Edit: the title has been changed from "Create Menu Entry for Application designed to Run in Console" to reflect the actual solution. Edit: Changed back to original title per objection by MochiMoppel who also provided solution to origimal request, viewtopic.php?p=141111#p141111. While what I wanted was solved in a different manner, being able to initiate a terminal with arguments is, itself, very useful. Recipes for doing that will be easier to find under the original title.
Desiring a simple password generator, I found this post, https://itsfoss.com/password-generators-linux/. AFAICT, Revelation is no longer supported; and as it says "Now in Keepassx, there is no easy way to get to the password generator." The others all expect to be run via a terminal. Both Diceware and xkcdpass at least allow me to first open Lxterminal so that i can copy the 'passphrase' generated befor closing the terminal. But pwgen uses some terminal which doesn't enable copying its contents.
I also found a nice 'one-liner' using urandom I can run under lxterminal (or any terminal):
for i in $(seq 1 10); do echo $(tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' < /dev/urandom | head -c 16); done
Changing the argument following -c determines the length of the password.
I use lxterminal because, like geany, there are menu entries for 'cutting and pasteing'. My mind understand's 'Middle-Click'; but my fingers do not. Maybe I'm using in wrong, but Middle-Click under urxvt enables me to copy selected content into urxvt itself, but no where else.
I am of an age where 'out-of-sight'='doesn't exist', and as I've written many times, I have the memory of a sieve. So I wanted to create an applications with a menu entry which would open lxterminal and have it call any of the following: the above script, diceware or xkcdpass. I usually don't have problems writing simple scripts to call applications; nor providing the argument in a /usr/share/...desktop's Exec= line to initiate a script or start an application. But how do you write either (a) a script which will first open Lxterminal and have it run a script; or (b) have the Exec line open Lxterminal and open another application or script? AND KEEP IT OPEN? Some of my efforts resulted in something momentarily on display, then closing too soon to figure out what.
IIRC, having the desktop's Terminal= argument be true either didn't work at all, or opened in Urxvt but closed immediately.
Or alternatively, how to pass the output of the passwords/passphrase generated to a text file?