 dpup buster CE a lot which uses pulse audio. I like to assume that puppy builds that choose pulseaudio and those that don't have good reasons to do so and I confess that I don't know enough about these packages to have an informed opinion on which is better. Let's not let our preferences be a hindrance to sharing knowledge and helping each other learn.
@s243a :-
s243a wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:35 pmThankyou mikeslr,
I haven't encountered this problem yet but likely will and I'm glad a solution was found. I know that pulseaudio isn't the preferred puppy solution but one thing that I like about puppy is the ease of experimentation. I also like josejp2424 dpup buster CE a lot which uses pulse audio. I like to assume that puppy builds that choose pulseaudio and those that don't have good reasons to do so and I confess that I don't know enough about these packages to have an informed opinion on which is better. Let's not let our preferences be a hindrance to sharing knowledge and helping each other learn.
Don't get me wrong. There's folks who DO like it, I know.....but it just isn't for me. I've never got on with it, and it takes a lot of doing to set it up correctly on a system that never originally used it. It CAN be done, and yes, there's 'workarounds' for everything.
I agree that personal preferences shouldn't get in the way of sharing knowledge, but I've yet to come across the individual who knows absolutely all there IS to know about computing, and is equally good at everything, too... (*shrug*)
We all have our strengths & weaknesses, of course. Some will always be better at some things than others are.